Chapter 14

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Oli's pov

It hasn't even been a full day since Asher was out of the shed and he's done nothing but cause trouble. I tried to tell father this was a bad idea but he never listens to me. Right now I'm about ready to go against father and just lock him back up. He's getting on my nerves worse than Cole does. I have simply asked him a hundred times to cut up the carrots for the beef stew I'm making since father insisted that Asher help, but he can't even do that! The first time I asked him to cut them he took the knife, which by the way was a butter knife thankfully, and chunked it at the door then took a carrots and threw them in the garbage! Do you know how wasteful that is! Father will be mad if he sees them in the garbage so I had to pick them out, wash them, and hand them back to him! Honestly he's worse than a child. The rest of the times I've asked him he would just ignore me and cross his arms over his chest.

"Asher come on! If we don't have dinner ready soon father will be mad! So please just cut the carrots." I practically beg him. He just ignores me like he doesn't hear me.
"If you dont do your part then father won't let you or Cole eat! Is that what you want? Do you want Cole to not be able to eat?"

He glares at me but finally speaks to me, "Fine ill cut them but you have to give me a cutting knife instead of this butter knife! A butter knife won't cut anything."

"A butter knife is all your getting so either cut them or go back to the shed." I jump as father walks into the kitchen and grips Asher on the shoulders which causes him to jump slightly.

"Don't touch me!" Asher mumbles as he tries to shrug fathers hands off his shoulders. Father just grips them tighter causing Asher to shrink away from the pain. "Fine! Fine! Ill do it." Asher says as he grabs the knife and reluctantly starts chopping up the carrots.

"Good boy. Now I expect dinner to be ready in an hour I'm starving so hurry it up." Father says as he turns around to go back to the livingroom. Cole is also in the livingroom with him playing with his toys so he'd stay out of the way.

"Yeah try not eating for a whole week." Asher mumbles under his breath. He tried to say it low enough father didn't hear him but he failed. Usually this would be where father says something along the lines of yeah well you can make that another day of you not eating or something like that but instead he just slaps Asher on the back of the head and keeps walking.

Finally Asher finishes with the carrots and puts them in a bowl for me and then sits back in the chair with his arms crossed.

"Good your done! Now will you wash those dishes up while I finish making the stew. Washing them now makes it way easier to finish washing up later and we can go to bed sooner." I ask him. I really just don't feel like washing the dishes since I've basically done all the cooking.

He glares at me a minute then decides it's not worth the fight as he gets up and starts washing the dishes.

"Thanks" I say sarcastically. I continue stirring the stew. "You wanna go tell them it ready while I put the food in bowls?"

He huffs as an answer but then a smirk goes across his face. "FOODS READY!" He screams as loud as he can. I quickly cover my ears to block him out.

"Really dude? He isn't gonna come like that. You have to go in there and tell him." I tell him as I set the first two bowls down. He rolls his eyes but stands up and goes in there anyways. Once I get all the bowls down and the drinks on the table Asher comes walking back in the kitchen with Father and Cole following him. Asher has a large red hand print on his face so father must have slapped him for yelling. Good he needs to learn his lesson! When he glares at me I give him a fake smile and stand behind the chair. By now Cole knows to stand behind the chair and wait but Asher doesn't. He sits down immediately before father sits down. Father sees this and jerks Asher up by his hair.

"Ouch! Let go!" Asher complains while grabbing the top of his head to loosen the pain.

"You never sit or eat before I tell you to!" Father tells him. Asher stands behind his chair looking at me and Cole as father sits down.

"Oli, Cole you may sit down." Me and Cole sit down but Asher remains standing. He's gritting his teeth in an attempt to keep his mouth shut. He's gripping the back of his chair so bad his knuckles are turning white. "You two may eat." Father tells me and Cole. He takes a bite of his stew and doesn't even glance up at Asher. Father's testing Asher to see how long it will take for him to blow or if he will stay calm until father allows him to sit. Me and Cole continue eating while Asher stands there rocking back and forth on his heals.

"Asher you may sit and eat." Father finally tells him. Asher pulls his chair back out and we all eat in silence.

"Papa can I have some more?" Cole asks once he eats the rest of his.

"No you've had enough for now." Father tells Cole which Asher to stop eating.

"Here Cole you can have my bowl." Asher says pushes his bowl over to Cole who is seated right in front of him.

"No I said had enough. If your not hungry you can throw your food away." Father grabs the bowl up and puts it back in front of Asher.

"I'm not eating when my brother is sitting there still hungry!" Asher snaps.

"He's had plenty to eat today and he needs to get use to it! Normally I don't allow breakfast but I'm being nice don't make me regret it!" Father snaps back. Asher shuts up for now but doesn't eat.

Everyone finally gets done eating and I wash the dishes not even bothering to ask Asher to help. Father goes to the livingroom and Cole takes Asher upstairs to show him the bedroom. Once I get done I walk into the livingroom to make sure father doesn't need anything.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed father. Unless you need me to do something else." I tell him.

"No I'm fine." He answers me without taking his eyes off the tv.

"Okay good night father." I say.

"Oli wait." He stops me before I can walk out.

"Sir?" I ask.

"I want you to watch him good tonight. I'm sure he will try to run. Wake me up immediately if he tries anything, but let him run. I want him to get his hopes up so he will learn he can't escape." He commands me.

"Yes sir." I answer before turning around and heading up stairs. We've all three got to share a room. It use to be just one bed for me but father has moved in some bunk beds for Cole and Asher to share. The rooms just big enough for the few things that are in it. Between the beds is two chest-of-drawers one for me and one for them to share. Cole has a few of his toys father got him thrown around the room. Both him and Asher are asleep on the bottom bunk. Asher's hold Cole tight against his chest with Coles bunny in between them. I take off my shoes and get into bed. I wish I could go to sleep but if I do I won't hear him leaving. *sigh* tonight's gonna be a long night!

There's another chapter!! Hope you enjoy!! Give me your thoughts!

So do you think Asher will try to run during the night?? Or do you think he will stay put??

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! Also if you know anyone that may like this book share it with them!! Thanks!!

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