Chapter 23

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Dedicated to Kal-El_King

Two days later...

Sophia's P.O.V

I open the office door and see everyone is already seated. There are only about 20 people here. I sit next to Enzo and he begins.

"Okay so it seems we have a rat," he starts.

Everyone looks around and each other with a glare.

"The safe in the warehouse was broken into last night and they stole 2 million. I trust all of you in this room, the new combination is 061106, keep an eye out for anyone suspicious," Enzo booms.

The code is fake but if anyone tries it, it sets off a really loud alarm.

"Okay dismissed," I inform them.

They leave and Laura comes over to us.

"I'll be leaving today, I came to apologize for making a move on Enzo, Sophia you're a lucky girl, he doesn't date," she chuckles hugging Enzo.

She shakes my hand and leaves.

"Okay, so I gotta make a few phone calls, I'll meet you in the game room at 3," I leave and head back to my office.


I shoot a man in the head and we get a victory. I high-five Enzo and fall back in my seat. I'm laying back on the armrest with my legs on his lap.

We wait for another match to start.

"How do you get them so smooth?" He asks rubbing my legs.

I laugh, "Waxing, I like the feeling of smooth legs,"

"Me too," he replies staring at them.

"Well-" the door opens cutting me off.

"The guards caught someone trying to open the safe," Parker says with a scowl.

We jump up and I strap my gun to my hip and hide a dagger in my shoes. While Enzo gets everyone together.

We all take different cars and head to the warehouse. When we enter and reach the safe there's a boy tied in a chair. He looks about 17 and has a little muscle.

He calmly sits there and watches me with a smirk.

"Who sent you?" Enzo asks.

"I don't have to tell you shit," he says smugly.

"But I would talk to princess over there," he nudges his head my way.

I step forward and look into his eyes.

"Okay sure," I agree.

Enzo looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Carry him to one of my cells," I walk out.

Enzo runs after me.

"Are you serious Sophia? Has nobody ever told you that you don't give the enemy what they want?" He asks.

"And has no one ever told you who the fuck I am? I do things my way babe, you just gotta trust me," I lightly tap his cheek, jump in the car and drive off without him.


I sit in a chair across from the blonde boy.

"You wanted to talk to me, so talk," I motion with my hand.

"Boss is obsessed with you, he talks and talks about how gorgeous you are and how you're perfect and how he can't wait to get his hands on you," he rolls his eyes.

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