Chapter 17

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I apologize in advance! :(

Asher's pov

It's been a few days since we were caught escaping. They haven't let me see Cole at all. I'm really worried about him but they won't even tell me if he's okay. Oli has only been down here once since then and that was the day after to make sure I wasn't bleeding to death. Once I came to after the man knocked me out it felt like hours before the man came back down and whipped me until I was close to passing out again. After he left Oli came in to tend to my back. It hurt like crazy when he poured the cleaning alcohol on it. I begged him to tell me if Cole was okay but he wouldn't say anything. He just quickly cleaned me up and then left. I wish they would bring me something to eat I'm starving! Why did I ever think we could escape. I shouldn't have been so stupid. I should have just waited a few days. Gained their trust first and then escaped. Maybe then I would have had time to make it to that town before they found us. I should have known they would be watching for us to escape that night! Next time I need to just do as they say and then once they let their guard down escape or maybe I can somehow convince Oli to help us escape and to come with us! Ha! Yeah right! He's to brainwashed for that to work. He'd just run and tell f-the man our plans. Ugh he's getting into my head now. I can't let that happen for Coles sake!

Suddenly I'm brought out of me thoughts by the door opening then I hear one pair of footsteps coming down. Once they reach the bottom the light flickers on and I see Oli standing right at the bottom on the steps.

"Why couldn't you just have behaved? Why couldn't you just listen like you were told to?" He asked me with regret in his voice. Why is he saying it like that?

"Because I'm not going to be brainwashed by a Psycho and I'm definitely not letting my brother be brainwashed!" I snap at him.

"It's to late for your brother. Just tell father you'll behave and all this can be avoided. Please!" He almost begs me. What could be avoided? What is he talking about?

"What are you talking about? Why can't you see this is all wrong? You helping him is wrong! Help us escape! You can come with us and we can all be free. Oli look at what your doing!" I try convincing him but of course like I thought he's to brainwashed.

He shakes his head before saying, "Look just- just when father comes in here tell him you'll behave. Tell him you'll stop fighting. I'm trying to warn you Asher. Just listen for once! You have to trust me on this!" He almost begs again. Why is he acting this way and I swear I heard his voice crack like he's on the verge of crying.

"You lied to me Oli! How can I ever trust you?" I ask him. Trying to get him to stay alittle longer so I can get more information out of him.

"When? When did I lie to you?" He questions me.

"You said that there isn't a town for miles and miles but you lied!" I snapped at him. How dare he think he hasn't lied to me!

"No Asher I didn't lie! There really isn't a town. Why would you think there was a town?" I questions me. He's honestly a really good actor. If I didn't know better I would believe him.

"I'm not stupid! I heard the bells! It was so close! Why couldn't I have just found it?" I mainly say the last part to myself.

"What bel- Oh! Ha! That wasn't church bells! That was the bells to signal the dogs to go. They won't listen to commands directly from me so ringing the bell is the only was to get them to go without Father telling them to go." He busts out laughing once he figures out what I was talking about.

"Whatever! You're just saying that to make me stop trying to run." I snap at him but I can't help thinking maybe he's right? Maybe there isn't a way to escape. I mean surely tons of people have fought back just as hard or even harder than me yet no one has stopped him yet. No! No! I can't start thinking that way. One way or another we are getting out of here.

Oli just ignores me and turns around walking out. Leaving me alone in the dark.

What felt like hours later I hear the trap door open again but this time I hear two maybe three sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. Two of the footsteps stop about halfway down where I can't see them. Finally the man comes down the steps all the way and flicks the light on blinding me in the process.

"Are you ready to behave yet?" The man asks me.

"Where's Cole?" I ignore him asking a question of my own.

"I asked you a question Asher. Don't ignore me." The man commands. "Look you agree to behave and you'll get to see Cole again but keep being defiant and there's going to be a problem." He tells me after I refuse to answer him.

"Fine." I simply say not wanting to give in.

"Fine what?" He's really pushing it.

"Fine I'll behave." I say through grit teeth.

"Okay so you will obey all the rules, never talk back again, and NEVER try to escape again?" He asks me.

"Yes!" I answer with my teeth still grit together.

"Yes what?" He asks.

"Yes sir." I answer hoping that's what he wanted me to say.

"Yes what?" He asks again.

"I said yes sir!" I snap. What does he want me to say?

"It's yes father!" He tells me. "Now say it." He commands when I don't say anything. No way am I calling him father.

"No." I say defiantly crossing my arms over my chest as best as I can with the chains on.

"You said you would behave. This is not behaving I'm going to give you one more chance and that's it." He says taking a step towards me.

"I-im not afraid of you! Do whatever you want to but I will NEVER call you father!" Ugh I'm trying to sound strong but my voice decides to crack.

"Alright have it your way then." He tells me then he hollers towards the stairs, "Bring him down Oli!" I heard footsteps coming down the stairs but I can't see anything because the man is blocking my view. Once the footsteps stop the man moves out to the side allowing me to see. Oli's standing infront of me and infront of him is who I'm guessing is Cole, but there's a potato sack over his head. His hands are tied behind his back and I can hear him trying to say something but it's mumbled by the sack and I'm thinking he may have something in his mouth.

"What are you doing? Take that off his head! He won't be able to breath!" I try to get them to do as I say.

"You've made your choice Asher." The man says as Oli steps away from Cole. The man then pulls a gun out from his waist band of his pants and aims it at Coles head. Before I can scream or say anything the gun goes off. The whole world seems to stop as I watch Coles body fall to the ground. The potato sack stops the blood from splattering everywhere but I see it seeping through the sack and onto the floor. It feels like everything is in slow motion. I can't hear anything. I can't see anything. I feel like a part of me has been broken.

I feel a splash of water hit my hands and realize I'm crying. Then I hear screaming. I look around and see that Oli and the man are both just staring at me because it's me screaming.

"NO! NO! LET ME HOLD HIM! LET ME TO HIM! I'LL KILL YOU BOTH! LET ME GO!" I scream trying to get out of the chains. They didn't even let him have his bunny with him. How can they do this and not even look affected by it! I continue fighting against the chains but no matter what I do I can't get free. The man walked out at some point leaving Oli and me alone.

"LET. ME. GO." I scream at him. He doesn't even look at me. Instead he goes over to Coles body and picks it up. He carries it over the the stairs, flicks the lights off and leaves me broken and alone.

Okay sooooooooooo don't hate me please!!!!!! I swear I have a reason for this!! Im so sorry it has to be this way!! Ill try to get another chapter our soon, but don't leave the book just yet!!

So thoughts? 😭 RIP Cole!

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