This isn't The End

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I punched out at him quickly, just as the vampire had done to me earlier. I hit him with two quick punches and then he blocked the last one leaping away from me. Creating space between us. He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth to clean off the blood from the busted lip I had caused him and then he smiled at me with amusement, “I can see now that you aren’t like your mother but you’re still going to die like her in the end.” 

I don’t think I had ever felt so bloodthirsty before but as stared into the eyes of my worst enemy I was sure that if I shifted then I would fight him until one of us was dead. He was the reason my parents were dead—why my pack was dead. He had just confirmed that for me and now he was trying to kill me and my mate and I couldn’t allow that to happen, not as long as I had the ability to do something about it. He let out his own roar at me and being an alpha himself it had my wolf a little hesitant but with Mikhail so close I felt stronger. 

“I’m going to rip you apart.” I say through clenched teeth. He smirked at my words, “Unfortunately I can’t die yet. I have so many more things I have to achieve. While I would love to stay here and see what the mother of wolves can do that’ll have to wait.” He says to me in a dismissive tone. I narrowed my eyes at him and shifted forward, “You’re not going to leave this room alive.” I growl at him. He snaps his fingers and I don’t understand the action but when a man appears from the shadows that I hadn’t even noticed I shift not sure what’s happening. The man looked almost bored, like he’d rather be anywhere else. The man approached the Alpha, “Katherine I expect you to do deal with this.” He barks. His eyes shifting from me to Mikhail, “This isn’t over yet.” And then his eyes meet mine with some amusement almost mocking, “See you soon, Elena.” Is all he says as the man grabs onto him and I watch in surprise as the shadows seem to wrap around them in a mist and when it dissipates they’re gone as if they had never been there. 

I stared openly in surprise. I had never seen anything like that in my entire life and then the realization that he had got away sank in and I was beyond angry. I growl in frustration and then spun around to face Katherine who stood patiently waiting, “You know I am glad we get to do this again. Last time you were spared my wrath but this time—“ Her eyes met mine and she smirked, “You’ll be dead.” I got myself ready for her attacks and she came at me fast even faster than the vampires that I had fought so far. I was barely able to escape her strike. Her nails did catch my skin on my cheek causing it to bleed a little. She brought her finger up to her mouth and licked my blood off of it, “You don’t taste like the other wolves.” Her eyes flickered back to me in bloodlust, “You’re so much sweeter. Must be that little bit of goddess blood.” She licks her lips. 

She flew at me again and I focused harder being able to counter her attacks better now that I knew ho fast she moved. She didn’t seem at all deterred by the fact that I was keeping up with her. In fact it seemed to only make her smile more, “I could do this all day wolf. But I wonder how long you can keep up with this before you get tired?” 

She was right I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her for long. I needed help. My eyes flickered over to the cage where Sarafina stood watching us. I pulled back quickly from Katherine and went on the offensive in hopes of pushing us over toward the cage. She had seemed a bit surprised by the fact that I wasn’t trying to block her attacks anymore. I lunged at her swinging hard and fast at her. She actually looked a little concerned and to my surprise I actually connected one of my hits. She stumbled back in surprise and then rage flashed in her eyes, “That’s the second time you’ve got me she-bitch. It won’t happen again.” She hisses at me. I ignore her and pull my body back and then swing out with my leg for a kick and I land it in the center of her chest sending her flying away from me and into the cement wall, “Make that three times.” 

I run toward the cage and grab onto it  and then quickly release it with a growl. I look down at my hands and see burns. Damn! They made the cage from silver. I looked to Sarafina and she was looking at me like I should just forget about it but I wasn’t about to do that. I took a deep breath and grabbed onto the cage door again. The burning was almost unbearable but I kept my hands on the door tightening my grip and pulling hard. I heard the metal groaning and popping and I put even more of my strength into it growling low as I pulled harder. The door snapped open and I quickly let go of it falling to my knees from the lack of strength and the pain that was coursing through me momentarily. 

Katherine hissed behind me, “I’m going to rip your head off you stupid wolf!” Sarafina’s eyes snapped to the vampire turning completely black a wicked grin coming to rest on face. A feel a rush of air and the cage is empty before me. Breathing heavily I look over my shoulder to see that the two of them are locked in a fight, one which I believe Sarafina is in control of.The  look on her face makes it clear that she’s a predator playing with her prey. I look away from them and pull myself up off the ground and scurry over to Mikhail, “I’m going to get you out of here.” I say up to him as I inspect the way they have him tied up. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk around him, “You’re hurt—“ He says to me in a pained voice. I try not to laugh at his words considering the fact that he’s the one whose hanging from silver chains and has clearly been stabbed a couple times with a silver dagger, “So are you.” I say back to him. I don’t think I can reach the chains unless I shimmy up his body but the extra weight will definitely cause him pain. I bite my lip as I stand in front of him. 

His eyes met mine and that was all I needed, “Mikhail I’m going to have to climb up you to reach those chains. It’s going to hurt but I’ll be fast okay?” 

He nods his head and quickly I close the distance between us. I grab onto the waist his pants and use them to pull myself up. I try to ignore the fact that tingles are racing through my body because right now it not the time for that. I reach up again and grab onto his shoulder with one of my hand and lift again. I wrap my legs around his waist and anchor myself to him. Now our faces are lined up and we’re both breathing heavily, “Hi.” I say. Now that were like this it’s kind of hard to ignore him even if were in the middle of a battle and he’s hanging from the ceiling from silver chains. He gives me a smirk as if he knows exactly whats going through my brain, “Let’s get out of this first and then mate I can assure you nothing is going to stop me from fully claiming what is mine.” His eyes flashed red and I felt my skin burn with excitement, “I wasn’t—“ I start to say but stop when he keeps his knowing smirk, “Uh-huh—“

I broke eye contact with him and pushed myself up more reaching up with my hands to the chains. I knew it was going to hurt me just like it had with the door. I took in a deep breath and grabbed a hold of them. The pain raced through my hands and up my arms and I know Mikhail could feel it because his hands clenched into tight fists but he said nothing. I tightened my grip and pulled at the chain. It was hard to break, and I had to let go a couple times before I finally heard it snap. I let out a yelp as we were suddenly falling towards the ground. I clenched my eyes closed but all I felt was a light vibration of feet hitting the ground and then warm arms were wrapped around me. 

I opened my eyes slowly and Mikhail was looking down at me with concern, “Are you okay?” He asks me. I nod my head slowly as I unwrap my legs from around his waist and he sets me down. The sound of a gun firing as me turning around quickly both Sarafina and Katherine are frozen in there movements and Dante is standing in there looking extremely beat up but alive. He’s aiming his gun straight at Katherine, “I may have missed the first time but I won’t miss the second time bloodsucker.” She hissed at him. 

“She’s mine!” Sarafina growled toward Dante before she moved like lightening speed at Katherine. She punched her hand right through the vampires chest, “I told you I was going to rip your heart out you stupid bitch. You shouldn’t have put me in that cage.” When she pulled her hand back she was holding the vampires heart in her hand. Katherine’s body slumped to the ground a surprised expression on her dead face. Sarafina looked at the heart for a second and then chucked it away like it was garbage, “God I hate vampires—“ she mumbles to herself as she wipes her hand on her on her pants.

The Hunted { old version }Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin