L - epilogue

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The month passed much quicker than Aria or Warren anticipated. Not realizing all that needed to happen for the wedding , they went to countless appointments. Whether it was cake tasting, food menu tasting, media and entertainment. Even more , they were going to try to keep their wedding day a secret and away from the hungry ears of the news and paparazzi. Everything was to be done in complete and absolute secrecy, that was until they were ready to let people know that there had been a Lawson - Wells union.

Both mothers were in absolute delight as the days neared . Aria and Warren had just finished moving all their furniture into their home , so now it was all just a waiting game; waiting for them to begin their lives as husband and wife once they came back from their honeymoon.

Delilah made sure that everyone knew that this was going to be a small and rather romantic wedding , set next to calm clear waters. Aria had always dreamed of a beach wedding set to dusk backlit with the beautiful sunset that casted pink and orange hues. Her big sister made sure that she got her wish .

It was difficult to reserve an area on short notice but Delilah was determined . She had pulled some strings and managed to get one on a private beach , nestled near the cliffside with a bluff. It was as private as they'll ever be able to hope for and because of the size of the area it made it impossible to have more than 50 guests there .

At first the mothers protested but the compromise was settled on the reception area where they were allotted to bring on 50 more guests when they left the ceremony site.

The morning of the wedding , there was an electric energy buzzing around . Aria woke up in absolute ecstasy, knowing that in a few short hours, she was going to finally call Warren her husband . When her sister entered her suite she couldn't help but notice a glow surrounding her and the smile on Aria's face was infectious. It lit up the whole room.

Both mothers entered doting on the bride to be . The ceremony hadn't started but no one could keep their tears from falling as they were all overcome with the same love that Aria was feeling. Mrs. Wells walked over to Aria and they hugged a very  long time .

"I never thought this day would come . I remember planning out your wedding with your mother when the two of you were still babies," she said wiping the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

"When we disconnected after that incident, Warren became a different child. He wasn't carefree or happy and it stayed with him. As he got older and everyone around him began dating he forced himself to get out there . But he never could be himself. He became even more distant . But the second Warren saw you again, we all saw the spark come back to life . My heart wept for him because you had walked in with Alex.

We didn't know it was a farce. And when the truth finally came out and we saw the way you two held each other's gaze, we knew . We had our son back. He's laughing again and that's because of you . Whether or not you want to see this,  you helped bring our boys back together. I always prayed that you would be my daughter and now, now we're getting that.

When I got married, my husband's mother lent me her hairpin . It's been passed down for generations. I want you to wear this as your something borrowed." She places the pin in Aria's hair and they hug again.

Her mother and sister come around and they embrace each other as the two women Aria had looked up to for all her life each said their wishes and imparted some wisdom to her.

"Fighting is necessary but don't let it be the thing that makes you go to bed angry. Always always kiss each other goodnight," her mother tells her.

"Sometimes your man just needs to hear that you appreciate him being in your life," Delilah simply told her.

They helped her into her dress as soon as the final touches to her makeup was done . Everyone stood back and gasped.

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