Chapter 4

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Lisa's eyes soften just the slightest, just enough from her usual professional mask for Jennie to notice as she walks into the courtroom with Jackson. The softness is gone in an instant, as green eyes return to her notes, but it's enough for Jennie to need a minute.

"Do you have this today?" She whispers, looking him in the eye and not letting him back down.

"Yeah." He takes a deep breath and looks anything like someone who has it. As soon as Lisa picks up right where she left off the day before, questioning the police officer who was first on the scene, Jackson seems to lose any nerve he had.

The client glances at them nervously and Jennie stares at the ceiling taking a deep breath, before deciding what to do.

"Give me the files."


"Give me the files, give me your notes."

"Jennie, I can handle this."

"When you can, then you can have them back. But we need to stop this train and I'm not about to let her run away with this."

He acquiesces with a roll of his eyes but looks relieved that Jennie will be taking control.

Jennie lets her get a few questions in, it's nothing that's too controversial and he's not saying anything that they don't already know. But, as soon as Lisa approaches the information they kept out of discovery, she shoots out of her chair with an objection.

Lisa's eyebrow raises as she turns around to stare Jennie down. Her arms are crossed and her face looks perfectly nonplussed and Jennie counts that as a win.

There's a sparkle in Lisa's eyes when she notes the pile of files in front of Jennie and the way Jackson is slumped in his chair, slightly defeated.

The game has officially begun.


"Your Honor, I didn't realize the defense would actually be testifying for the witness today. Surely we all remember that from our moot court days," Lisa snaps, exasperated.

Her cool demeanor shaken.

"Alright, enough with the dramatics ADA Manoban. Miss Kim, watch it."

Jennie finds herself on the end of a reproachful glare from the judge, but the satisfaction at Lisa's ticked jaw doesn't let her feel it.

"Well, if the witness would answer the questions I ask, perhaps I wouldn't have to go so far."

He glares again and Jennie notices Lisa's back straighten even more.

With a heavy sigh, the judge turns his attention to the witness who has not stopped glaring at Jennie through this whole diversion. "Answer the questions as asked. I would remind you that you are under oath."

Lisa stews in her periphery and Jennie is oddly buoyed by the sight, ready to dig back in and attack her hostile witness.

What she isn't expecting is for him to slip on an important detail. A key point in the evidence. Lisa surely prepped him and prepped him hard. She's notoriously thorough, but his mouth runs away with him when Jennie strikes a nerve.

"So, let me get this straight. You're saying that you did not clearly see if the alleged attacker was wearing blue sneakers?"

His face completely pales and he swallows, hands shaking and gripping his knees.

Jennie glances up at the jury, notices how they've all seemingly woken up from their stupor.

He opens his mouth a few times and Jennie shifts closer.

"Mister Stewart?"

"Answer the question, please." The judge appears to be leaning closer too. One look at Lisa and Jennie can see the storm raging inside, though her face remains impassive.

He clears his throat. "No," he chokes out.
"And, could you tell what color they were?"

She's got him, she's just gutted one of Lisa's key witnesses. Torn him to shreds in a matter of three questions.

"No, I could not."

"And is that because the corner where you were standing was, in fact, not as well lit as you had previously testified?

"I wouldn't say that exactly-"

"A yes or no is all I need."

"Yes," he practically snarls.

She nods. "Thank you, Mister Stewart. The defense rests, your honor."

"Miss Manoban, would you like to redirect?"

Lisa is up out of her chair, buttoning her jacket and calmly approaching the witness stand before the judge even finishes asking the question.

"Mister Stewart, did you get a good look at the alleged attacker at the scene?"

"Asked and answered, your Honor." This time it's Jackson who stands with vigor.

"Indeed it has been. Rephrase or rest, Miss Manoban."

Lisa's back stiffens. Uncharacteristic for her.

"Do you think the color of the sneakers is relevant when you could hear the shouts coming from the fight and see the incident in question?"

It's leading, but Jennie and Jackson allow it, the damage already done and perhaps could be made worse before this witness is dismissed.

"No, I don't see how the color of the shoes would be important." He tries to regain some of the footing that was lost during Jennie's cross, but the jury doesn't seem to be believing it.

Neither does Lisa.

"I have no further questions, your honor." She turns on a sharp heel and casts a glance at the defense table. Her jaw clenched so tight, Jennie worries for her teeth.

"Mister Stewart, thank you for your time. You may be excused." The judge glances up to the clock on the back wall. "It's just about four, let's call it for today. Court will resume tomorrow morning at nine."

With a bang of the gavel and the scraping of chairs as everyone stands, Jennie looks at Jackson and sees the first glint of something they might be able to hold on to.

Lisa sweeps out of the courtroom with her files and her scowl before Jennie can even try to get a good look at her.

"Fuck me that was a lucky slip," Jackson breathes once they're out the double doors.

"Too lucky. We won't get that again with her, we need to be ready tomorrow.

She's only got that one witness left and I think it's going to be short."

"You're right about that. We definitely poked the bear now, too."


Jennie walks up to the courtroom alone the next morning. Jackson was pulled aside by a deputy on the first floor by the elevator to talk about another case with a grimace. She balances some files under her arm, her bag on her shoulder and her coffee in one hand, and nearly drops it all when she sees Lisa approach down the opposite end of the hall.

Their eyes lock for a moment before Lisa glances away. Jennie feels warm with the appraising look she receives, even from thirty feet away.

Lisa with wide, wide eyes as she scans up and down Jennie's body, appreciating the outfit Jennie pulled together. Lisa with her mouth in a thin, thin, line. Lisa with a fist clenched at her side.

It is spectacular.

They meet at the double door and Lisa hasn't been able to stop looking at her and Jennie blooms with the attention.

"Morning, Manoban." She keeps her voice cheery and nudges her head to the door, hands too full to open it herself.

Lisa shakes herself out of her trance and swings it open, standing aside so Jennie can walk in first.

And Jennie makes sure to put an extra little swing in her step.

And, alright, yeah, she may be playing a little bit dirty in the royal blue cardigan buttoned up snugly over her cleavage and the gray pencil skirt that hugs her hips just right and makes her ass look out of this world, and the strappy shoes that are slightly too high for court.

But fuck it.

If Lisa can get pulled out of her zone just by one perfect outfit, then she doesn't deserve to win this case anyway.

When Jennie glances over her shoulder, Lisa is grinding her jaw and staring at her with dark eyes. It's been too long since she has looked at Jennie with anything other than professional civility and detachment and it feels good to cause a reaction.

Game on, Manoban.


Lisa recovers well enough from her shock at seeing Jennie, and from the slip up with the witness yesterday as they continue with evidence, but she lacks her usual swagger.

The swagger that happens when she knows she's got a slam dunk.

It breathes new life into Jennie.

Jackson handles cross for her last witness and seems back on the ball.

The pendulum has swung in their favor.

They had debated placing their client on the witness stand for longer than they should have weeks ago. Jennie vehemently against it knowing Lisa would have had a field day with him.

They had debated it for god knows what reason, but Jennie is thanking the universe that they don't have to revisit the debate now that they've had a few things all in their favor.

And when Lisa rests, she looks briefly towards Jennie with her eyebrow raised just enough for Jennie to react. It's not angry or upset, just a look.

But when she sends Jackson a withering glare it runs straight between Jennie's legs.


When Jackson and Jennie call their first witness and turn the tables, Lisa pulls out all the stops. And, yes, this is the Lisa Manoban that Jennie knows so well, recognizes from their many battles.

Lisa has seemingly taken a page out of Jennie's book and begins vehemently objecting to pretty much everything.

Jackson looks like he might actually rip his hair out and even Jennie wants to slam her against a wall and kiss her hot and dirty just to make her stop.

But they power through.

"Your Honor, the ADA has insisted on objecting to this line of questioning three times now, and you've overruled each one. This is clearly a stalling tactic," Jennie says evenly. Though her blood is boiling inside at Lisa's repeated barks of objection.

Each time the chair squeaks back on the hardwood floor she struggles not to roll her eyes.

"If the defense would stop encroaching on facts outside the scope, perhaps I wouldn't need to," Lisa replies, her voice detached. Her face hard as stone.

"Your Honor, this is ridiculous."

"I realize that Miss Kim was not at the suppression hearing, but-"

"I am not anywhere near that and this is a pathetic excuse to confuse the witness."
"Ladies," the judge warns. He turns his head to Lisa, "I happen to agree with Miss Kim here. Your objection is overruled for now."

"Your Honor, I-"

Lisa is cut off, "No, no. I don't want to hear it. You've said enough on this matter, Miss Manoban. Why don't we take a twenty-minute recess and regroup." He rises and leaves through the door to chambers before Jennie can even process it.

Lisa looks stunned and angry. Jackson looks confused.

He leans over to talk to their client but Jennie leaves needing a breather. She isn't surprised when she feels Lisa's presence behind her.

They come to a stop in the hallway off to the side and she spins to glare at her.

"Can't handle the taste of your own medicine, Kim?" Lisa cocks her head to the side and crosses her arms in front of her. She keeps her eyes on Jennie's, challenging.

"Oh is that what that is? You have to borrow my tricks now?"

"Just showing you how fun it is to be on the other side."

There's a supercilious look on her face that Jennie loathes but at the same time wants to kiss. The ladies room is only a few yards away, but she doesn't move an inch. Cannot do this here.

Really shouldn't even be thinking about it.

"Message received." Jennie huffs.
Lisa leans back, finally studies Jennie's body again. A burst of warmth floods into Jennie's veins, but she can't fall into it.

"Did you have anything else? Or can I enjoy this recess?"

"Someone getting under your skin?"

"You wish, Manoban."

Lisa relaxes for just a moment, before stepping back and finally retreating.

"I like to keep you on your toes, Kim." She says it over her shoulder, not fully turning around again.

Don't let her get in your head.


Testimony resumes and though their client still looks anxious, he calms as soon as their key witness is off the stand.

Although it takes pretty much the rest of the day. Lisa sank her claws into him and didn't let go for over an hour.

Over an hour and stuck on a very, very small point of the case.

Jennie clenches her pen in her hand so hard she's surprised it doesn't snap.

Her eyes are shining when she finally returns to her seat and Jennie can see the pleased look on her face.

It shouldn't turn her on as much as it does.

"I can't believe how hard she went after our witness," Jackson complains as they leave for the day.

Jennie watches the last of Lisa's retreating form as it moves through the hallway that connects to the labyrinth that houses her office.

"Can't you?"

Jackson rolls his eyes, "She's a fucking machine."

"She is," Jennie agrees, blushing slightly and scolding herself. "What do you want for dinner? We've gotta lock it down for tomorrow, I'm worried she's gonna go after this lady and I don't like some of our questions."

Jackson elbows Jennie, "You're a shark, you know that right? I didn't realize asking you to co-chair meant getting no sleep like we're cramming for finals in the library."

"Yes you did, Wang."

"I hate when you call me that."

"I know." She grins, saccharine and fake.


It hits her the next morning before anything even happens with the case. It hits her and Jennie realizes how foolish she was. How utterly ridiculous, really.

She played with fire.

She played with fire and she is getting burned. Scorched. Yet her hand is still holding on to the flame.

Lisa is wearing the shirt.

The shirt Jennie sent over at the beginning of the week.

Pressed and perfectly fit on her torso. Tucked into slate gray pants and under a single button blazer. Her hair is wavy, the curls adding texture to her usually smooth bun. Her eyeliner is perfect. And as she brushes by Jennie with the hint of a smirk and a devastatingly mischievous look in her eye, Jennie is hit with a waft of perfume.

It's... it's...

Jennie stands in shock, eyes wide.

Clenching her hands at her sides.

Lisa hasn't worn that perfume since the first time they slept together and a rush of hazy torrid memories come flooding back.

"Jennie, why are you standing here? Let's go!" Jackson breaks the spell, box in his hands and confused look on his face. He signals for Jennie to open the door and she does, trying to swallow down her desire.

Jennie isn't sure how long she was standing there, mind trying to catch up to her body and rein it in. She holds the door open for Jackson and follows him up the aisle trying not to look at Lisa. Trying so hard to stop her eyes from sliding over and taking it all in again, but she can't.

Long legs are crossed, a shiny heel is swinging casually back and forth under the table, and dexterous fingers are twirling a fancy pen.

When Lisa makes eye contact Jennie nearly stumbles over her own feet.
She coughs and sets everything down trying to pull herself together.

And damn. Jennie hates her just a little bit, but not as much as she hates her own libido for ruining her cool.

Or her own ego for starting this yesterday.

Lisa's eyes look wonderfully green with that purple. It softens her features and brings out her coloring.

Jennie wrestles that thought back, pushes it to the recesses of her mind.

Ignores the whisper that says Lisa should break out of her rote, boring, standard color scheme of whites and blues and grays and neutral stripes more often.

She shoves away the knowledge that she knew Lisa would look wonderful adorning the soft pastel.

Tries to forget that it was more than the joke she planned or the glass of wine that made her select that color to add to her online cart late at night.

Late at night after Lisa's mouth was on hers and Lisa's whimpers were still echoing in her ears.

Get your shit together, Kim. Mind out of the gutter. On the case.


Just like her opening statement, Lisa's closing argument is expertly crafted and delivered. Her story weaving with her points, with the facts, in a way that captivates the jury.

Jennie can't take her eyes off of her, even if she's making mental notes in her head about her own close. Jackson wanted her to take it and, honestly, it's one of her favorite things about being in the courtroom.

The drama of it. The flair. The way the words can spin what everyone in the room heard over the span of the trial.

She only wrote a few bullet points over a cold cup of coffee, scribbling furiously on her pad, building the speech in her mind.

Beat for beat.

For now, she watches Lisa stand sure and steady, only moving to hammer home a point. Using the inflection of her voice, subtle hand movements, and spin to present her case.

She makes it look effortless. Jennie would believe the facade if she didn't know how tirelessly Lisa works.

And when it's time for her to deliver their last words to the jury, Jennie starts out quietly. Moving slowly from her chair and around the table. Telling the story of a kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Weaving her own loom from the facts they presented, the ones Lisa just tried to brush aside and explain away.

She feels eyes on her the whole time, the back of her neck prickles with that heat. She doesn't turn around, but she lets it push her.

She looks each and every juror in the eye as she goes. Stopping the longest on the ones who seemed to tune out the most whenever she and Jackson held the floor.

They fidget, shift in their seats.

It's all a show, it's all there for her to analyze.

When she finishes, she catches Lisa. The other woman doesn't look away. Doesn't seem as distant as she did when they started this trial.

Perhaps even surprised.

Jackson nudges her knee when they turn their attention to the judge for the charges. Gives her an approving look.

This, this is Jennie's least favorite part. It's nothing like it is on television. Forty-five minutes later, the jury files out to deliberate looking more like zombies than people. Jennie half asleep herself.

Lisa is up and out of her chair in a second, long legs leading her out of the room, leaving a hint of perfume in her wake.


It doesn't take long for the verdict to come back. The foreman reads out the not guilty on both counts and Jennie can breathe again. Jackson claps her on the back and the client breaks down in happy tears and it feels good.

So fucking good.


Lisa gathers her things calmly. Nods at them both, offers a quiet "Good work." Leaves before Jennie can even say thank you.

"We're celebrating tonight, Jennie. I hope you're hungry because I'm taking you to Torrodo's." Jackson practically yells at her in his excitement.

"Shit, if this is what I get for helping out, I might be more open in the future." She laughs, mouth watering already.

"Well, I owe you, you saved my ass the other day."

"I sure as fuck did. Now let's go!"


They're finishing up their meal, the bottle of expensive wine Jackson insisted on, studying the dessert menu and still smiling like idiots, awash in relief and pride and exhaustion.

Her phone buzzes with an incoming text.
Her whole body buzzes when she sees who it's from.

LS: Congratulations, Jennie. Job well done.

Oh wow, she does know how to congratulate!

LS: I can appreciate when someone bests me deservedly.

You put up quite a fight.

LS: Fell short though.

LS: Would you like to claim your prize?

Lisa shares her location. It's an apartment building a short walk from the restaurant. Jennie clenches her thighs together and bites her lip as she types out a response.

So I DO get something? Will you be as wet for me as you were when I buried Eunbin?

She wouldn't usually be this forward over text, but her belly is full of exquisite food and she's riding the high of her second not guilty verdict in a row.

LW: Why don't you come and find out. Door code is 4332. Offer expires at midnight.

Good thing I didn't wear my glass slippers.


"You know, I'm surprised to see you wearing this shirt." Jennie gets out between kisses. Lisa's focus pulled from her mouth to working the buttons of her shirt.

"Why is that?"

"Seems outside your wheelhouse..." She gasps as Lisa bites her neck. "Plus, you seemed pretty unhappy with that color."

"It grew on me." Her mouth doesn't stop moving along Jennie's skin.

It's driving her absolutely mad.

"Wow, you are being exceptionally cool about this outcome..." Jennie says as she drags the shirt off of Lisa's long arms.
Her body throbbing, craving exactly this, the full press of Lisa's body against her own, since she first laid eyes on her this morning.

Lisa's perfume clouding around her. Arms and hands restless and working to get her naked.

It's a heady rush, all of it. The heat, their kisses, Lisa's hands gripping at her hips with purpose.

She needs more. More heat. More skin. More Lisa.

"No time to dwell." She returns to Jennie's lips with a heavy kiss. "I have," another kiss. "Something else," another. "On the horizon already." Her shirt lands on the floor and Lisa's warm hands run over her torso. Dragging her fingers and causing goosebumps. "Bigger fish..."

Jennie works Lisa out of her bra and has to take a deep breath at the perfect pink of Lisa's nipples.

"And you were very, very sexy in court." She whispers. Eyes fixed on Jennie. Irascible as always.

"Oh?" Jennie helps Lisa out of her pants. A current running through her.

"Mhm. Drove me crazy." She tries to claim Jennie's mouth again, but Jennie shifts at the last second.

"So, what you're saying is... you're definitely not gonna be a sore loser about this one? Get all pouty and snarky?"


"And we are going to properly celebrate me topping you in court?"

"Properly," Lisa husks. Her lips dropping to Jennie's tits.

"You know what this means, Manoban?"

"Hmm?" Her voice is muffled against Jennie's skin.

"Get comfortable on your back."


She stirs with a start. The room is cool and dark, the only light shining from the bedside lamp Lisa flicked on, the sheets soft and warm.

With a groan, she rubs at her temple and studies the ceiling. The nap necessary after the paces Lisa put her through, the orgasm that was so deep she doesn't know if anything will ever come close again.

The floor is cool under her feet when she sits up. There's a deep scratch she can feel blistered and angry on her shoulder. A bruise forming just under her collarbone.

Lisa was.... a firework. Hot and bright and everywhere.

Jennie takes a breath and tries to locate her clothes around the room.

A soft hand wraps around her wrist. "Jennie?"

It startles her, she didn't hear Lisa rustle behind her. "I have to go, it's late."

Lisa grumbles. Runs her hand up and down Jennie's forearm.


"It's late. Just stay." Lisa's voice is reedy with sleep. Jennie's stomach flips. She debates it for a long moment. But, it's not what they do. It's not what this is.

She stands and Lisa whines in complaint. She's half asleep and stretched out, sheets down around her waist. Jennie takes one last look at her naked chest, the bite already forming on that soft patch of skin she loves just above Lisa's sharp hip bone.

Leaving is the right decision, but the way Lisa looks in bed after Jennie has had her way is.... It's enough to make her pause.

But no, this is just sex. Really, really, great sex.

But strictly sex.

Her clothes are strewn about the floor and she dresses quickly. Lisa's breath full and even on the bed as Jennie slips from the apartment.

What the fuck?

She requests a Lyft in the lobby of the apartment and thinks about everything that just happened. How easily they fell into it.

From the unbelievable sex, seriously Lisa does everything well, to the way Lisa sat and ate Jennie's leftovers in bed in all of her naked glory while they compared notes on the jurors. To the laughs they shared at the look Jackson had on his face when they were arguing, to the accidental dozing.

To the way Lisa's grip was so soft, how she rubbed a thumb over Jennie's pulse point and whined without a care in the world.

This is... a shift. Something different.

She's completely flustered. Lisa asked her to stay. She hasn't decided if it's crossing a line or not.

Except that the feeling in her gut has another idea.

This has to stop. We have to stop.


"Don't. Just, don't." Jennie holds up her hand and cuts off Hyeri's question before she can even open her mouth. Hyeri waltzed into her office with that look in her eye, the one that Jennie has learned to recognize as nothing good.

The look that says she's going to ask about someone Jennie doesn't need in her brain right now.

It's Monday morning and her arraignment ran late and she is already behind on everything else she has to catch up on after being on trial the previous week. And she just does not have the patience for any of this.

"Don't what? How do you know what I was going to do?" Hyeri places the files on the end of Jennie's desk and folds her arms in front of her.

"I just know, okay. Don't ask about it. It's over. It's done. We're not gonna talk about it, alright?" Jennie tries not to snap, but her patience is paper thin.

"Did something happen? Did she do something stupid?" Hyeri's voice is laced with concern.

"No, nothing happened. Just like nothing should have ever happened. I'm putting it in my rear view. I was the one that was stupid. It's a blip. A slight blemish on my impeccable record. That's it." She looks up at Hyeri with look that dares to question her.

"Alright, whatever."

Jennie can't ignore the way Hyeri looks slightly crestfallen as she leaves the office and shuts the door gently behind her.

Can't ignore the way her stomach ties itself in knots when she thinks about her new rule. But she pushes it aside and repeats her new mantra.

You're done, it's done, just let it be done.

Warm On a Cold Night ★ JENLISATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon