25. Jordan get out!

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"Your brother!" I shout in shock, not believing what she just said. Harlow has never mentioned a brother, only her parents.

"Yes," She says.

"You didn't tell me that you have a brother," I tell her, frustrated.

"We haven't spoken in years, alright," She murmurs, rubbing her face with her hands. I peek out the window carefully to get a glance at the man outside. He is wearing a military uniform and has earthy coloured hair and a half-long beard. He looks older than Harlow and he is well built as his shirt is too tight for him.

"Jordan, get out!" He shouts his voice so deep it makes me wince.

"Just stay here. Okay?" Harlow tells us before she leaves out the door, not allowing me to stop her. Mary and I look through holes in the walls to see what is happening out there.

"This can't be good," Mary says, and I watch her staring outside.

"What do you want, Connor?" Harlow asks, standing on the porch, keeping a distance from her brother.

"Mother needs you to return home," He smiles, keeping the automatic rifle in his grasp pointed on the ground.

"We both know what's going to happen when I come home," Harlow says, and I narrow my eyes in confusion.

"I know, and your downfall is going to be bittersweet," He smiles at his sister. I may not have any siblings, but I don't think this is a healthy relationship.

"It's nice to finally not be the black sheep of the family," He chuckles.

"You know very well. I never had a good relationship with our mother," Harlow shrugs.

"I know that, but I would have loved to see the disappointment in our father's eyes though," Connor raise his eyebrows in satisfaction.

"I need you and your girlfriend to come with me, so hurry up," He says, indicating her to get into his vehicle.

"I am not going," Harlow folds her arms over her chest.

"If you don't come, I will kill that girlfriend of yours," He lifts his automatic rifle, and points it towards the house.

Harlow steps forward.

"Don't," She says with her hands up in the air.

"They need you the most. Her demise won't make any difference," He says energetically, and my hand transforms into a clenched hand.

"You are not harming her," Harlow says as she moves towards him gradually, with her hands up in the air. I scramble for the entryway and exit.

"Don't go!" I shout and Connor aims his gun at me now. Fortunately, this gives Harlow time to pull the gun out of his hands and throw it aside.

"What's up with that spot on your neck, huh?" Connor comments, grinning cheekily.

"Is the sickness taking over," He laughs, and Harlow clenches her hands into fists. Her veins in her neck are black now. This is not good.

"Leave," Harlow says with gritted teeth, but he stays put.

"I am going to bring you in," He points at her.

"And her," He smiles at me, which makes chills go down my spine. Harlow turns to me, her eyes narrowed, and jaw clenched. At that point, she snatches her sibling, by the arm and pulls him aside. He falls onto the ground yet gets back up in a rush with a knife in his hand. I watch him attempting to cut Harlow. However, she moves each time gracefully.

"I would prefer not to hurt you, Connor," Harlow says smoothly, holding her hands up to demonstrate she doesn't.

"I don't care. The reward for taking both of you in is huge," He tells his sister, trying to find an angle to take her down.

"Mom is looking forward to seeing you again," He grins and the look of disgust appears on Harlow's face.

"You mean she wants to put me down," She says, clenching her jaw.

"Well," He shrugs.

"I couldn't care less," He yells and surges forward to strike Harlow along the edge of her ribs. My hands naturally come over my face, yet I cannot help looking through my fingers. She clasps her injured side but remains standing.

"Get in the car!" Connor yells at his sister, but she won't budge. I see the machine gun on the ground not far from where I am and I know if I reach it in time, I can end this.

My legs begin moving gradually down the patio, attempting not to be seen by Connor. Harlow meets my eyes and shakes her head gently. She understands where I am going, but I know I can reach it.

I keep moving towards the gun quietly and slowly as Connor has his attention on her, but then he turns around. His eyes widen as he rushes and jumps towards me.

"No!" That is the last thing I heard Harlow say.

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