Chapter 1

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"Hold mommy's hand while we walk baby." My mommy tells me as we walk down the street. We went to the park today so now we are walking back home. Mommy says we gotta get home to eat supper with daddy! My daddy is usually never home for supper but mommy said tonight he is! It's very late out right now though. I don't think but one car has pasted us and the only lights are the street lights but I don't mind cus I have my mommy with me.
Mommy's phone starts ringing so she uses her free hand to pull it out.

"Hey! Yes babe we are almost home. Okay we will. Love you too. Bye." She says into the phone. I think that was my daddy cus she calls him babe all the time. She goes to put her phone back in her purse but she drops it on the ground.

"I get it mommy!" I tell her as I bend down to pick it up.

"Thank you ba-" she's cut off by a loud boom. I'm not sure what made the loud boom, but the boom is followed by my mommy screaming. She's facing the other way too so I turn around to look where she is looking. When I turn around I see a big man in black mask that covers his whole face and he's holding a gun! Mommy says you should never ever play with guns because they are dangerous. Mommy pushes me behind her and screams at the man.

"Here take my purse and leave us alone!"
My mommy threw her purse at the man but the man just let it fall to the ground.

"I don't want your purse." The man growls lowly and takes a step towards us. I don't understand what's going on but mommy looks scared and the man looks mean.

"Th-then what do you want?" My mommy asked the man.

"My son." The man said as he lifted the gun up and shot my mommy. I screamed as her body fell to the ground.

"Run baby run!" My mommy yells at me so I take off running but I'm not fast enough as the guy jerks me up in his arms and puts a white rag over my mouth. Slowly everything turned dark as I lose consciousness.

"OLI GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I'm brought out of my dream by my father yelling at me from the house. Crap i fell asleep under the tree again and I didn't wake up before he got back. Meaning I don't even have supper done. I'm so dead. I jump up and go running towards the house to see my father standing at the door looking angry.

"Where have you been?" He asked me sternly as I make it to the back door of the cabin. It's an old wooden cabin surrounded by nothing but woods. If you don't know these woods you could get lost really easily, I found that out the hard way, which makes it the best place for my fathers hobby.

"I-im sorry father I-I fell asleep under the tree again." I mumbled with my head down. Just like I knew I would i received a slap to the cheek causing my head to turn from the force of the slap.

"YOU LAZY IDIOT! YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST LAY AROUND HERE AND SLEEP AND NOT DO ANY WORK ALL DAY? DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I WORK JUST SO YOU CAN HAVE A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD AND FOOD IN YOUR STOMACH? HUH? WELL DO YOU?" He yells at me. I knew I shouldn't have laid under the tree this late in the day. Im so stupid! Especially after I barely got any sleep last night. What is wrong with me? Why can't I do anything right?

"I-im sorry. I-i can get started on supper right away s-sir." I studder out. I know there's no use in making an excuse. He won't listen to me anyways.

"You better and it better be done by the time I get out of the shower you hear me? If not you won't eat tonight." He threatens and takes off up stairs to shower. Which means I have maybe 30 minutes to figure out what to cook and to actually cook it.

After looking through the cabinets I decided to heat up some grilled cheese and tomato soup. I open the can of soup and pour it into a boiler and let it heat up as I get everything out to make the grilled cheese. Before I was brought here I didn't even know how to make a bowl of cereal but father taught me how to make just about anything and everything.

I actually kinda enjoy cooking. It helps take my mind off of everything else. I wonder if since I've been here longer he will let me turn the radio on while I cook. I use to love listening to music and sometimes when he's in a good mood he will turn some on for us to listen to.

I put the last grilled cheese on his plate as I hear the shower cut off. I quickly spoon out some soup into two bowls, giving my self only a small portion because I'm not allowed to have alot to eat then I set both bowls and plates on the table with spoons and a cup of water for me and a opened bottle of beer for him. He just wants to keep me healthy so I don't have to have any visits to the Dr and to make sure none of the prisoners he brings in can over power me and escape. I also have a set of exercises I have to do everyday to keep me in shape and to help with all the digging I have to do.

I wait standing behind my chair just like I've been taught to do. Rule number 563 Father is always the first to sit at the table and you don't sit until told to.

Finally after a few minutes of waiting I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs. I hope he's not still mad at me and let's me eat. I haven't had anything all day. He walks into the kitchen with nothing but a pair of shorts on. His hairy beer gut poking out of them. I run to the other side of the table and pull his chair out for him just enough so that he can sit down. I return back to my side and wait for him to give me permission to sit. He looks at his food and picks up a piece of the grilled cheese and dips it in his soup.
Man that looks so good. Before I know it my stomach growls. I hold my breath hoping he didn't hear it, but of course with my luck he did.

"Are you hungry boy?" He teases me.

I lower my head and slowly shake my head yes.

"Well I guess you better sit down and eat. We don't want you wasting away now do we?" He says while motioning for me to sit down.

"Thank you sir!" I thank him and sit down and start eating. Welcome to part of my everyday routine.

So this is my new book! I hope everyone likes it! What are your thoughts so far? And what do you think of the father? Don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! I follow people back!

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