16: You Are A Fraud

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Silas refused to leave, but when I completely ignored him – he walked out of the room and hopefully left. I didn't want him here – I hate to behave like a brat to him, but it hurts to know that he has moved on and I am still where I was when he parted our ways. Thankfully, I was feeling much better now. The ache was now almost gone, but there was numbness in my lower back. I was bored and was about to ask for Charlie when the door opened and Dr. Quinn walked in with a small smile on her face. "Did you have water, Maria?" she asked the first thing as she halted beside me.

I smiled and nodded, "Yes." I answered. Charlie did come with a glass of water, but she left soon after. She excused herself to get some coffee for herself when I know she just wanted to give Silas and I some time to be alone. I don't know why she would do that when she knows that I don't want to be near Silas right now. Knowingly or unknowingly he has hurt me. I don't believe he had any intention to do so. After all, I was the one who pushed him away. I sighed and rested my head back on the pillow – sometimes, I don't understand myself.

"Maria, I have some questions for you." Dr. Quinn said. I knitted my brows and nodded for her to ask. She sighed, "When was the last time you took your medicines, Maria?" she questioned.

I bit my lower lip, "When I was in Chicago – just before I left for the airport." I answered honestly.

She gave me a disappointed look and lightly shook her head, "Why? Don't you want to get better?" she asked.

I sniggered, "Do you want me to believe that those medicines and going to help me walk again?" I said to her.

"I didn't say that. Those medicines are to help you escape the situation you are in right now." She answered. "Maria, those medicines are to numb the pain and suppress the inflammation." She told me what I already know. When I didn't say anything she sighed, "I am going to prescribe you some new medicines. I already talked to your doctor in Chicago and –" She was saying, but I interrupted her.

"Wait – does my brother know that I am –" I didn't even ask her the complete question, she answered anyway. "Yes, Leonard knows. I ask Charlotte to tell your family." Dr. Quinn said.

I frowned, "You didn't have to do that." I told her. She shouldn't have said anything to Leo. Now he will get worried. I hope he doesn't papa about it. I left stupid – it was my entire fault that everyone was so worried. Only if I would have taken the prescribed medicines – nothing would have happened.

"I had to talk to your family, Maria. There is something else I want to talk to you about." She told me. My heart dropped – there was something wrong. I could feel it. It was like when I first receive the news that I might never walk again – all over again. I gulped and kept looking at Dr. Quinn – who pressed her lips together and released a long breath. "Maria." She sighed and placed her hand over my mine. My eyes moistened. "Maria, your muscles aren't healing as they should." She dropped the bomb over my head. I could feel my fingers getting numbed.

"What – what are you trying to say?" I choked out the words. "Am I going back on a wheelchair?" I asked her impatiently. I was furious and nervous – I hated being on crutches, but it was way better than being in the wheelchair. I didn't want to go back on the wheelchair.

She shook her head, "No, but your leg muscles are really weak. Do you ever feel like you are not able to balance even with the crutches?" she questioned.

I mashed my lips together and lightly nod my head, "Yes." I whispered. I was so scared that I couldn't even speak up. My heart was beating so loud that I could hear it and thumbing increased as Dr. Quinn's eyes stayed on me. She nodded, "And did you tell this to your doctor in Chicago?" she asked me.

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