Chapter 5

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Sophia's P.O.V

Zuri and I got back home around 11 pm yesterday. We went to the park and also went to a pet shop.

Zuri has been wanting a pet for herself since she was ten. If I do get her one Antonio would kill it. I told her when we move she can surely get a puppy.

Antonio killed my pet bunny when I was nine right in front of me. He forced me to shoot it in the stomach and he strangled it to death to 'put it out of its misery.

I never asked for a pet after that. Last month was when I bought shadow. He tried to kill her but couldn't. He knows that I won't hesitate to hack his head off and I doubt he wants to die over hurting a cat.

Talking with Zuri in the park yesterday I realized I can't die, well I can, just I can't die and leave Zuri.

Zuri still hasn't got over our parents' death, she was only two at the time but the memory stuck with her, as with me. She hasn't been through any other trauma so it's the only thing playing in her mind.

She cried her heart out yesterday and it hurt to see my sister like that. I thought I failed, but she said I'm her rock. She doesn't know she's the only thing I live for.

She asked me how I feel about the arranged marriage. I told her that I don't mind getting married if it's to join mafias.

I don't mind having a life partner. I just don't want him nor will I let him disrespect me. I will cut someone if I see him with another woman after we get married I don't care.

She said something about 'Yass queen'  and I waved her off with a smirk.

Today I have a meeting with Antonio and every one of my mafias to talk about living arrangements.

He said the meeting is to say who will be moving where. As of right now I'm just fixing my hair into a ponytail and putting a blade in my boots.

I'm wearing a white jersey with a black old jacket and some jeans.

I make my way into the mafia office. It's where we hold meetings that include a lot of people. I step in and take my seat next to my sister. Jaiden walks in with Parker behind him.

Parker is my second in command. He is also my cousin from my mother's side. His mother and mine were twins. I recruited him when I turned 18 and he made his way up in ranks.

Everyone from our mafia is here so Antonio begins the meeting. I zone out not caring until I hear my name.

"Sophia will be moving in tomorrow. Jaiden and Parker will move in with her after a week. She can take any guards she wants. Everyone else will move in across the street where we are building the new mansion."

"Zuri also moves in with me," I say protesting the idea of leaving my sister in a house full of dangerous people.

Antonio glares at me for going against him. I cock a brow at him challenging him to say something.

"Everyone leave," he manages to say.

Everyone files out except Jaiden. He's my bodyguard and doesn't take orders from Antonio. He stands in the corner of the room with his hands behind his back.

"I said leave boy," Antonio speaks to him with disgust.

Jaiden didn't come from a mafia or a rich family. He was poor but when we became friends I saw potential in him. He became one of our best fighters in the mafia.

"I don't take orders from you," Jaiden says in a bored tone.

At this point Antonio's face is red. He has a very short temper and I and Jaiden know this.

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