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I run through the streets which are normally filled with screaming children and mums who hold on to their toddlers. But it's deserted. It's like a western film. All we need is a tumble weed to blow across the road. Now that would set a tone. I rummage through my bag, trying to find my keys. I stumble and land against the door which opens. Weird. My parents wouldn't leave the door unlocked. Never.

I step onto the pristine white rug Mum had spent a fortune on. Well it isn't pristine anymore. Clearly Dad had been carrying paint through this room as there is a large red stain on the rug. Mum isn't going to be happy. I go upstairs to my bedroom and pleased to see that everything was how I had left it this morning. Clothes here and there. Books scattered across the bedroom. My laptop on top of my favourite chair. I quickly change into black jeans and a blue t-shirt. I sit on the edge of me bed, reeling from what had occurred at school. Right now I could do with a good cuddle with my... Dog. Where's my dog? Normally he'd have followed me. Normally he'd have scratched away at my door until I had let him in. I put on my converse and leave the room. I stand in the hallway and call for Buster. "Where are you boy?" This is weird. He'd have came by now, wagging his little tail expecting food. I make my way downstairs and that's when I hear a loud crash. Probably the bin has fallen over. Probably Buster knocked it over because he's hungry and thought that the bin was a treasure chest where the treasure was food. The back door is wide open. My parents seem to be very forgetful today. Probably left it open for Buster.

I open the stair closet and grab a baseball bat and hide it behind my back, ready to swing at whatever comes at me. I know that I sound like a drama queen but my parents work for a large tech company so this place is like a burglar's heaven. All the computers and tech that can be found in most of the rooms. Now it sounds like I'm purposely trying to get this house burgled. I think I'll stop now.

I kick the back door close and walk into the living room where it looks as if someone had planted a red paint bomb in the middle of the room. The television set is switched on and the news is being shown. I stand and watch, not wanting to get dirt on my jeans. "Zombie apocalypse. " I switch the channel. Impossible. "Zombies have attacked many innocent people." I switch through more of the channels but each come up with the same 2 words. Zombie apocalypse. The room is spinning and I feel like I can't breathe.

A groan comes from behind me. I close my eyes, tighten my grip on the bat and swing at whatever is behind me. I open my eyes and see that this person has long dark hair which was twisted into a neat bun. Both arms are intact, thank goodness, but were covered in blood. Clothes torn but enough was left so she could keep her dignity. She lifts her head, half of her face has been torn away and her eyes look hungry. Then I recognise a distinct birthmark on her collarbone. The same one as Mum. She lunges at me but I dodge and make a run for the nearest room. Dad's study.

I lock the door and turn round to find Dad in the same state as Mum. He is still and his eyes are focused on whatever is going on outside of the window. I quietly edge my way round the large desk, nearing to the rifle that he has had his entire life. I try and open the cabinet is safely placed in. Locked. Impulsively, I grab the laptop and throw it at the glass. Dad turns round and begins to make his way towards me. I pick the rifle up, "I'm so sorry Dad." I take aim and shoot. Hit him right between the eyes. His body collapses and lies still on the floor. I wipe away my tears and nudge him with my foot, double checking he's not going to get up and try to eat me again. I walk back to the cabinet and grab the last of the bullets. I look down and see a small patch of his blood on my trainer.

With my rifle poised, I leave the room expecting to find Zombie Mum waiting for me. She isn't. I tip toe through the house and slowly make my way to the kitchen. I see Mum kneeling over something. Something which she is eating. I see a dogs head as she shifts. I aim the rifle, "I knew you never liked Buster but you didn't have to eat him." I shoot her in the side of her head. Her body goes limp and falls on top of Buster's. His lifeless body begins to twitch and struggle underneath the dead weight of Mum. I quickly shoot Buster and his body stops moving.

I run back upstairs and lock myself in my room. I climb onto the bed and close my eyes. Tears tumble down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away and force myself to sleep.

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