Chapter 18 - Max Is Back At Waterloo Road

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A/N - Hope You Enjoy xoxo

Max Tyler had been given his job back at Waterloo road and he couldn't have been more happier about that, he was going to get Rachel Mason out and Chloe back under his control. Since Chloe had moved back home he had hardly seen Aubree and he hated that.

Chloe had been back home for a few days and she was constantly anxious in case Adam tried anything with Aubree. While she was getting ready she received a text message from Max -

*Max - There's a surprise at school for you

*Chloe - okay, what?

*Max - if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise

Chloe rolled her eyes at the text and continued getting ready "Chloe are you ready?" Chloe puck Aubree up out of her cot and walked downstairs where Adam and her mum were "you look nice" Chloe glared at Adam "I'm in my uniform, and if you think girls in their uniform are nice then you need locking up" Chloe walked outside and waited for her mum.

Arriving at school Chloe saw Charlotte and Chlo so she got Aubree out and walked over to her friends "morning" Chlo grinned and held her arms out for Aubree so Chloe handed her over to her "here is the most cutest baby girl on the planet" Chloe grinned "yeah" Charlotte looked at Aubree who was smiling.

Rachel entered her office and frowned when she saw Max sitting at the desk "what are you doing here?" Max smirked "I've been given my position back" Rachel scoffed "so the fact you got my 16 year old daughter pregnant" Max again smirked "well she hasn't made a complaint" Rachel rolled her eyes "and what about what you did to Phillip?" Max grinned "since becoming a father I have changed" Rachel rolled her eyes "yeah right".

Chloe was walking to the common room when someone took her arm and pulled her into an abandoned classroom "what the?" She frowned when she saw Max "what you doing here?" Max smirked "I've been given my job back" Chloe nodded "right, well lurking in empty classrooms isn't the best way to go" Max smirked "yes well off you go" Chloe rolled her eyes and walked out the classroom.

Chloe was in science with Charlotte and Chlo and Charlotte was looking at Mr.Mead "stop staring" all she did was grin. Halfway through the lesson Max walked in "I need to have a word with Chloe" Chris looked at Chloe and shook his head "no, this is an important lesson, Chloe can't afford to miss it" Max smirked "well this regards our child" Chloe glared but stood and followed him "what's this about Aubree?" Max looked at Chloe "I want to see her" Chloe looked at him "you can see her on Saturday" Max nodded "is that all?" Max again nodded and Chloe walked off only she didn't go back into lesson. Chris noticed Chloe walk off so left the class "what have you done to her now?" Max smirked "nothing" Chris rolled his eyes "so that's why she's walked off?" Max sighed "I don't know why she did that" Max then walked off "er class I'll be back soon".

Chloe was sitting on the roof when Chris came up "Chloe? Up here again?" Chloe smiled "yeah, sorry" Chris frowned "what's wrong?" Chloe shrugged "why did the LEA let him come back?" Chris sighed "I don't know, is everything alright?" Chloe sighed "remember when I told you I was falling in love with him?" At Chris' nod Chloe continued "I thought if I moved back home then I could forget that I was, but him being here proves that I won't be able to forget that I am" Chris looked at Chloe "is there anyway that someone else could be Aubree's father?" Chloe shook her head "he was the only one I've slept with in the last year" Chris nodded "look, try and keep away from him" Chloe scoffed "that's gonna be hard, Aubree's involved" Chris sighed "ah, that is gonna be difficult" Chloe laughed "yeah" Chris looked at Chloe "I think we should go inside because I'm freezing" Chloe smiled and Chris helped her up "thanks again sir".

Charlotte and Chlo went looking for Chloe and found her with Mr.Mead "Chloe we've been looking for you" Chloe looked at her friends "I'm fine" Chlo nodded "when Mr.Tyler took you out we thought something had happened between the two of you" Chloe grinned "nope, I'm staying celibate" Chlo laughed while Charlotte rolled her eyes.

Chloe went to speak to Mr.Mead "sir can I talk to you?" Chris nodded "yeah" Chloe smiled "I just wanted to thank you for the chat earlier" Chris smiled "its my job, support the pupils" Chloe laughed "yeah, well thanks again, and maybe that girl you had a crush on will realise what she's missing out on" Chris smiled "here's hoping".

Chloe went to collect Aubree and take her home "Chloe where are you going?" Chloe looked at Eddie "I wanna go home" Eddie frowned "why?" "Because I don't wanna be here" Eddie again frowned "what's happened?" Chloe shook her head "nothing I just want to go home" Eddie sighed "how about I bring Charlotte round and you two have a girlie night with the little cutie of yours?" Chloe smiled "yeah but I still wanna go home".

Rachel had allowed Chloe to go home and Max heard so when he saw Rachel walk back in he left saying he had a meeting to attend.

Arriving at Chloe's he smirked when he knew she was alone. Knocking the door he waited for about 2minutes when Chloe answered with a crying Aubree in her arms "what are you doing here?" Max sighed "I came to see you" Chloe frowned "why?" Max took Aubree from Chloe "where is her cot?" Chloe sighed "follow me" Chloe led Max upstairs into Aubree's room and settled her "how do you do that?" Max smirked and approached Chloe and kissed her, Chloe kissed back and took him to her room.

Rachel arrived back at the house and frowned when she saw Max's car "what the hell is he doing here?" Rachel got out the car and made her way into the house "Chloe? What the hell is going on?" Chloe came downstairs "what?" Why is Max Tyler here?" Chloe sighed "because I was having trouble settling Aubree and he came to help" Rachel nodded "where is he?" "In the room with Aubree" Rachel moved Chloe out the way and walked upstairs and saw Max in Chloe's room "why are you in here? Aubree's room is next door" Max smirked "Rachel, wasn't expecting you back so soon" Rachel glared "you got her into bed again" Max smirked as Chloe walked in "Chloe why did you do it with him again?" Chloe sighed "Aubree wouldn't settle and I needed help and he was in the area" Rachel sighed "why were you in the area?" Max smirked "its not a crime to visit my child" Rachel rolled her eyes "get out Max" Max left the house leaving Rachel angry with Chloe.

Eddie spoke to Rachel and convinced her that Chloe having Charlotte for a sleepover would be good. When Charlotte arrived Chloe was playing with Aubree "Charlotte's here" Chloe looked up and grinned "hiya" Charlotte smiled "I fancy Bolton Smilie" Chloe looked impressed "wow, has he made a move?" Charlotte shook her head "then you make a move on him" Charlotte nodded and they made plans on how to get Bolton to notice Charlotte.

A/N - Hope You Likeed The Update xoxo

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