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"I say we put the feral mutt down once and for all. Griffin has been nothing but trouble since he came back," the dark-haired man sneers, scrunching his slightly large nose in disgust. His comment makes me dislike him immediately.

"Oscar, what we do next is for Ava to decide, and I would ask that you refrain from sharing your opinion until otherwise asked," Patrick growls. His voice is deep and robust, making even myself sit up straighter in a weak attempt to avoid being noticed and potentially becoming the target for that tone.

"He has a point, though, Da," Liam interjects, causing me to flinch at his harsh words, his tone calm. "Well, not to that extreme, but he's already attacked several of our men, and we all know he won't stop until we hand over what he deems as his." Me.

I raise my eyes and look at Liam. I mean, really look at him, as my good opinion of the man I met and got to know, reduces by the second. Okay, I know that's a lie. I still care for him, and maybe if things were different, but after Isla and now this, I have to question his morals.

"Enough!" Patrick slams his large hands on the wood desk making the whole table vibrate at the sheer force of his strength. "I have already said that what we do is for Ava to decide, she is his mate, and I will hear no other opinions on the matter." He finishes, directing his words towards his son, who grimaces at the mention of the word mate.

"Now, Ava," he continues, his voice lighter, his Irish brogue thick, and his face softening as he looks at me. "Lass, I know that what you've been through the past few weeks has been quite a traumatic experience, learning of your heritage, amongst other things, and I know you've had conversations with my wife about the agreement I made with Griffin all those years ago. For my part in that lass, I'm sorry." His eyes are sincere as he speaks. "My priority was and will always be with the pack, and Griffin, he determined that the only way he would pass over the leadership was if we agreed to his terms, which was for you."

"And Isla," I add, looking directly at Liam, who grimaces, guilt crossing his face.

"Yes, lass, and Isla. But aside, our most pressing matter is that you're freshly mated to a man who has lost almost all control over his wolf. That same wolf is demanding we return you before he goes to war with us."

My face crumples. Patrick has already said that his priority will always be to the pack. What if we can't stop him. Heart rate is accelerating. I struggle to breathe. Even after what I've learned about his childhood, I-

"Ava," seeing my obvious distress, Siobhan interjects placing a warm hand on my shoulder, her voice gentle but firm, "we are NOT going to force you to do anything, love. Tonight is about us coming up with a way to keep you and the clan safe."

But isn't he part of the clan?

Looking around the room and to the varying facial expressions on the men of concern, anger, and even fear, I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry. "What are the options then?" I ask, turning my head back to the Alpha and watching Patrick, his face blank, hands clasped in front and resting on the buffed wood. Inclining his head towards Liam, I see him out of the corner of my eye move his chair closer, his leg resting against mine, his warmth and scent invading my senses, making my stomach turn. Not my mate. SHIT! Griffin, what's happening to me? Shifting my body, so we're no longer touching, I face him and wait.

A look of disappointment flashed across his features then disappears just as quickly as he schools his face to look neutral. Undeterred by my physical withdrawal, he moves closer again and clasps a firm hand on my knee. "Ava, love, are you serious about wanting to break the bond?"

Yes, no, I don't know anymore. Biting my lip and digging my nails into my palm, I shrug my shoulders rather than voicing my response. Looking up at Liam, I see him offer a resigned smile before looking back to his father. "Continue," Patrick motions.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now