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Moving about the kitchen, Erin at my side, clearing the final scraps from the table, I lift my head and gaze around the room, noticing for the first time that the girl from last night, Griffin's sister, hasn't joined us to eat breakfast and is nowhere in sight. Turning to find someone to ask about her, I see Olivia over by the stove, dressed in a simple green blouse and dark slacks, her light hair swept up into a bun, brewing a new pot of tea,

"Morning, Olivia," I called to her, moving in her direction.

"Morning Ava, how are you feeling today, love?" She asks, turning around, a look of concern crossing her face.

"Not too bad given the circumstances," I smile, stopping to stand next to her, "I guess I have a lot to work through and think about, but anyway," I pause, licking my lips, "I wanted to ask you something about the girl by the window last night. Isla, I think her name was. I haven't seen her this morn-" Before I can even finish that sentence, Siobhan moves into my peripheral vision causing me to stop.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see her tilt her head towards Olivia in silent communication, my mother's old friend nodding in return before muttering a quick apology and leaving the room. What the? Since when did she become so timid? And is there a general rule around here that no one can talk to me without Siobhan being present to control the conversation?

Confused and slightly annoyed, I turn to Siobhan, who shakes her head. "Don't mind Olivia, I know you know her on a personal level, and you probably feel more comfortable with her, which by all means, you should. But, if you have any questions about the goings-on in this house, I would prefer that you come to me. That way I know you'll be getting the right answer."

"The right, or the filtered answer?" Erin quips, coming to move beside me, arms crossed and staring down the matron of the clan.

Laughing, Siobhan waves her hands in front of her in a placating gesture, "I can see what Liam's wolf sees in you Erin, all that fire. But no, not filtered, the word that would be more accurate is factual." Her lips turn up in a slight frown, a look of sadness crossing her features.

"Unfortunately, since the passing of our previous clan head, Alpha O'Connell, his family, Griffin and Isla, has had nothing but bad things happen."

She pauses, shaking her head, then adds, in a quieter tone. "Some of the clan think they're curses. Griffin and Isla, I mean, and sometimes facts get mixed up with the superstitions of gossipy women."

"So where is she then, Isla, I mean," I ask, looking towards the window I initially found her sitting in front of last night and not seeing her there.

"Actually, Ava, I was just planning to take young Isla her breakfast," Siobhan replies, pointing to a bowl of sludgy looking oatmeal on the marble bench, "why don't you and Erin take it out to her while us ladies finish up in here. Isla may enjoy the company of someone else," she suggests taking the steaming mixture and handing it to Erin with a spoon. "You'll find Isla out on the porch, and girls, she'll need some assistance with feeding herself but don't worry, she'll eat it. It's her favorite."

"Sure thing," Erin replies, retrieving the bowl from Siobhan's outstretched hands, the older woman smiling knowingly at the both of us.

"I think you two will be a breath of fresh air for the poor lass." She finishes before turning and moving back into the kitchen to where the other women are cleaning.

Raising the bowl to her nose Erin inhales and moans, "Oh my God, that smells... I want to say familiar, but I can't remember the Mitchells cook making something this sweet. Anyway, it smells fucking amazing!" She groans again, "I might have to ask Madam Brady to make me one of my own tomorrow. Here, smell it."

Taking the bowl from her hands, I inhale the sweet syrupy mixture and almost gag. Griffin kept feeding me the same sickly sweet stuff when we were at the cabin together. Griffin. Passing it back, I take in a few deep breaths, attempting to settle my stomach and my pulse before I look back to Erin.

"You k?" She asks, tilting her head, studying my face. "You look kinda pale all of a sudden."

"Yeah, just the smell of that, it brings back memories, you know, and that scent is affecting me. It reminds me of Griffin. That's what he fed me when..."

Opening her mouth to say something, she settles on nodding, closing her lips, and turning in the direction of the front door, our booted feet tapping on the polished wooden floors as we walk.

"So, where do you think she is?" Erin asks as I open massive double doors, and we step out onto the porch at the other side of the house.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now