Control is Overrated

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“Real good thinking Sasha! Brilliant idea, maybe one of your best’s yet. Why you are at it why not suggest they start wearing pink tutu’s and take up ballet?” I say sarcastically at her under my breath as we walk behind the Enforcers. After she had said that all of the Enforcers had busted up laughing as if that was funniest thing they’d ever heard. 

“I’m trying to help you Elena! You are just as capable as any of them Elena but you are to damn scared to lose control and that makes you weaker than everyone here.” Sasha whispers back to me, “Control is overrated.” I glare at Dante’s back not wanting to look at her, “You don’t get it I can’t lose control. If I do then everyone could die.” Sasha is quiet for a minute, “If you continue to be like you are then everyone will die anyway.” I falter in my step coming to a stop. Sasha takes a couple more steps and turns back to me with a coldness in her eyes, “What? Don’t like hearing the truth?” 

I continue to stare at her and she came closer to me, “Everyone here will protect you above everything and everyone else. Don’t you see that? Your mate is their leader and they would do anything for him. That means your life is the most important thing to all of them right now. As you are right now you will get them all killed trying to keep you alive.” She reaches out quickly and grabs me by the shirt that I had borrow from Mikhail, “Either way you’re going to become a killer Elena. It’s only a matter of time, better to accept that now.” 

I stared back into her cold eyes, “Let go of me.” I speak in a control voice. She snorted, “Make me.” I felt my body start to tremble and my wolf was right under the surface. I pushed out with my hands and shoved her hard enough that she let go of me, stumbling back a few feet. She laughed wickedly her eyes going black, “That’s it Elena. Get mad.” 

“What the hell is going on here?” Gideon’s voice rang out. I look over to see that the Enforcers had turned around and were watching the two of us. Dante smacks Gideon on the chest, “I believe this is what they call a cat fight. Don’t stop them, it looks like it’s about to get good. I call ten on the fairy.” 

My eyes found Mikhail’s in a pleading way but he was looking at me without any emotion like he could careless. While I was distracted Sasha landed a solid punch in my stomach. It shocked me and I bent forward into her hand with a grunt looking up at her. She leaned forward, “Stop looking for someone to save you and save yourself Elena.” She says to me. She pulls back her arm and lands a solid punch to my face causing me to fall to the ground. I couldn’t understand what was happening but I felt the pain in my body from her blows. 

I look up at her standing victorious over me and I spit the blood from my mouth. I pushed myself off the ground and try to charge at her but she quickly dodged me with a giggle, “You’ll have to do better than that Elena.” She kicked me in back causing me to stumble forward. I turn back to her with an angry growl. 

“Everyone gets killed trying to protect poor little Elena. I mean look what happened to your parents? You hid in a closest while they were slaughtered.” She taunts me and I feel my heart still at the mention of my parents. My wolf let out a dangerous snarl inside of me. My vision began to blur and I felt something hot running down my face. Sasha rushed forward in a blink of an eye fisting my hair in her hand and pulling my head back, “ Cry all you want but it’s your fault they’re dead Elena and you know it. We all know it?You could have saved them but you hid while they were ripped apart. You’re weak and pathetic. No wonder your mate doesn’t want you. Do you think he would have let someone kill his pack if he was there?” 

“SHUT UP!” I roared at her and then nailed her with a solid punch to her cheek. She let me go and I was shaking violently barely holding onto reality. Images of my parents being killed flashing through my mind. All the screaming and all the blood. Sasha looked to me with a grin, “That’s it Elena. Lose control. Let’s see who you really are.” 

She moved quick coming for me with another one of her fast punches but my senses were highly alert like everything was moving in slow motion. She threw her punch and I blocked it with my arm. She went for another punch and I blocked it again with ease. Our arm tangled up I pulled her closer and slammed my head into hers knocking her back. She stumbled back falling onto the ground. I stalked towards her and she looked up at me with dark amusement. I am suddenly on top her. I let out a growl as I land a punch to her face. Once. Twice. A third time. 

She starts laughing blood spewing out of her mouth, “It feels good doesn’t it?” She says between her choking laughs. I pull back my fist for another punch but she turns her head looking up into my eyes and suddenly I’m back in reality. I quickly scurry off of her my breathing coming in quick. I’m going to have panic attack I can feel it. Sasha continues to look at me with a strange sadness and then she's suddenly off the ground. She is in front of my face blood smeared across her cheek and lips, “That was a mistake.” I’m suddenly face down in the dirt with Sasha on my back her knee pressed into the center of my back. She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled back, “I could kill you right now if I wanted to because you were to concerned about control. I told you it makes you weak. The reason you struggle so much is because you and your wolf don't trust each other. Learn to trust and you will have no need for control.” She whispered into my ear. 

“Enough.” Mikhail said. Sasha let go of me and got up. I remained laying down in the dirt. I felt defeated in every sense of the word. Sasha cleared her throat and I looked up to see her holding out her hand toward me. I stared at it for a moment and then took it allowing her to help me up. Mikhail approaches us and his jaw muscles locked up tight like they usually get when he’s mad. He stops in front of us, “If you two want to fight out your issues with each other do it on your own time not mine.” He growls low. I keep my eyes focused on the ground, “Elena.” He barks my name and I cringe before I look up. 

“Take tonight to recover. We start your training early in the morning.” He says before he turns away from us and walks back to the other Enforcers. My eyes are opened wide as what he says settles in my mind. Did he just say training? Sasha claps her hand on my back, “Good work. I knew you could do it. We just had to show them what you were capable of.” I look to her confused, “What? You mean you did all of that on purpose?” 

She smirks, “Of course I did. I’m just surprised you didn’t catch on to that. I thought you were smarter than that Elena…” I punch her in the arm and she grabs it, “Ow! no more punching the fights over.” We smile at each other and then start walking after the Enforcers. We walked silently beside each other for a moment before Sasha finally spoke, “About that stuff I said about your parents—“ I try to not react to the mention of them again, “I didn’t really mean any of that. I was trying to get you mad.” 

“I know—“ I say back softly but inside I felt the pain of remembering.

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