Chapter 7 ✔️

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Dear Diary

I hate Mondays. Probably more than Garfield does. I mean who doesn't? What I hate more is being woken up before I actually need to be awake.


" Ally answer your phone before I allow the unicorns to eat it!" I hear Emily yell from her bed.

I almost fall out of my bed from the sudden noise. You just don't yell at someone when they are sleeping. Thinking back to what Emily said I look over at my phone that is currently ringing. I thought that sound was only in my dream. I hate it when that happens.

I reach over for my phone. It's 5 am. Whoever is calling better be on the verge of dying for waking me up this early. My first class only starts at 11am so I was planning on sleeping till at least 10am. Damn it.

"Are you dying?" I answer the call.

The line is silent for a second before I hear an all too familiar laugh. Tyler.

" No I'm not but thank you for the concern." he replies.

I rub my eyes as I try and calm down. I'm definitely not a morning person and I'm even worse when I get woken up for nothing.

" Then why the hell are you calling me at 5 fucking am?" I snap which earns me a groan from Emily.

How did he even manage to get my number? I swing my legs over to the side of my bed and let a yawn out.

" Want to go watch the sunrise?" Tyler asks.

Is he being serious now?

" So you woke me up to ask if I want to watch the sunrise with you? You being someone I struggle to tolerate."

I look outside to see it's still dark outside. I personally believe that no one should be up before the sun is up. There is just no point in beginning your day when the sun is still sleeping.

" Well first it was a question but now I'm telling you that we are going to watch the sunrise. I'm already outside so hurry up your fine little ass before we miss it." Tyler voices through the phone. Before I can argue further he ends the call.

I sigh as I get out of my bed. There is no point in trying to go back to sleep. I've been up too long for my brain to shut down and let me continue on sleeping. I walk over to my wardrobe and change into a pair of gray sweatpants and one of my old hoodies. I slip on my ugg boots and quickly go into the en-suite to brush my teeth. Pulling my hair into a messy bun I leave the room.

Once I step outside the building I see Tyler sitting in a black Range Rover. He doesn't notice me as I climb into the passenger seat. I don't say anything as I buckle myself in. Thank the good Lord above that his seat belt works.

" You clean up nice." Tyler comments as he drives off.

I mutter a reply as I rest my head on the seat and close my eyes. Tyler turns up the volume in the car as Circles by Post Malone starts playing. Man I love this song. As we drive off I can't help but start singing along to the lyrics in a low voice. It's just one of those songs. It continues like this until I hear Tyler start singing along. It doesn't take long before the both of us are singing along at the top of our lungs.

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