Chapter 12: Harem Kings!

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Erin sleepily retrieved her cellphone from the nightstand. With her eyes closed, she answered the caller without seeing who it is.

" Hello?"

" Erin! Sorry for calling so late."

" Yeah. What's up?"

" Um hehe. You see, I just want to know if you are free tomorrow- Hey!"

"Hello Erin-san!"

" Hiii Erin-san!"

There was a crash in the background before Issei's voice was heard.

"Stop disrupting the call, you idiots! Sorry for that, Erin."

" It's okay." The goddess replied with her eyes still closed.

" Anyways, we wanted to invite you to hang-out tomorrow. But actually, these idiot friends of mine forced me to invite-


" Issei you fool!
" You're not supposed to say that!"

" I'm not lying to Erin!" responded Issei. " So yeah. 10 AM tomorrow at Shinjuko Park. Is that okay with you?"

Erin only nodded with a slight hum and she ended the call afterwards.


" Erin, over here!"

Issei waved his hand in the air and the Goddess immediately spotted him. The brown haired teen was dressed in a simple t-shirt paired with camo shorts. His friends also sported the same casual look.

" I'm glad you can join us."

" Sugoii.. Erin-san is really pretty."

" Average proportions with medium bust but great pretty face and killer aura."

Issei smacked their heads as he remembered the Goddess hating perversion aimed at her.

" If you want to get along with Erin then control your antics guys."

" Ah gomen." Said the two in a sheepish voice. " We're sorry, Erin-san."

" You're Matsuda and Motohoma, right?" Their mood brightened upon hearing the Goddess say their name. " It's fine. But just don't get carried away with being a pervert. Otherwise, there will be consequences. Are we clear?"

The two boys could feel a killing intent behind the Goddess' sweet smile. They immediately cowered behind Issei who only looked at them with a smug look.

" Been there. I know the feeling."

" Anyways, you are free to just call me Erin. I'll call you on your first names as well."

The boys were back in high spirits as they responded with a cheerful "Hai."

The group went to an amusement park where they encountered several attractions. They played a variety of games to which Matsuda and Motohoma failed at great lengths. Issei laughed at their predicament and the two, angered at his reaction, challenged him to a duel. This led to the trio fighting over useless things and Erin can only laugh at them in amusement.

" I'm better than this and you know it." Issei said as he picked up a ball. The group stopped at a booth where they have to knock out the cans to get a prize.

" Hah. Stop speaking rubbish, Issei." Matsuda replied and Motohoma agreed.

" We'll show you how it feels to win nothing but dirt!"

" Bring it on, losers." Issei said with a challenging smirk.

The game was of course rigged just like all games in a booth or attraction. The two obviously failed at knocking down the cans. But Issei, using his enhanced ability, succesfully knocked the cans out with ease causing his friends to be slack jawed in shock.

" How was it, losers?" Issei arrogantly said. " Here are chicken plushies for you cuz you hit like one."

The two chased the brown haired teen in anger. Issei kept screaming Chickens and some stupid insults along the way.

The group then spotted a dance presentation of girls wearing cultural costumes. There was nothing indecent in their appearance or even a slight hint of them showing signs of fan service. However, Issei and his friends being big perverts, decided that it was a good idea to sneak into the girls' tents while they were changing.

Erin obviously opposed to the idea and warned them that their plan will backfire causing their demise. The boys were in eroge mode and didn't listen to the Goddess' warning.

" Don't worry, Erin. We can pull this off. In many ways, hehe." Matsuda said with a drool;obviously implying something else.

" This will be the start of our Harem journey. The step towards being Harem Kings! The conquer of the Dancing Girls!"

" Hell yeah!" Replied Issei who was pumped up for some action.

" Don't say I didn't warn you." Erin replied with a sigh.

The boys took off and it took them a few minutes to enter the tent.

" Hey, Who are you!"
" Kyahhh!! There are Perverts here!"
" Get those stupid Perverts!"

*(Crash)* (Boom)* (Thug)*

" Ahhhh! Help me!" Matsuda's cries echoed in the air followed by Issei and Motohoma.

Erin can only shook her head as she watched the trio being chased by a mob of angry girls.

She then used her ability and transformed to a cat as she followed the commotion from a distance.

- End of Chapter -

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