52. I want you gone

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Harry and I have a lot of fun playing air hockey as Harlow watches us and seems like she's enjoying herself. She's been laughing since we started, which is great.

"No!" I scream as Harry got the puck in the goal. Harry and Harlow smile at me.

"You're going to play," I tell her, but she shakes her head.

"Fine," I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Hey!" We all turn to a woman with a firm tone and take a step back. She rushes towards us with a little gang behind her.

"What's your deal?" The woman demands. She stands straight and tall in her black uniform.

"I don't have a deal," Harlow responds as she shakes her head slightly in confusion.

"What's your problem? I mean." She asks and we understand what she meant this time. She gazes at Harlow up and down, indicating with her hand.

"We don't want any trouble; we just came here to play," I interrupt.

"I didn't ask you," The lady stare down at me. Harlow takes a step forward and I grab her arm to pull her back, but I don't stand a chance.

"I don't get it. How are you allowed to be here?" She asks Harlow, who is still quiet.

"The lab rats told us that you could be a threat for us," I feel Harlow's body tense next to me, and I want to pull her away. I thought it was not allowed for someone in the laboratory to mention it to anyone, but of course, someone must have opened their mouth.

"I'm not here to hurt anybody," Harlow says and I know by the restrain in her voice she is trying with all her might to maintain calm.

"Well, obviously, you don't have control over it, so how are we supposed to believe it," She tilts her head with a mocking grin on her face.

"Harlow, let's go," I say as I tug her arm. She eventually turns to me and nods in agreement. We try to get through, but they're not moving. We're cornered by them and the wall, with no way out of here.

"Can we pass?" I inquire gently even though I don't want to.

"What do you want?" Harlow asks the woman in front of us.

"I want you gone," She answers and the group behind her nods in agreement.

"That is not a decision for you to take," I tell her, which makes her give me a stern look.

"I don't care; apparently, our leaders don't seem to care much for their people as they let you stay," She argues. Harlow tries to pass, but still, they stand in our way.

"Well, since you already know so much about me, you should know that I can rip your heart out without even blinking," Harlow clenches her fists and her whole body shakes with anger.

"Harlow," I call out her name in worry, scared she might do something she will regret. Then she ploughs her way through the small crowd, holding on to my hand. Something hits Harlow in the back of her head that causes us to stop.

Harlow shuts her eyes as she takes a short, deep breath. Then she opens them and turns her head slightly. Her expression is flushed with rage as she faces them. I'm supposed to stop her, but a part of me wants her to tear off their head. It's wrong and I know that, but sometimes people need to learn it the hard way. You pick up a few things as a teacher.

The woman takes out a knife to defend herself, while the other one runs into Harlow. She deflects a hit and strikes the man on the side of his head. Then, she takes him by the arm and the sound of bones cracking makes me lay my hands over my ears.

Before Harlow could bring the last one down, the woman jumps in and made a cut on Harlow's cheek. Her dark blood slides down her skin as she stands up tall and looks at the woman dead in the eye.

"There's something seriously wrong with you," She says, her voice cracks a bit with fear, but she keeps trying to stab Harlow as they move across the floor as if it were a playground. Harlow is able to catch the woman around her wrist, but she lets the knife down in the other hand. She cut Harlow again, except this time a long slash on her arm.

"Harlow, stop," I demand, but she does not listen to me. Blood spills from her cut all over the floor.

"Hey!" I yell to steal the attention of the lady for a bit and grant Harlow a free pass. She spins the woman over and grabs the knife to hold it tight to her throat.

"Harlow!" I scream and look her right in the eyes.

"Let her go," I tell her strictly. She stares at the woman for a second before she lets her go and puts the knife aside.

"Let's go," I take Harlow by the hand and drag her down the hallway.

"Are you all right?" I ask as I stare deep into her eyes, but she avoids me.

"Let's get you washed up," I lead her out after me and down a couple of halls until we get to the bathroom where we can finally get some peace. I close the door behind me, and I find a tiny towel in the cupboard.

I open the tap to drench the towel and when I turn around, Harlow takes off her shirt.

"Oh, okay," I say a little shyly. I've seen her without a shirt several times now, but I somehow can't help myself from the heat on my cheeks. I take Harlow by the hand and I wash the black blood away from her arm. She did bleed a lot, but her wound has already healed.

"Say something, please," I beg her since she hasn't spoken yet. She's just looking at me. I get up on my toes to clean her cheek, but she still has to bend down a bit to make me reach her.

"I'm sorry," She whispers.

"What are you sorry about?" I ask as I draw the rest of the blood away from her face.

"For what happened there," She shrugs.

"I'm not," I say, and it caught her by surprise.

"Well, you're not stopping when you should and you may want to do something about that," I smile softly to her as I place the towel in a basket in the corner of the bathroom.

"All right."

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