"Leo's gone!"

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I hear a little chirpy bird outside but then there's a violent flapping sound then it goes silent. I sit up to find a snoring Joe cuddled up next to me. I get up and head downstairs, trying to conjure up an apology for Leo. She looked so scared. I know I'm not the best looking and not the nicest person alive but I'm not that bad, I don't think. I look for her and find a note on the table with Joe's name on. Joe comes up behind me and looks at the note with a confused look. I hand it to him, "read it then."

"Dear Joe,
I told Theo he couldn't leave. I never said I'd stick around though. Last night just helped memake my decision. I had been thinking about leaving. Not because you guys are pains in my ass (which you are) but I just want to be by myself. One thing is that you guys have to survive. I would love to see you guys again. And tell Theo no matter what, I forgive him and I hope he lives a full life.
Love Leo xxx
P.S. Joe has me on social media but I won't respond. It's better for all of us if we never made any contact for now. X

"She wants us to survive so she can hang out with us in the future? She wants me to live a full life? She doesn't want to talk but reminds us that you have her on social media. What normal person does this? I thought she'd always be the one to stay."

Joe reads the letter again. "She might come back." I turn around a see hope in his eyes. "Leo's gone! What part of that do you not understand?" I pack up things and tell Joe there's a street not too far that looks safe. Not the first one. The second one.

We run towards a zombie and Joe swings a bat which collides with the head and the zombie collapses. We carry on running until we reach the end of a country road and see a row of houses. Going round the back, we decide to skip the first one as the glass has been smashed and there's most likely a zombie in there and I can't be bothered with zombies right now.

Making ourselves comfortable in the living room, I think of Leo. Her dark curls. Her stupidly idiotic comments. Her jumper. Just her. I miss her. I'm not going to admit it to Joe but I want to find her. I need to find her. Joe sits across and looks down at his phone. "I'm sorry about earlier Joe. It wasn't fair taking it out on you." He looks up. "You love her. It's understandable. I'd do the same." He gets up and tells me he's searching the cupboards for food. Whilst he does, I take out the cloak Leo had took from the mall and wrap myself in it. Somehow, I can smell her scent on it which makes my heart ache more. I decide I'm not hungry, so without making Joe aware, I go to sleep.

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