Chapter 27

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Putting that aside, is war really necessary though??


Ealize: I also want to know why a war might happen, isn't that too excessive?

Rebecca: It's a very likely scenario...

Gill-atin: hey! you refused to answer me but you answered Ealize!!

Xyrine: She's our future Luna. 

Rebecca: With more people transferring from other packs, that means the ignis pack will need more area to accommodate the newcomers

Rebecca: in worst case scenario, they would fight us with our area too.

Ealize: Can't they just buy land from the government to extend their area?

Shell-sea: that's possible, but it is troublesome and time consuming...

Shell-sea:  there's also no guarantee that they would sell us a land, especially when the human population are rapidly growing

Xyrin: The werewolves and the government had made a deal long ago, that is to give a specific land to each werewolf packs, and to stay out of each other's business

Xyrin: as long as the humans or werewolves don't create any danger for each side, they would not get involve with each other's business

Xyrin: Since we are trying to hide our existence, then areas such as our village pack is remote and off limits to outsiders

Gill-atin: oh that's right!!!😮😮😮

Xyrin: There's actually a lengthy process for a human to officially be recognize as one of the members of the pack, this holds true for those individuals that is not born here. 

Rebecca: buying a land from the government would take too much time and would also have too many procedures.

Shell-sea: With the members of ignis pack growing, they would have a problem in accommodation sooner or later.

Shell-sea: They might think that it would be easier to just invade areas that are considered to be werewolves land, by the government. Especially now that they have the upper hand.

Rebecca: not to mention  the fact that all three packs are in a tense situation with what's currently happening.

Rebecca: i mean what Alpha would want their pack members whom they have trained hard,  to be used by other packs for an unknown reason?

Xyrin: they're quite lucky that the alpha didn't kill them before they could transfer.


My mouth twitch when i read the last message of Xyrin. 


Xyrin: I trust our Alpha, I'm sure he's finding ways to fix this problem now

Gill-atin: That's right! I agree

Rebecca: Of course.

Shell-sea: Such fanatics 😂


I laughed so hard when I realized that these girls are such fanatics.

How cute!!

Alexander wouldn't be crazy enough to wage a war right?

Last time I check he was possessive and obsessive but not stupid.

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