Chapter Eight

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Erica's POV

It's been a week after Andrea's incident. Everything seems fine and peace. Chris was charged in youth offenders because policemen gather enough info from other victims which were strong enough evidence to charge him.

However, Andrea and my relationship were getting weird. We are closed than best friend but we din do something more than that. I used to cuddle with her when we back to sleep. She sometimes would kiss my cheek or the top of my head when she comforts me or she went out. She even will flirt me but I found that was cute. Am I ready to have a relationship with her? Or we stay in this kind of relationship is much better?

But Andrea supposed don't want to commit in relationship to anyone so soon. The weird thing was she almost 24/7 stayed with me and I full of curiosity then I asked her "Hey, I want to ask you something." She was watching TV munching her chips and nodded her head and hummed "Um, how many days did you have no sex?" she chocked and quickly grab a glass of water to drink. After she adjust her breath she cleared her throat "Erm about two weeks?" I nodded my head "I see, you normally have sex how many times per week?" she turned her head and facing me with curious look "Hmmm three or four times a week." I nodded my head and continue "And you didn't feel like want to have sex after so long?" she think awhile then said "You are right, I broke record. I have no sex for two weeks." she grinned at me "Thank you for reminding. Now I feel like want to have sex. Shall we?" she wiggled her eyebrows I hit her arm she laughed "Pervert." 

"Seriously, you didn't feel like want to have sex?" she raised her eyebrows "Of course I want but nobody find me to fuck then I could just leave it." she shrugged and continue "Why would you ask such a question. Do you want to try?" she smirked and I rolled my eyes "God no, I just feel bad to keep you and stopped your usual activity. That's why I asked you." she laughed "Oh my gosh, what a best friend? You don't mind I sleeping around?" I sighed "Even how much you like to sleep around with the girls that is not my place to say no to you. As a friend I should respect your lifestyle." I said truthfully but at the same time I felt a little upset if she back to her lifestyle. I'm hoping that she only focus on me instead of other girls. Wait, what?

She chuckled "Look, I was horny and like to sleep around because I thought that was for fun and the person who hook up with me also horny and want to have fun." she stared at me and continued "I use to hate committed to any relationship and I hate to be tied down by the others." she paused awhile then continue "But, when I met someone. I found that she is like a goddess. After I met her, I almost every night dreamed of her. Even when I was having sex with other person, I was picturing the person was her." she hold my hand and smiled "After that night, I have stopped to find someone to fuck. I felt that I have grown my feeling toward that girl, and about sex I only prefer with her instead of other random girls." my eyes widened, was she talking about me I just keep quiet and let her continue.

"I know this girl was special and she was different from other girls. Besides, I think she still not yet out from the closet. I'll wait for her." she cupped my face and stared at me "No matter how, I have decided stop hook around and wait for the girl agree to have a date with me and say yes to me one day." I leaned in her touch and stared at her and I blurted out "That girl will happy to have a date with you." I smiled she grinned "Really?" I nodded my head and she yelled "Yes! I finally have a date with my crush!" I teased her "A player have a crush too? Seriously?" she chuckled "Why not? a player is a human too." she sing along then grabbed my waist and spun me around and I giggles "Stop that silly!" she laughed and end up both of us fell on the floor and we burst out laughing of our silliness.


We have picked our date which was Saturday. We promised not to stay together the day before we meet. So, end up Andrea back to her home on Friday after dropped me home. Today is autumn weather and slightly chilly, so I decided wear a pink sweater, denim skinny jeans, dark brown boots and beige colour trench coat. I smiled when I heard the rev of Andrea's motorcycle and quickly went outside and locked my front door.

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