Chapter 17 - A New Pupil

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A/N - Hope You Likee + This Chapter Will Be Blending With @StrangeDesires 'Please Save Me' Go Read It Please, Its An Amazing Story + Her Character Charlotte Is Joining This Story + She's An Amazing Writer (: xoxo

Chloe hadn't spoken to her mum since she came round to Max's demanding she go home. That day she was going into school with Chlo and Janeece and she was taking Aubree into the creche but she was scared in case Adam tried to take her "Chloe trust me, Adam won't thinki about taking her, just tell the keyworker Adam Fleet isn't allowed near her" Chloe sighed but nodded knowing it was the only option.

Arriving at school Chloe saw her mum and Adam which made her frown "she said they weren't together anymore" Chlo sighed "ignore it yeah? Don't let them get to you" Chloe nodded "yeah" Chlo grinned "that's my girl" Chloe laughed "yeah you're weird" before Chlo could say anything Adam and Rachel approached them "I have missed this little girl loads" Chloe glared "don't touch her" Adam frowned "Chloe, I'm her grandfather" Chloe rolled her eyes "you're nothing to her" Rachel sighed "Chloe let me see her yeah?" Chloe shook her head "I'm not comfortable with you seeing her while he's around" Rachel turned to Adam "give us some time yeah?" Adam nodded "sure".

Rachel led Chloe to her office with Aubree "how's she been since the trip to hospital?" Chloe smiled "okay, she's smiling" Rachel grinned "I'd love to see that" Chloe puck Aubree up out of the pushchair "hey baby girl are you gonna smile for mummy?" Aubree smiled "yay that's my beautiful baby girl" Chloe showed Rachel who smiled "Chloe I want you to come home, its not the same without you there" Chloe sighed "I'm not sure mum, its Adam he hit me and I don't think I feel safe there" Rachel frowned "Chloe you should always know that you will come before any man" Chloe smiled "I'll think about it" Rachel sighed "that's all I can ask I guess" Chloe stood "is that all?" "There's a new pupil joining us later today" Chloe frowned "and that affects me because?" "She's going to be in your class" Chloe nodded "I'll keep an eye out for her" Rachel smiled "apparently she's Eddie's foster daughter" Chloe frowned "how come she hasn't joined yet then?" Rachel shrugged "I have no idea, but be nice yeah?" Chloe nodded and left.

Chloe was sat in science with Chlo when the door opened and Eddie walked in "can I have a word with the class?" Chris nodded "there's a new girl joining us today, but she won't be here until lunch time" Chloe frowned "so how come she gets special treatment?" Eddie looked at Chloe "Chloe can I talk to you about something?" Chloe rolled her eyes "sir Mr.Lawson needs me" Chris nodded and Chloe followed Eddie outside "what's this about?" Eddie sighed "the new girl, she's my foster daughter" "I know, my mum told me, but what does that have to do with anything?" "She lost both her parents and got placed into foster care" Chloe frowned "oh my god" Eddie sighed "I was hoping you and Chlo could keep an eye on her" Chloe smiled "I'd love too, what's her name?" Eddie looked at Chloe "Charlotte Smith" Chloe frowned "did you say Charlotte Smith?" Eddie nodded "yeah, why?" "I know her" Eddie frowned "how?" "From my old school, I was there for her when she lost her parents and got placed into care" Eddie nodded "right so she'll have you for support?" Chloe nodded "too right".

After lesson Chloe pulled Chlo outside "the new girl, her name is Charlotte Smith" Chlo frowned "what does that have to do with anything?" Chloe rolled her eyes "because she's a close friend" Chlo nodded "when did you last see her?" Chloe shrugged "can't remember" Chloe got her phone and showed her the picture of herself and Charlotte which had been taken the last time they saw each other "wow she looks mega pretty" Chloe laughed "she is" Chlo grinned "have you seen Aubree yet?" Chloe stopped laughing "damn I needs to see my baba" Chlo grinned "let's go". Arriving in the creche Chloe saw Aubree wide awake and staring around "come on, I need to sit down" Chlo grinned and they sat on the floor by Aubree "Aubree, smile" Aubree started smiling "awh, that's well cute" Chloe grinned "yeah I think so".

It was soon lunchtime so Chloe and Chlo were waiting in the office for Charlotte "how long does it take" Chlo grinned "not very patient are you?" Chloe shook her head "hell no" Chlo started laughing "I need a hotdog" Chloe frowned "you hate hotdogs" "I know I do" Chloe grinned "I seriously think you're pregnant" Chlo frowned "no, I'm seriously not" Chloe raised an eyebrow "yeah,so explain the sudden urge for hotdogs" Chlo shrugged "no idea" Chloe started laughing "Chloe?" Chloe turned to see her mum, Eddie, Chris "oh erm Chlo said something that made me laugh" Chlo frowned "oh thanks" Chloe grinned which made Chlo laugh "anyway girls this is Charlotte Smith" Chloe turned and grinned "look what Eddie dragged in" Charlotte smiled at Chloe "come on Charl" Charlotte walked over to Chloe and Chlo "right let's go, I want you too meet someone cute".

Chloe and Chlo led Charlotte to the creche "why are we here?" Chloe looked at her "because my cute person is in here". Entering the creche Chloe saw Aubree was still awake so she walked over to her and puck her up which confused Charlotte "what's going on?" Chloe turned to Chlo and Charlotte "this is my baby girl, Aubree-Leigh" Charlotte frowned "you had a baby?" Chloe nodded "yeah, although how is a long story".

The bell went which meant it was time for science "be warned, Mr.Mead is fit" Charlotte smiled "yeah?" Chlo nodded "although Chloe only has eyes for Max Tyler" Chloe rolled her eyes "that was in the past" Chloe smiled "of course". Entering the science lab Charlotte looked at Mr.Mead and grinned "he's hot" Chloe laughed and they sat at the work desk "okay you were right" Chlo burst out laughing "problem Chlo?" "Sorry sir, I was just told something by Chloe" "am I gonna have to seperate you two?" "No sir" Chloe glared "well he may be hot but he's an idiot when it comes to having fun" Charlotte smiled.

Chloe went back to Max's and saw him with paperwork "what you doing?" Max sighed "I'm applying to get my job back at Waterloo Road" Chloe frowned "can you do that?" Max nodded "I should be able to" Chloe smiled "what if you do? What you gonna do then?" Max smirked "toss the rubbish out" Chloe frowned "by that I'm guessing you mean my mum?" Max nodded "if you're back at Waterloo Road then I'm going back home" Max sighed "you don't need to, you're 16 therefore nothing is against the law" Chloe rolled her eyes but smirked.

Rachel went home and saw Eddie and Charlotte outside "hi guys, what you doing here?" Eddie smiled "we were wondering if you, Chloe and Aubree wanted to come for pizza?" Rachel smiled "I'd love to" Eddie grinned "what about Chloe?" Rachel frowned "you don't know?" Eddie shook his head "know what?" Rachel sighed "she's been staying with Max" Eddie frowned again "why?" "Because she doesn't trust Adam around Aubree" "why?" Rachel shrugged "he's obsessed with her, Chloe won't come home unless Adam has gone" Eddie sighed "maybe you should tell him then" Rachel smiled "anyway this pizza? I can go and pick Chloe and Aubree" Eddie grinned "good me and Charlotte will follow you" Rachel nodded.

Arriving at Max's Rachel made her way up the path and knocked the door "mum? What are you doing here?" Rachel smiled "me, Eddie and Charlotte want you and Aubree to come for pizza" Chloe smiled "I'd love too" Rachel smiled "go and get Aubree" Chloe nodded and got Aubree "where are you going?" "Pizza with my mum" Max frowned but nodded "okay".

When they arrived at pizza hut Chloe was beginning to miss being with her mum "how old is she Chloe?" Chloe smiled "2months" Charlotte smiled "she's well cute" Chloe grinned "can you take her a minute?" Charlotte nodded and took Aubree "mum can I talk to you?" Rachel nodded "what's this about?" Chloe smiled "I wanna come back home" Rachel grinned "okay, how about I take you home and me and Eddie go and collect your stuff?" Chloe sighed "yeah" Rachel smiled she was finally getting her daughter back home.

A/N - Hope You Likee xoxo

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