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We stay with Isla well past sunset, the air outside causing tiny frost crystals to form on the windows directly in front of us. But we remain huddled together, the warmth of the fire keeping the chills at bay as we watch the men slowly trickle in from God knows where. As they pass, we overhear a small cluster of them discussing ways to 'solve' their problem with Griffin. Their comments, even if vague, cause Isla to flinch, a look of pain crossing her features. I feel sorry for her and the way they speak about her brother. Even if they are referring to his Wolf, it's still a part of him. It shocks me that for someone who's supposed to be a member of their clan and originally their leader, the level of tension that the men seem to project towards his wolf is frightening and makes me feel sick, both mentally and physically.

After the brief adrenaline rush, my body has reverted to the nauseous fatigue I was feeling earlier. The smells of the food about to be served to the clan make my tummy roil and churn.

Our time together, however, with just the three of us, has been amazing and informative. Erin was correct in assuming that there's more going on inside Isla's head than what the other women, including Siobhan, know. In this short period, we have communicated with her via our hands, the answers a simple yes or no, or more like squeeze for 'yes' and no squeeze for 'no'. A technique learned from my therapist, and we've been able to glean that Isla is unhappy and wants to leave. I haven't attempted to approach the subject of her brother, or Liam but from what Siobhan mentioned upstairs, Isla hasn't always been like this, and I want to know more.

After determining what Isla would like for dinner, I ask the question that's been burning in the back of my mind for hours now, "Isla, Siobhan mentioned that you weren't always like this?" I start and wait for her squeeze of acknowledgment. Her hands gently moving around mine, I continue. "Does that mean you used to be able to talk freely?"


"And walk?"


I take a deep breath and bite the inside of my cheek, thinking how best to word my next question. Seeing that her eyes are clearer and she is focussed solely on me, I swallow, my throat dry. "How long ago did this change happen, Isla," doing the math in my brain of when I was promised to Griffin, I continue, "was it over ten years ago?"

Nothing – no.

Okay. That means whatever happened to Isla to make her this way happened after the clan agreed to match her with Liam, "Isla, was it over five years ago?"

Nothing – no.

Okay, it was more recent. Taking a stab in the dark, I ask, "Was it recent, Isla, like in the past six months?"


Shit, "Isla, did what happened to you, occur before I came to town?" Please, God, don't make this something I did or caused.


Double Shit! Okay, so not in the last 5 to 6 weeks, "Did what happen to you occur less than three months ago?" Squeeze, "2 months ago?" Squeeze.

"Fuck Ava," Erin whispers, looking towards Isla, gently moving her fingers to brush away a strand of hair from Isla's face that has come loose from her braid. "Whatever happened is recent, like just before you came to town, recent." Turning to my friend, I nod, precisely what I was thinking.

Before I can get out any more questions, Erin coughs twice, causing me to look up and see Olivia coming towards our group, a tentative smile on her lips. Clearing her throat, she motions for us to join the clan for dinner, unintentionally ignoring Isla in the process.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now