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I stand at the end of the queue for the 8am plane. I'm about 20 minutes early but at least I made it. Almost every person in here is with their family which makes me miss mine. I get to see Finn but I miss Mum and Dad. They're dead and it's my fault. I hold my rifle close to me. Just me, myself and the rifle. What could be better? Me, Theo, Joe and the rifle. That sounds so much better. Now and again, I keep thinking that I was a stupid idiot for leaving them but I know Theo has Joe now so therefore doesn't need me.

A middle aged woman in an army uniform comes towards me. "Hey kiddo. Sorry I did this a couple of minutes before you came but could you please give me your wrist?" I hold my wrist out and she takes a needle and takes a blood sample. She then puts my blood onto a device. It makes a beeping noise. "Is that bad?" She looks up from her device and smiles. "It's extremely bad." She begins to laugh. "You're just messing with me. I guess you're just testing whether anyone has zombie in their blood." She puts her device away, "well aren't you a smart one. Now listen kiddo you can't bring that rifle on board." I hold it close to my chest, "please miss, this is the last thing I have from my parents." She sighs, "fine but it can't be loaded." I unload my gun and place all bullets in my front pocket of my rucksack. "I'll just tell them it's a model and doesn't work." She pats my shoulder and goes to her army friends. They look over and nod at me. At least I get to keep my rifle.

I quickly send Finn a text telling him I'm about to board a plane and that I'll be landing at Heathrow. I get an instant reply.

I'll see you then little sis. You haven't spoken to Mum and Dad have you? They haven't picked up their phones. Did you just take yours?

I can't wait so I tell him. I told him everything. I pour my heart out into that single text. He keeps typing. And typing and typing. And finally I get a response.

It's okay sis. They would've understood. I forgive you and so would've they. See you at Heathrow.

As I take my seat, I look out the window and see others boarding the plane. I think of Joe and Theo. A flight attendant rushes past me. "Excuse me?" The flight attendant comes back. He's tall and pale. His blonde hair and blue eyes seem slightly angelic except his name is Bob and I immediately decide to not take him as seriously as I should but ask him anyway. "How long are they doing these plane trips?" He thinks about it before answering, "I work with the army. They said they were going to search the streets for survivors. They won't leave a stone unturned." I thank him and watch as he goes to the front.

The plane takes off and I watch as we leave America and make our way to England.


"Ladies and gentlemen we have landed at Heathrow.  Please make sure you haven't left any belongings on the plane. People will be at the gates.  If you can't find the person you were looking for or need a place to stay please report to the desk which will be shown to you when you get off."

I look at a young man. His hair had grown longer and had got wilder the last time I saw it. He's also grown a few inches. He has a jean jacket with a black pair of joggers on. His face lightens when he sees me. I run to him, his arms open. I bury myself in his jumper. "I can't believe you still have my hoodie sis." I look up and am met with eyes like mine looking back. I know I'm going to be okay.

I hope Theo and Joe are going to be okay.

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