Chapter Six

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Erica's POV

"I think I should report to the police. I can't let more victim being assault by that evil." I gritted and Andrea caressed my head "I'll go with you." I smiled "But, can I request to not reveal myself and keep my profile in low? I don't want my parents to know about this and if my profile exposed might make a scene." Andrea looked at me in confuse "I understand that don't reveal yourself in public. But why do you need to hide this from your parents? They should know about this." I sighed "Well, they cared too much their reputation and they expected that I'm good girl and perfect to them." Andrea chewed her inner cheek and nodded her head "Okay, sure." she smiled.

"So, Miss Robinson, you would like to report that Chris Douglas have sexual assaulted and attacked you." The officer asked while typing his report "Yes, and these bruises are came from him." he nodded "Alright, after we finished this report I will take the pictures of your bruises for keep as evidence." I nodded my head "Thank you."

"No! No! no! Stopped!" I kicked and simply punched around to avoid the evil touched me and he grabbed both of my hands I yelled with tears "Stopppp!!!" "Erica! Erica!" my eyes shot opened and saw Andrea hovered over me with worried face "Don't worry it was a bad dream." I quickly pulled Andrea towards me and I laid my face on crooked of her neck. I sniffed "I'm so scared, Andrea." she shushed me "Shhh don't worry, I will always by your side okay." she patted my back and I nodded my head and snuggled closer to her then we drifted off and sleep.


Andrea and I were watching Netflix at my living room. I felt safe whenever she around. I like her scent and warm, I snuggled closer to her and sniffed her scent she chuckled "Am i smelly?" she raised her arm and smelled her armpit I laughed "No silly, you smell good." I felt her body stiffen and my face turn warm. That was so embarrassing "No, I mean your smell is fine and I like it." Jesus Christ Erica, think before you talk. I smacked my forehead and I winched because of the bruises. She laughed "Again, I told you stopped hurting yourself." she held both of my hands and stared at me longingly.

I felt the voice of TV getting faded, the humming sound of laundry was fading, and surrounding the area was fading and left only Andrea in front of me. She smiled and pulled me closer to her without let go both of my hands. Our faces were getting closer. Her greens eyes staring into mine then flicked to my lips. I gulped and I felt my blood rushing to my face and I could hear my heartbeat 'thudded' loudly and racing. I closed my eyes and leaned closer to her. I could feel her minty breath fanning my lips.

"Knock! Knock!" I flinched and I heard Andrea groaned and cursed under her breath. I quickly look into the door hole. Eddie stood outside and shoved his hands into his jeans pocket. I quickly open the door and he gave me a hugged "I'm so so so sorry, Erica. Forgive me this asshole." we pulled away I smiled "No, don't be. If we put on blame, we should blame on that evil." he smiled "Yes, that bastard. I hope he would get what he deserved."

"To my advice, I think three of us should have GPS track to our mobile." Eddie suggested and we nodded our head "Yea, that's better." Andrea said then three of us set the GPS track to our mobile. After that we continue chit chat, watching movies together. I felt great to have both of them accompanied me. We could talk anything and could be freely to share some embarrassing past tense.

Eddie laughed and Andrea glared at him "You know what Erica, do you wanna know about Andrea's hilarious history?" Eddie laughed and Andrea punched his arm and glared at him "Yes, I want to know. Tell me please!" I said in excitement and Andrea groaned "Eddie, you better stopped or I'll kick your balls." Eddie gasped and covered his private "No way, I still want kids. I think it's worth to share this to Erica. Don't you want to give her some entertainment?" Andrea used her palms covered her face "No! could you share other stories of mine instead?" Eddie shook his head "I'm sorry, I think this one is the best to tell. Erica you want to know right?" I nodded eagerly "Yes! I want to know!" Andrea surrendered and used her pillow to cover her head and groaned in defeated "Fine! I'm digging a hole now."

"During our elementary school, Andrea found that our teacher was pretty. Then she asked the teacher 'Miss Emerald you are pretty. Can you be my girlfriend?' this question caught our teacher off guard. But our teacher nice enough try to explain to her 'Andrea, this is forbidden love, I cannot date with underage student.' then Andrea replied 'So, can you wait till i grow up then we dating?' the teacher chuckled 'Girl only dating with a boy, my dear.' then Andrea said 'Oh you want to date a boy? I can be a boy too.' our teacher see her in confuse and Andrea continue 'If you want me to be a boy I will learn how to pee in standing. That's what I knew the different between boys and girls.' and entire class start laughing." Eddie laughed and held his stomach then Andrea groaned "Stopped it Eddie!"

"Oh my god! You already into girl since you were in elementary school?" I laughed and wiped my tears. "Luckily the teacher did not report you." Andrea groaned "I knew that was stupid. Ughhh. Could you guys stopped please?" I quickly went over to Andrea removed her pillow "But I found that was cute." I pecked her cheeks and her eyes widened I could see she was blushing I giggled. She was so cute when she blushed. Wait, what was I thinking again? I just sat besides her and looked at Eddie who busy laughing.

"Alright I have to go, see you guys." Eddie hugged us and left. "Um, Erica, I'll go and grab some snacks and dinner for us. Don't forget to lock everywhere okay?" Andrea said and I nodded my head "Okay, but can you back as soon as possible?" she smiled "Of course, it wont take long for me." she winked and went out.

About half hour Andrea still hasn't back I started worry about her. I looked into my phone and traced her GPS I found that the distance was about 10 minutes away from my home. I tried to call her but no respond. Then before I made another call to Eddie, I saw he ID was calling me and I quickly pick up my phone "Hey Erica, look I have something need to tell you." I felt goose bump rising and I felt something bad was going to happen. I took a deep breath and asked anxiously "Yea, what is it?" he sighed "Andrea was submitted to hospital." I dropped my phone and I heard "Erica? Erica? You stay here and I'll be arriving in 5. You hold on."

My tears flowed violently and could not speak any words. What had happened to Andrea? I hope she will be fine. Please be safe. I can't lose her. She is important in my life.

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