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Now when your gone in your desired relaity i know your probably wondering what does your body do when your gone well im here to claify in my best friends discords server (mooni's reality show link in bio) ive gotten alot of questions such as...
"What is a clone"---"What does it do while im gone"---"is it safe"----"what if it is weird and my family knows its a clone"---"can i have it do anything i want"---"What happens if my clone dies while im in my desired reality" im here to help u figure all that out and more im going to show u how to script your clone to do certain things and also answer the most common fears that i hear and see in my discord (well my best friends discord teehee)

So lets start with the basics what is a clone- A clone is you now let me explain. When shifting your conciousness (which is what shifting is) you are taking you concious mind and putting it into you in a different universe now when you do that your body is left here right well whos going to take over well YOU its just you now what i mean by that is it acts like you talks like you and does what u like to do because this "clone", for lack of better terms, is just being you.

Now your clone is the perfect you anything you script them to do they can and will do now do not put them on a time schedule give them suggestions. and remember they are u so they have ur same schedule they will go go work go to school talk to your family and anything else you would do. Here is somethings you can write into your script to tell your clone to do.

-My clone will exercise 

-My clone will do my homework/do my work

-My clone will be a good student/employee

-My clone will diet

-My clone will respectful to my parents

-My clone will follow the rules

-My clone will be safe

-My clone knows its a clone

-My clone is fine with being a clone

-My clone wont tell anyone its a clone

Write these and your clone will do them all and anything else u want your clone to do while your gone now if u want to just be gone for a night thats fine but im telling you once you see it you wont want to leave its beautiful.  Also when u shift back to your cr you will be doing whatever your clone was doing when u came back.

Now your clone is just like you but if it tells other people its a clone then it will get sad because it feels like its not fully you so its best to make sure they dont tell anyone they are a clone to make sure they are happy. Also your clone can not die it will not kill itself and it will not put itself in dangerous situations ever it does not want to die even if u want to. there is no way for your clone to die and it will be safe.

Also i get a question alot about if your clone can hear or feel what you feel in your dr. no they cant two different bodies because ur going to a whole new universe and it has nothing to do with the body you have here so dont worry if your doing something dirty no your clone will not make noise or moan two different bodies.

I also get the question alot can you remember what your clone does yes you can all the memories will be there and i also get the question "if i script i can do something in my dr am i able to do it when i shift back" No you cant its muscle memory there and u dont have that here same if i learned combat there i have the muscle memory there but not here and cant fight the same.

Now i am also getting the question of if you want to shift in your sleep will your clone get up and walk around. NO they wont they will just sleep and when you come back you will feel rested now they will get up and move if say someone breaks in or the house is on fire they wont just sleep there they are still like you and have flight or fight responses but dont worry its all safe and they love being a clone just script everything i said and you are set now next chapter teehee.

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