Chapter 1: First Sight

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* Short Reminder:
" This means the character's thoughts"
" This is when they say it out loud."

The sound of faint flapping wings echoed in the air but the intensity of the impending rain covered its tracks. The cloaked figure slowly unfolded her hood as she did a little shake and stretched her wings. Droplets of rain started to pour and the girl was glad that she didn't get caught up in the heavy downpour.

" Woah. I'm lucky I arrived on time. But anyways, that was a good flight." She thought with a smile on her face. She was about to enter the large doorway until she sensed another presence inside the room. Cautious, she made a detour and went at the back portion of the house so she can sneak on whoever this unknown persona may be.

She discreetly looked from the window and she can see her mother talking to someone inside the house.

" I can't hear what they are saying." She instead narrowed her eyes to get a better view until her eyes landed on the person sitting opposite her mother.

" Woah." She exclaimed in amusement and slight wonder.

The girl was atrractive and her long dark hair seemed to extend up to her back. Her smile is quite alluring and though she wasn't on the same vicinity, she can affirm that the girl probably smelled good too.

" Wha- She what? What the hell are these thoughts." The girl shook her head to rid of the thoughts but it was obvious that she was having a crush on the mysterious girl.

" I shouldn't be having these thoughts. Wait. Its normal to have girl crushes, right? And it's not like I wanted to date her or anything." She continued her internal debate. " Well okay. I admit she is beautiful but then again, I'm just admiring her. Her pretty face, her long hair, her good smell. Yes. That's right. Definitely not a shady crush." She made a tight-lipped smile at this. " And I'm supposed to be a knight for fudge's sake. Not a pervert or anything."

She glanced back inside the house and the mysterious girl stood up to make a bow. It appears that she was leaving their premises.

"I didn't even get her name." She trailed absentmindedly then face-palmed afterwards. " Get a grip of yourself, Erin. There's no need to get anyone's name. Do you understand?"

After making sure that the girl already left, Erin quickly made her way inside the house where she saw her mother heaving a sigh and her Brother adorning an irritated expression.

" Mother. I saw someone leaving the house. Who was she?"

" I'm asking this because I'm curious. Not because I wanted to know her name." She reminded herself again.

"Where have you been this time." The brother butted in which made Erin look at him. He was picking up the glassware and teacups from the table.

" Ah. Just you know. Same old same old." She replied with a shrug. The brother raised a brow at this but did not question any further.

" They seem to direct their suspicions on our household. Though it'll be useless since we aren't even interfering anything."

" Who are they, mother?"

" The devils." Her mother responded which made Erin slightly gasp. She was aware of her mother and brother's hatred towards them since they were also partly responsible for her death when she was still a child.

" What do they need?" Asked Erin afterwards.

" Probably to scout for any information and observe us." Replied her brother in distaste.

" Oh come on, Sebastian. We were operating secretly and behind the shadows, offering clients with our services. So how could they know what we are up to?"

" Because they are also doing the same thing." Erin's mother responded. "From my research, this town is governed by a group of devils and they seem to be suspicious on why their clients seem to be getting less nowadays."

" And the surprising thing is how they were able to find us. They must have an idea about our family's history or our lineage." Sebastian added.

" So does this mean we are moving or..."

" No need. As long as you promise that you will be safe and keep yourself away from harm."  Erin's mother warmly said. "Especially when you will be attending Kuoh Academy soon. I am pretty sure that the school is full of those beings."

" You have to make sure that you keep your true identity a secret, Erin. You being a Goddess or Half- Deity. This means being careful on using your skills as well."

" I know, Sebastian." came Erin's response which satisfied the doting brother. A thought has been bugging the girl's mind  and she decided to question her family even if she wasn't sure of their reaction.

" Mom.. we all know what happened in the past regarding.. you know." Erin trailed off to which the other members patiently listened. " And I understand that you kind of hate the beings who caused that incident. But what if I became close with them or should I stay away from them? "

Her mother and brother exchanged looks and the mother was the first to respond.

" Erin. Of course we won't get mad.  What we are angry about is the fact that they would attempt to harm you and worse kill you. We are not generalizing them."

" In short, we only hate them if they try anything. You can't blame us for our initial dislike though. Impressions last long." said Sebastian with an uneasy expression which made me chuckle.

" Thanks guys." Erin awkwardly said and prepared to leave the room.

" Oh, and maybe you forgot to ask but the guest's name is Akeno."

" Huh?" Erin turned back with a confused expression. She was glad for the info but she won't admit it out loud.

" Nothing. Just had a hunch that you might need to know." replied Sebastian with a mysterious smirk.

- End of Chapter -

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