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This is it

im leaving my home

my brother

my sisters

my mother

my father

and my firends

twords the end of my journey things changed for me and many others what became my new norm switched up. but what i always knew is i had a home somewhere and that was in the discord it was home and im sad to let it go but i cant stay forever my life is ass here and i know in my dr its wonderful i have the body ive always wanted the face ive always wanted my boyfrinend is fucking katsuki bakugo like how fucking dope is that i have super powers and my mom and dad are fucking jenna marbles and julien solomita like are u kidding me this is heaven what im saying is dont lose hope you will find your home and if you cant find your home make it i sure as hell did and its better then any family i could have been brought up in.

Well this is farewell this book has all my knowlage and more glad i could help but today i think is the day im going to shift forever ive been shifting for a while but i think its time for me to stay thanks for whoever reads this book you are all the best and my clone isent going to say anything fyi it knows its a clone but frankly updating a book no ones going to read is kinda pointless none the less i love u all and will see u all on the flip side

-*see u on the flip side*-

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