s e v e n t e e n

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Word Count: 1153 

Erin's POV: 

"Mads and Jaden" was all I managed to get out before I burst out crying, I walked out of the Apple store after realising everyone was staring at me which wasn't helping, I was walking so fast that the girls couldn't keep up with me except from Ellie "Erin?", I didn't answer her "Erin, what the fuck did you mean Mads and Jaden?" I kept walking until I couldn't, Ellie stood in front of me, I looked up, "Erin, what do you mean Mads and Jaden?" she asked more gently then last time, the other girls came over,more tears falling from my eyes "how about we go and get drinks and you can calm down and talk to us" Nessa suggested, I just nodded not able to form words. I went and sat at a table whilst the girls went to get our drinks as I was just about calm I got a message...


babycakes: hi baby girl, how is your shopping going? I just wanted to make sure you are okay cause you didn't seem yourself this morning. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't  because I miss you and your cuddles, I haven't had a kiss today! anyway just wanted to check up on you because I haven't heard from you all day love you lots xxx " 

The message made me cry even more, the fact that he was pretending to care about me, I saw the girls start walking to the table so I tucked my phone into my pocket and  started playing with my fingers, "hey baby girl" Addison said, which of course only made me tear up thinking about Jaden "hi" I managed to croak out as they all sat down "right Erin can you please tell us what, that, was about?" Ellie said, I took a deep breath "well this morning I woke up and Jaden wasn't in the bed so I went downstairs to see where he was but as I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard Payton and Jaden talking in the kitchen I listened and heard Payton tell Jaden that I deserve to know the truth and he said 'but she asked you about Mads yesterday,perfect opportunity to tell her about her' and then and there on those stairs i went numb" I said trying so hard not to cry "awww Erin" Addison, Cynthia and Nessa said "I am going to fucking kill him, I told him not to hurt you, I fucking knew it" Ellie said scrunching her hands up into fists, a single tear fell because right now I felt I had run out of tears "he isn't worth your time but the thing that upsets me the most right now is the fact that he still pretends to care about me" I said pulling my phone from my pocket and throwing it on the table, they picked up the phone and all red the messages.

Jaden's POV:

I woke up and saw Erin still sleeping I decided I was going to let her sleep peacefully. I walked downstairs and saw Payton "hey" he said "hi" i replied "Jaden?" Payton started "yeah?" "why did you not tell Erin about Mads?" Payton asked me, honestly I didn't tell Erin for her own safety. "because She has already been through enough in the past 48 odd hours, why add this in on top of it causing more stress and possible pain?" I said "because she deserves to know Jaden" he said and I know she does but I just need to tell her when I feel she is ready "what she doesn't know won't hurt her" I said quite literally "but she did ask you about Mads yesterday, perfect opportunity to tell her about her" Payton said making a good point "I just can't right now" I said to Payton, grabbing my coffee fresh from the machine, I sat down at the bunker as Payton walked away and sat a thought for what felt like seconds but apparently was an hour because I heard the girls walk down the stairs "we are going boys" Cynthia shouted, all the boys came down the stairs saying goodbye, I put my mug in the sink and walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway where are the girls were stood standing including Erin, our eyes made contact, still gives me butterflies, I smiled but, she didn't instead she looked away, weird I thought as I started walking over to them, as I got closer almost close enough to hug Erin she moved grabbed the car keys and said "let's go girls" walking out the front door before I could get to her "I want a kiss baby" I said but she obviously didn't hear me because she just continued walking to the car, she got in and they drove off. "that was odd" I said getting the boys attention "did Erin seem..." I said trying to find the words "off? to you guys?" I asked "honestly yes she didn't hug you, kiss you or even say 'bye Jay'" Quinton said mocking Erin "hey stop don't talk about my baby girl like that" I said giving him a look, I decided I was just going to leave it and go back to bed, I went back to my room and tried to sleep I got about 30 minutes of sleep but I couldn't sleep because I missed Erin and her cuddles, so i  decided to text her...


Jaden: hi baby girl, how is your shopping going?, I just wanted to make sure you are okay cause you didn't seem yourself this morning. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't because I miss you and your cuddles, I haven't had a kiss today! anyway just wanted to check up on you because I haven't heard from you all day love you lots xxx sent 10:39 am                                                                  read 10:40 am 

Something is wrong with Erin, I just don't know what. I was thinking what she could be annoyed at me for but nothing came to mind so I knew what I was going to do, I walked downstairs walking into the kitchen where all the boys are "boys" I said "what do you want Jaden?" Josh said "we are going to go check up on the girls" I said "does someone miss Erin?" Payton laughed "yes I do but I also feel like something is wrong, like something happened to upset her" I explain genuinely upset that she could be upset "boys let's go" I said throwing the boys shoes at them. We got into the car and started driving "right guys shoosh I am calling her" I said,my heart racing, 1 ring, 2 ring, 3 ring and half way through the fourth ring I heard her voice "hello?" I heard her say... 

"hi Mads"  

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