Chapter 6: A day with a Stranger!

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After classes, Issei still seems to be attached to Erin. The boy even went to tell his friends that he can't join them since he and Erin had their own matters to take care off.

Of course, the Goddess didn't remember any sort of appointment the two had.

Hearing Issei's words, his friends engaged him in a quarrel saying how unfair he is but Issei turned them down. Erin just went along with whatever Issei was planning since she doesn't mind the boy's presence. As long as he doesn't get too perverted, of course.

" I know a good teriyaki store downtown. We should definitely check that out!"

Erin raised a brow at this and Issei immediately gave an excuse

" I-I mean to celebrate our friendship of course. Not to date or being sweet, or-

" I understand that, Issei. What I'm worried about is won't your parents wonder why you didn't went home early?" Erin shrugged her shoulders afterwards. " I don't want to be the reason you get scolded, you know?"

Issei's smile returned after hearing this and he cheerfully raised a thumbs up to the Goddess.

" No worries, Erin. My parents won't mind. What about you?"

" Nah. They won't mind that much." answered Erin as the only person who comes to mind for being a worry freak is her brother.

" Great! Let's go!"

The two exited the campus and had a small chat along they way. They didn't notice a figure observing them and hid a few distance away from them.

" I forgot to mention Koneko-chan. She's also one of the Popular students in the campus."

" Are you two friends? Or close?"

" We're not. Koneko-chan is on her 1st year and everyone calls her that. She is described as the School Mascot due to her being cute and having a stoic personality."

" Oh I see."

A Girl stopped them from their tracks and the two were mildly surprised. She was wearing a devil-like inspired Halloween dress and had a weird hairstyle.

"Can we help you?" Erin calmly asked.

" Hai. I just want to give out some flyers. In case you might need it."

Erin took one flyer out of curiosity and Issei was also handed the same.

When Erin's hand came in contact with the flyer, the Goddess can feel a little magic energy emanating from it.

" This looks like the ones used to summon devils. It has a similar feel."

With a cautious stare, Erin observed the girl standing in front of them who was now chatting with Issei.

" I can feel a little demonic energy coming from her as well. But it isn't as strong like a regular devil. Maybe she is one of those beings called Familiars." She tucked the flyer insider her bag.

" It won't hurt to do some little investigation."

" Thank you for this flyer, Ano.. what's your name?" Erin said cutting off Issei and the girl's talk.

" Eh?"

" Yeah. We forgot to ask your name." Issei added with a grin.

The girl fidgeted in her position and Erin observed her carefully.

" Just as I thought. What type of master does she have? She didn't even give her a name."

" Nevermind. " Erin said with a clap. " Why don't you join us on our trip? The more the merrier, right?" Issei was confused but Erin sent a wink his way and he understood what the Goddess meant.

" Yeah! That's a great idea. Join us, flyer-chan!"

The girl can only squeek in surprise as Issei grabbed her hand and went running. The goddess silently following behind them.


" Ara, Buchou.. Are you waiting for someone?"

The ORC members were gathered in the room to report their finished task to Rias. All of them completed sending out flyers with the help of their familiars.

"Nothing. I'm just waiting for my familiar who strangely, is taking a long time to return from her task."

" My, that is indeed strange." replied Akeno in wonder.

----Back to EriSsei's View----

" It's the Final Countdown!" 🎶🎶

Issei's singing voice echoed in the small room and Flyer-chan shielded her ears. After eating in the teriyaki store, Issei thought that it was a good idea to go Karaoke-ing and dragged the two ladies with him.

" Hey Issei! Me and Flyer-chan would just head out for a bit!" Shouted Erin amidst the loud sounds. Issei just give them an okay sign and continued singing.

She grabbed the girls hand and went out of the room.

" Sorry for that." Erin said with a sigh. "But I want to ask you some questions, Devil Familiar-chan." Added Erin with a smirk which caused the girl to get defensive.

" No need to get worked up. I mean no harm." She raised her hands to prove her point. "I just want to know who your master is, that's all."

The girl seemed skeptical but eased her position.

" I mean, how would I know who to contract with, right? Me and my friend-" she pointed back to the room. " Are first timers. And we heard from our acquiantances who avail the Devil services that some Devil peerage are better than the others." lied Erin smoothly.

The girl regarded her answer and seemed satisfied with it.

"I work under the Gremory Household. I am Rias Gremory's devil familiar."

" I see. Do you just give flyers to everyone you see or is there specific standards for that?" Erin further asked.

" Most of the time, yes. But Rias-sama specifically ordered me to give the flyer to the boy there."

Flyer-chan flinched after realizing wjat she said. Erin noticed this and just replied in a carefree manner.

" I guess your master wants to make him a VIP." She pointed towards herself and feigned confusion. " What about me? Did she ordered to give one to me as well?"

" Eh?" The girl blinked and Erin waited for her to answer. " Ano, not really. It's just a coincidence that you were with him."

"I see.." Erin thought for a moment then gave a smile to the girl. " Well then... Thanks for answering, Flyer-chan."

Her left eye suddenly glowed and a Geass insignia appeared.

" But it's time to for you to go. Forget about the events that transpired today. Starting from the point I invited you to hang out with us."

The geass took effect on Flyer-chan and she nodded her head as if she was in a trance.

" As you wish, my lady."

The girl did a bow and left Erin alone.

"Looks like something is bound to come up. Gremory is even making sure that Issei receive the flyer so she can possibly summon them. But for what reason...."

Erin looked back at the brown-haired teen who is still singing like an idiot.

" Issei is in danger. Or at least he's attracting one."

- End of Chapter -

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