My One and Only Alpha

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What a mess. 

The whole compound was a tore up and so were all of us. We were all covered in bruises, blood, dirt and looked like half crazed zombies I’m sure. The only good part of it was that we were all still alive at the moment and that was good enough for me. Mikhail had yet to let go of me since I got him free and that suited me just fine after everything I had gone through to get him back. The rest of the gang had made there way down to us and now we all stood together tired but triumphant. 

I looked down and noticed the katherine’s silver dagger was still in Mikhail’s leg and tried not to laugh a little, “Uh—you’ve got a little something—“ I whisper to Mikhail and point down with my finger towards the dagger. His eyes follow my movements and then he groans before reaching down and grabbing a hold of it. I felt the burning sensation in my palm as he yanked it free and threw it far away from us. He let out a tiny sigh of relief, “Better?” I ask him and he pulls me in closer to himself, “Much.” He says shortly. 

The boy made his way over towards Mikhail and I looking very determined. I watched him curiously wondering what he was thinking and then I watched as he got down on his knees in front of us and lowered his head into a submissive position. From what I had seen today his wolf was definitely not the submissive type, whatever family he had been born from he must have had higher ranking wolves blood in him. Mikhail tensed beside me at the boys action, “What are you doing?” He asks his voice gruff. I also was a bit curious about what he was doing. 

“I wanted to pledge my allegiance to the Supreme Alpha.” He says his voice sturdy nothing like the bashful boy I had first met coming here. Everyone in the area seemed to freeze at his words and wore similar expression of confusion. Mikhail let out sigh, “Stand up kid. I can assure you that I’m not anything like that.” The boy remained kneeling on the ground with his head bowed seeming unwilling to believe that could be the case. I think about it for a minute and I push myself away from Mikhail who seems reluctant to release me. I look up at him and give him a look and he sighs, letting go of his hold on me. I walk to where the boy is kneeling and I squat down in front of him, “Hey—“ I say softly. He peers up a bit at me, “Yes Luna?” The word Luna makes my wolf puff up with pride and I mentally roll my eyes at her, “You don’t have to call me that. I’m always going to be Just Elena.” I give him a tiny wink that makes his lips perk up into a small grin. I smile at him, “Now why do you feel like Mikhail is the Supreme Alpha?” I ask him extremely curious. He shifts a little, “Can’t you feel it in your wolf?” He asks me. I feel a little shocked by his question and then I look back over my shoulder to Mikhail who is watching us with raised eyebrows clearly confused about what we were talking about. 

Feel it in my wolf? I called out to my wolf and brought her towards the surface and sure enough just as when we had been trying to find him there was a pulsing energy coming off of him that was different from everyone else. It stood out amongst everyone. I felt my eyes open wider at this realization. Mikhail was most definitely the Supreme Alpha even if he didn’t realize it yet. This boy was able to tell that because he was from the special bloodlines. I quickly spun my body around towards Mikhail and dropped to my knees. Our eyes met and he frown a little by my action but just watched me. 

“He’s right. I can feel it too.” I start to lower myself down into a submissive position my wolf though conflicted over the fact that he was her mate but also her alpha. Mikhail growled low in his chest and I halted his movements, “Get up off the ground Elena. I’m your mate not your king or whatever you think I am.” 

I feel someone come next to me and I look to see Victor getting down on his knees next to me and I smile as he gives me a tiny wink. He looks up at his brother who looks like he’s getting increasingly more annoyed by the second, “Not you too!” He growls. Victor lowers himself into a submissive position, “I wish to pledge my allegiance to the Supreme Alpha as well. If my Luna believes you are him then I trust her judgement.” He comments at the end. The fact that he referred to me as the Luna made my wolf once again feel elated. Would you calm down? This isn’t about you. I say to her and she growls a little ignoring me. The other enforcers follow after Victor getting down on there knees and pledging allegiance to Mikhail as the Supreme Alpha. I am the only one whose head isn’t bowed at this point and he is looking down at me in a silent rage like he want to throw a tantrum and tell everyone he wasn’t the supreme Alpha but with a loud sigh of resignation, “I accept your allegiance to me as your one true Alpha .” I know he had only spoken the words so everyone would get up but they had a deeper response. 

When he said those words there was a shifting of energy in the room and I felt a warm presence enter into my mind that hadn’t been there before. Mikhail’s eyes opened wider as if he was realizing what was happening. It must be happening to everyone because they all seemed to tense for a moment as it it had been a long time sense they had belong to someone like this. So this is what it was like to have an Alpha and to be part of a pack. I could feel all the threads connecting each of us together and suddenly I felt even more complete then I had when I found my mate. It was like I had been given a second chance of having a family, one that I had chosen. I pushed myself up off the ground first and approached Mikhail who looked like he was in a daze over what had just happened. I reached out and grabbed his hand which seemed to snap him out of it. 

“You are the true Alpha. My one and only Alpha.” I say to him in a quiet whisper. He looks down into my eyes at my words and I can see that his wolf has responded to my words of Allegiance. My words were special because I was his mate and he needed to know that above everyone else that I was complete loyal to him. He pulled me close to him smashing me into his body in a possessive manner before lower his head to the side of my neck and breathing me in, “Never forget that my precious little Luna.” He whispered into my ear and  my body shudder slightly. One by one the Enforcer rose up off there knees and approached us. Just like on the first day that I had met Mikhail Victor bow his head and took my hand and kissed it softly. I realized now that they were pledging allegiance to me as well. One by one they each did it and I felt my heart fill up with warmth over it. 

“So—uh—how much longer is this going to take Cause I feel like I’m starving to death over here.” Sasha breaks up the moment. I look toward her and see that Sarafina and Eris are giving her dirty looks. She raised her eyebrows, “What? Excuse me for feeling hungry after killing like five hundred vampires. Please ignore me and continue with the weird wolf ceremony. I’ll just waste away over here.” She grumbles crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance. “God, you never change—“ Eris comments dryly and I have to try not to laugh at this as Sasha gives her one mean dirty look, “You Fey are always so dramatic about everything—“ The rest of us break out into laughter. Even Mikhail let out a small chuckle at this. 

The Hunted { old version }Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora