Chapter 3

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After finishing with the questions, which took a while, I put everything back in it's place and started heading up the stairs.

"W-wait! C-can I have s-something to eat please." The boy asked causing me to stop and turn back around towards him. Wow he's already terrified and he hasn't even really met father yet.

"No not yet." I always have to keep my sentences to them short that way they will eventually stop talking to me. He starts begging me again but I just ignore him and continue up the stairs. I unlock the trap door and head out closing and locking it behind me once I'm out. Father left the porch light on meaning he's probably passed out in front of the TV. Which means I have the unfortunate duty of waking him up and getting him to his bed. I left him there once and as you probably guessed it didn't turn out real well for me. I walk in and go straight to the living room. The tv is still playing the news as I start to clean up the empty beer bottles off the coffee table that sits in front of the couch. I take them to the garbage can in the kitchen. Gah I'm gonna have to take this out to the truck soon. We don't have garbage pick up this far out in the woods so when the bags get full he takes them on his way to work and throws them in a dump. After throwing the bottles away I go back into the livingroom and pick up the remote to turn the TV off pausing and setting the remote down when something catches my attention on it. I stare at the screen and see a picture flashing across it of a little boy that looks familiar.

"It has been exactly 9 years today since 6 year old Oliver James Picket has gone missing. There is still no evidence as to what happened to him all those years ago but his parents, along with the rest of the community, still believe that he might be alive." A woman who I'm guessing is a news reporter say. Then it switches to an older man and woman. It takes me a minute to realize who it is. My dad and mom! Wait! She's still alive! I thought he killed her! Oh my gosh my moms still alive! I feel tears roll down my face as I watch the screen.

"Please if anyone knows anything about where our baby might be let us know! We miss him so much! Oli baby if you're watching this just know we-" I didn't get to hear the rest as the tv suddenly shut off. I jump knowing I've been caught.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Before I can speak I'm jerked up to my feet my a strong grip in my hair. "YOU ARE MINE AND ONLY MINE! I AM YOUR FATHER NOT HIM!" I'm in to much shock to say anything as he drags me to my room upstairs.

I know I need to fight back. To scream, kick, fight, anything but I can't. I learned years ago not to fight back. It only causes more pain in the end. So instead I just think about my family, my real family. My mama, she-shes alive! He told me she was dead. That i would never see her again. Which I guess the last part is real. There's no way to ever escape this place.

"ARE YOU HEARING ANYTHING IM SAYING TO YOU?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my father hitting me in the stomach causing me to double over in pain.

"I-im sorry!" I get out between gasps.

He calms down a little bit as he sees my tears. Ever since I got here I've never cried. Not one time. Even when he was torturing me I didn't cry. Why? I don't know! I guess I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Hey hey it's okay. I'm sorry don't cry! I just don't want anyone to take you away from me. You're my son and no one is going to change that. Shh don't cry. Come here and give me a hug." He pulls me into a hug that I have no choice but to be in. He can be sweet sometimes it's just very rare. He says he loves me because I'm his son and sometimes I believe it. I know he kidnapped me and forced me to be here but he's the only one thats been there for me as I was growing up. I know you're probably thinking it's just Stockholm syndrome but it's not. He can actually be a good guy... When he wants to be or when I don't constantly mess things up. I mean I mess things up so often even I would get mad at me if it were the other way around.

"Hey let's get you in bed yeah?" I just nod my head yes as he leads me to my bed. He stops by the kitchen sitting me in a chair at the table and pouring me a glass of water. He hands it to me to drink so I drink it. It tastes funny but I don't think anything of it because I'm so tired. Finally we head upstairs and he lays me in my bed.

"Good night baby boy! I love you." He says as he kisses my head and leaves the room living my door part ways opened.

"I love you too father."

Yay! 3 chapters in one day! Also sorry this chapter did a total 180 but oh well! Don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! :D

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