Chapter 9

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"Well, well, well, look what the cat finally dragged in." A familiar voice says right next to her, setting a drink in front of Jennie at the bar.

"Oh my god, Hyuna?" Jennie swings her arms around Hyuna and pulls her in for a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Had a case in town, thought I'd drop by the old haunts. I was hoping I'd get to see you."

Jennie can't keep the grin off her face at seeing her old friend. "I'm glad! How's Dawn treating you? Why didn't you text me?"

"It's alright. I'm not used to the new city yet, but the job is fantastic. And I wanted to surprise you!"

"Yes, you up and left us to become a suit, I can't even believe it."

Hyuna laughs and Jennie realizes she's missed it. "Kim, you're probably doing just fine without me. Do you have time to catch up?" She puts an arm around Jennie's shoulders and signals to the booth that just emptied and Jennie nods, picking up her bag and her glass and following her lead.

Except she almost trips over her own feet when Lisa chooses that exact moment to walk in.

Jennie stops, knees shaking at the sight of her.

Hair still pulled back in her bun, a few wisps hanging down around her face signaling the long day. Jacket off, shirtsleeves rolled up, and suspenders.

She's wearing fucking suspenders.

And damn, this woman.

They lock eyes and it's immediate. The rush that goes through her, that electricity.

It doesn't help that Lisa has been out of pocket all week, tied up with some cases and rumor has it, some district bureaucracy.

Jennie watches Lisa's eyes flit up and down, slide to the woman who still stands next to her with the arm on her elbow, looking at her like she's crazy.

"Jennie, are you okay?"

Jennie tries to break out of it, but she can't. All she wants to do is push Lisa back out that door she just walked through and take her right there against the building.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. Long day," she smiles at Hyuna and follows her to the booth. "So, what's new?"

Hyuna smiles at her like she always did. Their easy friendship picking up where it left off when she moved. She lays a soft hand on Jennie's forearm as she speaks and laughs at Jennie's jokes, and it's nice.

It feels the way it used to, the friend who understood her world, the one that Jennie had craved when she moved to the city.

When Hyuna retreats outside to take a call, Jennie looks up and finds Lisa.

Lisa who sits at the bar, all dark eyes and brooding face.

She sips at her drink. Notices Jennie's eyes on her but doesn't react.

Pretends to enjoy what her coworker is gabbing on and on about next to her.

But her eyes don't leave Jennie's. Not for a second. They barely even blink.

All of her desire written plain as day on her face if you know what you're looking for.

Jennie swallows and shifts in her seat. She knows.

She is well aware of everything that comes with that look.

Lisa looks… Lisa looks so sexy it's unbelievable.

She has felt those eyes on her all night. Has chanced a few glances up herself, but never too long. Never often enough for Hyuna to catch on.

Lisa smirks before she sips her drink and her eyes flit away.

Warm On a Cold Night ★ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now