5- Meeting the Sway Boys

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The three floppy haired boys looked like they could be in a frat with the way they are dressed and acting like they own the entire patio. The only blonde one looked like a model. His perfectly tanned skin, killer smile, and dimples to die for.

Another boy was covered in tattoos and had black hair

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Another boy was covered in tattoos and had black hair. He was the loudest of the group, but also seemed to be the leader of the other two.

When you let your gaze move to the other dark haired boy, you were surprised to see him already staring at you

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When you let your gaze move to the other dark haired boy, you were surprised to see him already staring at you. He smiled at you and looked away, continuing the conversation with his friends. That smile had to have known exactly what it was going to do to you, but you were shocked by it. You usually had no problem resisting fboys who smiled their way into your affection. Still staring in shock, he looked back up at you and didn't look away this time as he took a drink from his cup.


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He had immediately noticed the beautiful girl across from him. She was hiding under a sweatshirt and a book, but it was obvious she was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. 

Bryce: "Dude go say hi"

Blake: "Absolutely not. She's eating by herself. Girls who can sit at a restaurant by themselves don't need a damn thing I have to offer."

Noah: "Facts."

Bryce: "C'mon. Don't be a coward. You haven't stopped staring at her for the past half an hour. Just go."

Noah: "I saw her looking at you too. Go ahead dude. Shoot your shot."

Bryce: "I bet you $100 I can get her number first."

Blake: *tossed his napkin at Bryce and stood up*

"You win. I'm going."


Your pulse starts to race as you see the ridiculously hot boy approach your table. You try to swallow down your nerves as you pretend to not notice.

Blake: "Hey... Is this seat saved for someone."

You: "Nope. You can take it."

Of course he just wanted to borrow the chair from your table. What would a boy who looked like that possibly want with you. Much to your shock, he pulled the chair back and sat down next to you.

Blake: "Hi, I'm Blake."

You introduce yourself and you chat about the book you're reading for a minute.

Blake: "Do you eat here very often?"

You: "I've actually never been to LA before."

Blake: "Tourist, huh? There are lots of really great places you need to see while you're here. How long are you visiting?"

You: "Just for the weekend. My sister lives here."

Blake: "Have you been to the beach yet?"

You: "Oh God I want to go so bad. I'm kinda at the mercy of my sister and my Uber driver though."

You can't tell if he's flirting with you but why would he be. Look at him. Every one of them looks like they just stepped out of a Calvin Klein underwear ad. You literally looked like such a mess.

You suddenly get self-conscious and start to fidget with the pages of your book.

Blake: *noticing you getting restless*

"Well I can leave you to read. Thanks for the chair and the chat."

He drags the chair awkwardly back to his table while his friends look at him in disappointment.

Bryce: "You really drug the chair all the way back here?"

Blake: "I don't know man, I got nervous. It felt like maybe I was annoying her. She was reading, I told you that."

Bryce stood up with a smirk and confidently pushed his way through the crowd and walked up to you. He squatted down next to where you sat because the second chair was missing.

Bryce: "I'm gonna get straight to the point. You're ridiculously attractive. You know this."

You: "Who? Me?"

Bryce: *laughing flirtatiously*

"Yes! What are the chances I get your number?"

You glanced over at Blake who looked like he was about to throw up everytime Bryce spoke.

You: "I, um... I don't know."

Bryce: "Don't worry, it's for my coward of a best friend. You scared him off and he chickened out."

He'd come over to ask for your number? Never in a million years did you imagine that's why he'd been staring at you. Truthfully you'd assumed they were making fun of you for reading alone.

You: "Oh, I mean, sure!"

You quickly wrote your name and number on the title page of your book and tore it out.

You quickly wrote your name and number on the title page of your book and tore it out

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Bryce: "Oh so Blake gets the digits but I get a look of horror and panic? Wooooow."

You: *nervously fumbling over your words in embarrassment*

"Oh God, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."

Bryce: "Hey, hey. It was a joke. But you don't happen to have a hot friend or sister who I might be their type do you?"

You: "I do actually have a sister, but the jury is still out on her type."

Bryce: *winks*
"Good to know."

Your phone goes off that the Uber you'd requested was out front so you rush outside. As the car pulls away you see Blake run out after you, but it's too late. 

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