Chapter 7

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ps. you might encounter mistakes in the next chapters, I didn't proofread since I have classes. thank you guys for waiting!


For the first week after Lisa recovers from her trial, they spend every night with each other.

It's hot.


The relocation to actual beds, to time split between apartments, to time spent between each other's legs.

The acceptance of their mutual attraction unfolds into something dangerous and fluctuating. Jennie cannot get enough, her desire never ending and the sex unbelievable.

Mind blowingly good.

Lisa exceeds everything Jennie has come to know about her in just a short while. She is a deft and skilled lover, passion felt in her movements. Jennie would have sent her on her way long ago if she wasn't.

But, now, everything about Lisa is deeper.

That intensity that lives inside of her and claws its way out from time to time comes back to life. It's not like Jennie expected any less from the woman who's been her adversary for so long. But, seeing it, feeling it in this new way is...

It's more than Jennie can handle and somehow not enough.

Lisa is graceful.

She has always been generous, almost greedy in her desire for Jennie's reactions. To break her and rebuild her.

Intent and present in every moment of skin to skin contact.

But now that they've acknowledged this attraction between them, Lisa is somehow more.

More attentive. More demanding. More alive.

Which is impossible because she was always a live wire with Jennie, from the second their lips first touched. From before that, even. From the moment Jennie met her.

This Lisa is full of dark and deep and unfathomable depths.

Consumed with Jennie's pleasure as much as, if not more than, her own.

Attentive and in tune with Jennie's body. The cues from her muscles, her words, her gasps.

She herself becomes more open. Her smiles unfettered, her reactions less shy. Her noises unrestrained and achingly beautiful.

She is not afraid to want any more.

And neither is Jennie.


A shift happens during that time. Comes with the acceptance that it's a thing and it's not going away. It's a good shift, but it's still a shift.

For starters, Lisa starts texting her.

Actually texting her.

Not about anything major, but small little snippets about things. Innocuous details or thoughts. Perfectly nice and random and thoughtful.

Then there are the compliments on how Jennie looked on any particular day if they happened to cross paths. Those always make her stomach flip.

Most definitely always about plans to meet up.

And Jennie definitely gets used to it very quickly. Addicted to that thrill whenever she is propositioned.

A thrill that usually goes right to her core.

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