Oh That Sexual Healing

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I don't think I need to warn you, cause I think the title does most of that. 

I really wanted to paint a sort of image of the developing relationship of Elena and Mikhail. I hope I did it the justice that I wanted too. 

I hope you enjoy it. :)


The water hit my body and I felt it relax my muscles that I hadn’t realized were stiff. Mikhail placed me down gently in front of him. He looks down at me with soft eyes as he runs his hands through my now wet hair, “So beautiful.” He says with admiration in his voice. I can’t help but feel surprised by the attention. Up until now it was hard to tell if Mikhail had even really saw me as much of a mate but in this moment it’s easy to think that maybe there was a chance that I could win the love of my mate even though I was a rogue. 

He pulls back and bend over grabbing his shampoo bottle popping the lid open and squeezing some into his hand before he put it down. He turns back to me rubbing his hands together, “Allow me mate—“ he says and then begins to rub the shampoo into hair massaging my scalp. I can’t help but close my eyes and bite my lip to hold back a moan. It feels so incredibly perfect to have him touching me so gently, “You’re really good at this—I may never want to leave this shower again.“ I say to him. He chuckles, “I'm glad that I can please you Mate.” He puts his hand under my chin pushing and making me tilt my head back so that he can rinse the shampoo out of my hair. 

His touch is so incredibly gentle and It seems funny because he’s so rough all the time but I see now that underneath everything he’s actually a big softie who just cares a lot about the people in his life. I smile to myself keeping my eyes closed not wanting to ruin this moment with my mate. I feel a giddiness stir inside of me at the fact that I had acknowledge as my mate. I mean this was the first time I had really truly recognized him as such. I slowly opened my eyes to find Mikhail looking down into them with a heated gaze as he continue to rinse out my hair, “What are you think about?” He sounded truly interested. 

“I was thinking that maybe I had misunderstood you this whole time.” I say softly. He looks away from me for a moment as he pulled back and grabbed the body wash bottle, “Well I don’t think I’ve made it very easy for you—“ He says like he’s choking on something, his pride maybe? I smirk a little as I watch him squirt the liquid soap into his hand and then rub them together. He looks toward me a little hesitantly and I can see that he’s silently asking for my permission to touch me. I almost want to laugh because he’d never had a problem just taking what he wanted this entire time but I realize that this is a very intimate and vulnerable moment for the both of us. I tilt my head to the side as I inspect him a little and I don’t feel like he’s trying to take advantage of me. 

“Go ahead, I trust you.” I say and I realize that I do in fact trust him. 

My words seem to surprise him and then he leans forward and presses a soft kiss to my forehead as if to tell me that he does indeed treasure me. His hands come to rest on my shoulders and he start rubbing the soap into my skin carefully, while he gently kneads my muscles. I close my eyes again and I just revel in the feeling of his hands on my skin as they move over me gently touching and seemingly healing me as he goes. After a good few minutes I feel like I’d never been attacked or anything. My body felt vibrant and healthy. 

I opened my eyes and watched him as he bit his lip and seemed to be seriously concentrating at he washing my body. I tried not to laugh at that. I reached out and put my hands on him and he stilled looking at me, “Now it’s my turn to return to the favor.” I say in a sultry voice before I move out of his touch and pull him under the water and switch places with him. He looks down at me hesitantly, “You don’t have to do that—“ I quickly reach up and press a finger to his lips silencing him, “I know but I want too.”  He doesn’t say anything more. 

I reach down and grab the soap and put some into my hands before I turn back to him and start rubbing it into his skin. I admire the way his body feels under my hands as I touch him. He’s solid and firm, everything someone would want in a protector. I continue my gentle assault on him, “Elena—“ He says my name in a groan and I look up to him to find him looking down at me his eyes glowing brightly with a predatory hunger. My hands still on his body as I stare up at him. My body feels like something lit a fire in it and suddenly I’ve very aware of just how naked we are and how I’m touching him. 

My cheeks feel hot but at the same time I also feel the desire to keep touching him even though I know he’s trying to warn me. I start to touch him again my hand moving lower down his chest toward his stomach. He reaches down quickly and grabs onto my hand making me stop, “I don’t think you want to be doing that mate.” He growls but in a seductive way that sends shivers through my body. I stare up at him meeting his gaze and I know my eyes are glowing too, “It’s fine. I know what I’m doing.” No I didn’t but I knew that I really didn’t want to stop. I wanted to continue exploring my mate.  I want to claim what was mine. I pulled my hand free and let myself stroke down his stomach watching as his body trembled under my touch. 

With a growl he grabs a hold of my hand and pulls it off of him. He quickly has me pressed up against the shower wall our bodies pressed together, “You’re far to tempting for your own good.” He whispers down at me in a husky voice as he kissed me passionately pressing his hardness into my softness. I moan into his mouth accepting everything that he is giving me. He pulls back and starts giving me teasing kisses to my neck and I whimper tilting my head to the side to give him better access. Growl in approval nipping at the soft spot on my neck, “You belong to me!” He growls into me. 

“Yes—“ I reply softly and then he bites me again and this feels like what a marking should be like. My body arches into him as he licks the wound he’s created and I can feel the fire coursing through him like it had for me the other day. He grinds into me like he can’t help himself. He finally let’s go of me and I can tell he’s feeling it cause his body is trembling as he presses his forehead onto my shoulder with a groan. I remember how unbearable the feeling was and I know I’m not ready to mate yet but I know I can do something to help ease him. 

I reach down between out body and grab onto him. His body stiffens up immediately at my touch and then he pushed himself into it with a low groan. His hands come to rest up on the wall behind me as if to hold himself so he doesn’t crush me. I start to stroke him testing the waters of the new world I was discovering. He cursed under his breath before smacking the wall with one of his hands. I try not to smirk thinking that this is how he must have felt when he had been touching me the other day. 

I start to move faster and he throws his head back, “God—Elena!” He barks out in pleasure. The sound of my name coming out of his mouth while he’s lost in the heat of the moment sent a wave of heat through my own body. I gripped him tighter in my hand and moved faster. He lets out a loud moan not seeming to care if anyone else heard him, “That’s it baby! Dont. Stop. Doing. That.” He worships me, “You feel so good on me!” I feel my teeth length as I feel the fire in his body growing to its peak and my wolf is howling in my head loudly, MINE! 

A strange possessiveness poured through me and I growled low in my throat, “MINE!” And I bit into him hard. He let out a loud roar of pleasure as he got his release from the flames that had been eating him alive. He sagged against me and I came back to myself as well releasing my hold on him  and licking the wound a couple times. We stayed silent for a moment neither one of us wanting to break the moment. Finally Mikhail pulled back and there was a sexy smirk on his lips as he looked down at me, “I guess you aren’t a prude.” He winks at me and I let out a tiny laugh and then smack his arm playfully, “Shut up.” 

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