High vibrations

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So in order to shift you need to keep your vibrations high what do i mean by that well. Your vibrations is how u are going to shift alot easier the higher your vibrations the better they are like if you took a booster in a video game to jump higher high vibrations will boost us to our desired realties here are some ways to boost them.


i use this audio to raise my vibrations and it works amazingly


Yes this is going to sound weird but certain foods can raise your vibrations such as



-Fresh fruits

-Fresh spices


-Olive oil

-Fresh herbs

-Raw honey

-Water (i mean like hella water common mistake not to drink it)

Avoid dairy products and processed foods they will make you weaker and more tired and not be able to shift


Listen to your fav music, Eat your fav food, Do your fav activity do anything to make this your best day and it will raise your vibrations u got this <3

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