Chapter 4: By the Window

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"Hajimemashite. My name is Erin Vermillion. Nice to meet you all."

Murmurs can be heard in the classroom and Erin can see some students eyeing her with adoration.

" You can pick any empty seat in the room, Vermillion-san." said the teacher.

As the Goddess was scanning the room, she can see some familiar faces who were also staring at her with dreamy eyes. But more like lustful ones which made her slightly uncomfortable.

She had no choice but to sit on the chair next to one of the perverted trio. As she sat down, the ecstatic teen immediately started a conversation.

" H-Hi. My name is Issei Hyoudou. You're Hot- Er. I mean. Nice face. AH I-I mean.." He scrambled on his words and grew embarrassed on his slip-up.

" Oy Issei! Don't go making a move on her !"

" You're not playing fair!"

" Shut up you idiots!" Replied Issei as he faced his other friends.

" Nice to meet you too, Hyoudou-san." The goddess responded which made Issei look back at her. " But just so we're clear. I don't like it when someone is being a pervert towards me. So if you can control it, then I will appreciate that." Erin's smile had some killing intent and Issei visibly paled on his seat."

" W-Wakata. I will be on my best behaviour."

" Good. If that's the case, I think we will be good friends Hyoudou-san. Or shall I call you Issei now?"

" Eh?"

" Just drop the formalities. I'm not used on the san, chan, kun, honorifics anyway."

" Well. If you say so, E-Erin." replied Issei who seemed flustered calling the Goddess by her first name.

" Nice. I'll be relying on you from now on. So let's be good friends, okay?"

This brought Issei's cheerful mood back and he responded with a smile.

" Hai! Let's be good friends, Erin."

" Oy, what about us!"
" Introduce us too, Issei!"

" Shut up you bastards!" replied Issei to his perverted friends; making Erin sigh at their actions.

-----Time Skip ----

" I received a message from Sona that apparently, someone from that lineage transferred in the school."

" Ara?" uttered Akeno who was mildly surprised at the information.

" Yes. Sona seems pretty sure that the girl was from the Vermillion household."

"There was indeed a rumored transfer student with the surname Vermillion." Akeno mused. " But isn't it just a coincidence? What if the surname was just similar."

" Sona is sharp when it comes to these things. Whatever method she used to arrive at this conclusion, I doubt her intuition was wrong." Rias said and looked outside her window.

" What are you going to do about that information then, Buchou?"

" Hmm... If it was indeed true, the girl would make a good addition to our peerage. Their lineage is known for their good fighting skills and not to mention, the ability to detect aura despite being humans."

" She'll make an addition as a Knight piece, buchou. Ufufu what a coincidence." remarked Akeno in amusement.

" I'll observe things for now." Rias stopped in her tracks and pointed a specific direction. " That must be the girl."

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