48: Betrayal

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To say that Charlie was furious when she found out that Marcus and Silas were here would be an understatement. It was awfully quiet in the room. We all gathered in Charlie's room. Marcus and Silas were sitting awkwardly and silently on the edge of the bed, while Kathie was dozed off and was sleeping at the same bed. Elizabeth had a smirk on her face – she was enjoying it too much. Rene and Paige were sitting on the couch while quietly looking at the boys that looked like kids caught stealing from their mother's purse and Charlie was standing with her arms folded in front of her fiancé and his brother. "I seriously can't believe you two." Charlie lightly shook her head. "You flew all the way here just to check if we were having strippers or not, seriously Marcus?" Charlie asked him. I couldn't suppress the chuckle. Charlie slowly turned her head to look at me and stopped immediately. It felt like she was the mother here and we were her disobedient kids. It was funny seeing her like this.

"Yeah, you should have come up with a better excuse." Silas nudged Marcus. Charlie averted her gaze on to Silas, "I am sure you are the mastermind behind this." She narrowed her eyes. Silas frowned, "Hey! He planned to come over here." He defended himself. Charlie sighed, "And who filled his mind with the thoughts of us hiring strippers?" She asked him. He opened his mouth but closed it immediately. He twitched his mouth, "Well, that would be me." He accepted. Marcus rolled his eyes at his brother and stood up on his feet. "I am sorry, okay?" He asked her while putting his hands on his shoulder.

Silas followed his brother's lead and stood up as well, "Yeah and we will be gone by tonight, I swear. We just came here for a day." He said. "Can't we all just have some fun before we go? It was an honest mistake. Can't you let it go, Charlie?" He asked her. Charlie was silent for a while before she sighed, "One day will not hurt I guess." She mumbled as she leaned in Marcus. Marcus wrapped his hand around her waist and kissed her on her forehead. I smiled as I saw a smile curling on Charlie's lips.

"Hey, we can't have Charlie's bachelorette party with them here," Elizabeth complained about a frown on her face. Silas looked at his sister and glared at her while she sarcastically smiled back at him. Charlie looked at Elizabeth, "We can postpone it for a day, right girls?" Charlie asked all of us. We all nodded our heads in agreement when Silas protested, "Hey, but –" Silas was about to complain when Marcus interjected, "Shut up, Silas." He said to him before turning his head to look at Charlie, "Thank you, babe." He spoke and lightly kissed her on the lips.

Rene, Paige, and Elizabeth decided to hit the pool as Charlie and Marcus stayed in the room and promised to meet us all in a while. I told Elizabeth that I will be joining them shortly before I walked towards my room. I could feel Silas following me. I didn't turn around nor did he say anything. With a smile on my face, I opened the door of my room and walked in – leaving the door open to let him come in as well. I heard him entering and closing the door behind him. Within a matter of a few seconds, I felt his hands around my stomach and his lips kissing my head, "I missed you so much." He mumbled. I put one of my hands on his hand over my stomach and chuckled, "I have been gone for hardly a day, Silas." I said to him. He sighed he rested his chin on my shoulder, "A day without you felt like an eternity to me." He spoke. I chuckled, "That was to cliché." I told him as he laughed along with me. He pushed all my hair aside and brought his lips on my shoulder blade. I closed my eyes and leaned against him. He lights kissed me below my ear. I bit my lower lips and enjoying his soft lips on my skin, "Let go of the crutches." He whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and gulped, "I will fall." I whispered back. He softly kissed my earlobe and tightened his grip on my stomach, "I will never let you fall, I promise." His voice held oath in it. I believed him – I know he will never let me hit the low. I slowly let go of my crutches and heard them hit the floor as Silas held me securely in his strong arms.

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