Chapter 8

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"im sorry,  you got the wrong person" i rapidly replied as i give him a smile, the smile you see when you enter jollibee and the person in front of the desk says "Hi welcome to jollibee, how may I help you"  kind of smile. 

"im really sorry for what happened earlier. I was a bit dizzy and i couldn't move for a while because of the impact when we collided. I do hope you won't blame me for it"

Hah! My excuse is perfect.

I could imagine myself climbing out of the coffin that i just made and looking at it with a haughty look saying "who needs you now? "

"No... Im pretty sure you are Ealize" he confirmed.

Then why did you even ask in the first place?!

I tried so hard to actually keep that thought from spilling out. 

I was about to face him, to ask him what he wants when i caught him staring at my belly. 

I also unconsciously trailed my eye down my belly too. 

I instinctively covered it with my hands. 

Was it bloated? is that why he was looking at it with such a huge frown?  I mean i did eat a lot of cakes but... Isn't he being rude?  Staring at someone else's belly.  Don't you know that it might bring out insecurities!!

One of my insecurities when i was in my original body was my bloated belly,  and now that i felt someone staring at it i immediately became defensive.

It's not that big! 

Im sure it's not,  Ealize has the perfect body and I was sure i didn't gain any weight when i was occupying this body. 

It can't be, right?

No way...

"you... "

"No!" i cut him off... It was too late when i realized that I actually said No loudly.

"I... I mean, what? "

I immediately tried to mend the situation...

The coffin actually looks inviting right now. 

I saw him frowning again,  as he look at my belly,  no more like the hands covering my belly.  I honestly want to slap his face, if it's not because of his beautiful features he would've suffered several black eyes and bruises.

I've been stopping myself from impulsively being rude or slapping him,  because after all, anyone will have more patience if faced with beautiful people.

I am no exception.

He took a step towards me, i didn't know why but i felt intimidated by the sudden change of his aura.  It became more serious, cold.

I felt anxious and scared. 

It's the same feeling that you get,  when you know you mess up and your parents calls your name one time with a certain tone,  that seems to signify your near death. 

I took several steps away from him hoping that it'll lessen the anxiousness i feel. 

Hey people in this cafe!!  This is clearly harassment. Someone call the police, or the manager!

Before i could even take another step back again.  He snatch the hand covering my belly, holding one of it down my side. 

I was so shocked that i forgot to move at that time. 

I felt his hands, covered my belly.  It was hot,  i could feel the temperature even with my clothes between our skin. 

I honestly don't know if i should laugh or cry with what he's suddenly doing. 

I really want to get angry but my poor,  weak to handsome guys self,  refuse to do so.

Or maybe because im just not the confrontational type.

I don't have that much of a courage. 


I'm questioning my own morals right now.

but the warmth his palm is giving out makes me feel comfortable...

I somehow and someway gave out a sigh of relief for unknown reasons.

I felt safe...


"come with me"

He said or more like ordered. As he grab my hand and pulled me out of the cafe. 

Wait... Where are we going?  Why am I going with him?  Isn't this dangerous? Kidnapping?

"stop! stop!stop!  Chotto matte!" i was basically dragging my feet as i tried to stop him from walking, but i don't know if it's because this body is weak but i can't seem to stop him at all!

"no, wait!!  Why should I go with you?  This is weird... no it's dangerous,  what if your a mafia? a kidnapper, a human trafficker!?"

A hot one...

I started half mumbling and half shouting. 

I was about to shout "Help" really loud when he suddenly stop and and look down at me,  eye to eye. 

His deep blue iris made me choke back the word "help" back to my mouth. 

"J.. Just trust me,  please? " he looked at me with such gentle,  and caring eyes that i was actually stupefied enough that i did not even notice when i got into his car.

For the 17 year old me,  faced with that kind of situation and most of all the other party can even be considered as a Greek god.  I think it is justifiable that i froze... No it's more accurate to say that my brain short circuited.

The only handsome guys I have seen in person, in my original body was my 2D crushes.  Keneki,  Sebastian, Tomoe.... I'm basically a weeb.

I have been stuck between the orphanage and school everyday, that i didn't even have time to stop and observe any male humans so that I can develop an immunity towards the flaring hormones this guy has. 

On the other hand, i don't think any of the guys in my original world can actually compare to him...

It's like comparing an octopus to a human.  

Different species...

I snapped out of my frozen state when i felt someone attached the seatbelt on me. 

I saw a near full view of Zach's gorgeous face.  I literally held my breath afraid that it would disturb him from attaching my seatbelt.

Or was I just afraid that he will smell my breath?  Maybe I have bad breath?  I'm pretty sure i brushed my teeth as usual.  One of my weird habits in my original body besides taking a bath 3 times a day,  is brushing my teeth.  I somehow have to brush my teeth over and over again before i feel satisfied. 

I'm getting sidetracked again. 

The car fell into an comfortable silence.

Why am I so comfortable around him? This doesn't make any sense at all.  My instincts should've been ringing alarm bells by now. 

Getting into a strangers/acquaintance car without knowing the reason why,  and knowing where to go...

Is stupid...

Besides where the heck did his fellow suit man gone to?

I can see the coffin in my imagination looking at me mockingly, like saying "who needs ME now? "

I noticed that we were getting further and further away from the city.  I wanted to talk but,  somehow my scaredy ass self refused to do so. 

I sat feeling like ants is on my pants....

"are you okay?"

My heart almost jump out of my ribcage when he suddenly talked.

"y... yes"

The car fell into silence again. 

I'm seriously considering if by any case the flight or fight instincts that this body have,  has already gone haywire.

If not, why the hell is it not working??!!!

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