38. You've brought friends

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I told my parents everything about what had happened after the government took me away. When I was in prison with Harlow and how we fled away together. Yet, I was able to put as much of the violence out of the picture because my parents weren't very fond of that.

I told them about Harlow, her condition, and that we need to find out how to treat her. At least Arthur said that he was going to find out what he could. We don't know anything about the location we're going to, but I do know that Harlow isn't sure about it.

"We're almost there," Arthur says, and I stare out the windshield, gazing at a massive building. Enclosed by a tall fence. We arrive at the gate a few moments later.

"What is this place?" Mary asks the question that everybody may have been wondering about.

"It's an abandoned military training base. It was built twenty years ago," Arthur says as he stopped the car in front of the entrance. A man and a woman wearing black uniforms are raising their firearms, pointing at the car, making everyone bend down for safety, but Arthur is opening the window.

"It's all right. We're not from the government!" Arthur yells, sticking his hands out of the glass.

"Get out!" One of the guards shouts and Arthur steps out of the car.

"All of you!" He demands as we all jump out of the vehicle, with our hands-on our heads. The lady is lighting a flashlight, staring at all of our faces. Then, she stands up and lifts her weapon towards Harlow faster than the speed of light.

"Don't," I say, moving in front of Harlow.

"Step back," The dark-skinned man orders me, but I stand my ground.

"Landon Cowan," Arthur mentions a name and it takes all the attention away from us.

"Landon invited me to come," Arthur states. The man and the woman stared at each other. Finally, the woman gets a radio and begins calling for Cowan. We've been waiting out here in the dark for a couple of minutes before they get a confirmation from Cowan.

"We need to check all of you, so place your hands behind your back," Commands the woman, and both of them start searching for weapons or anything that could do any harm.

"I've got a rifle in the trunk of the vehicle," explains Arthur.

"Okay, you should follow Williams, and I'm going to take the car for a search," The man says. We follow the woman inside the base; a lot of the security measures in this area are terrifying. Williams has to check her identification several times before we could reach the central door.

We walked out into a large field paved in dirt, trucks and vehicles, all lined up neatly on the far left. We're inside a wide square where the structure is surrendering us all around.

"Arthur," a short, thin guy with glasses comes to us with a smile on his face.

"It's good to see you again," He says as he takes Arthur's hand to greet him.

"Good to see you as well, Landon,"

"You've brought friends," Cowan smiles, smiling at each one of us, but a curious glance is trapped on Harlow. He forces himself into our little crew to take a closer look at the taller woman.

"Interesting," He says, staring her up and down. Harlow folds her arms over her chest with a cold, serious expression on her face. Landon picks up the hint and walks away.

"I didn't expect you to come here, Arthur, not to mention bringing so many with you," Cowan says ecstatically.

"Well, I'd love to explain more to you, but I'd like to make my friends settle in. We're all exhausted," Arthur says.

"Of course, it's late after all," Landon beams.

"Follow me," He says, and we do. Williams leaves us to get back to her post. We enter one of the several doors to this building. We walk down a dark corridor and end up in a room with a couple of single beds in a row.

"We left some bags and items in the car. Do you mind if we can get it?" Arthur asks as we each pick a bed. Mary wants a bed on the right side of the room with her son in the next one. My parents are on the left side, lying on their sheets. Their heavy eyes on the edge of being closed with tiredness.

"Yes, I'm going to get your things back. Just get some rest, and we're going to talk tomorrow," Landon gestures as he leaves us for the rest of the night. I lay in bed next to my mum but stare at Harlow. She is standing next to the window, her arms crossed our chest, facing the field below. I'm curious about what's going on in her head because she's deep in her thoughts. The black veins on her cheek begin to hit the bottom of her ear.

Harlow turns to me, but she's looking away when she knew I was gazing at her. I sigh to myself, throwing the covers over my head to try to get some rest. It was a tough day for all of us.

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