When Angels fly

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Azrael's pov

I awoke to the feeling of someone running her hand through my hair. I opened my eyes and moved my head to face Bruce. Who was looking intently down at me? At some point in the night, I moved onto Bruce and I was laying on his chest. "Good morning beautiful." Bruce cooed. I smiled and nuzzled into Bruce's chest again. "Good morning handsome," I replied. "What do you say we take a shower, then we eat breakfast with the boys?" Bruce asked. "That sounds amazing," I replied with a gentle smile.

Time Skip

We walked down the hall to the dining room. Bruce and I walked into the dining room and saw the boys sitting next to my brothers and sister. "Ah, sister welcome to the land of the living," Gabriel said happily. Gabriel walked over and hugged me tightly. I was picked up and squished. "I....can't..breathe." I gasped out. "Oh right so sorry," Gabriel said. Remi rolled her eyes and smiled. I sucked into a deep breath and sat down next to my husband and Tim. I placed eggs and Naan bread onto my plate. We all began eating in silence. "So how is hunting Remiel?" I asked randomly. Remiel's head snapped upright. "There are many stags roaming the woods currently sister," Remiel informed me. "Well, sister it is currently fall so the animals are on the move," I replied. "Oh, Jason we have watched what you have done on earth," Raguel announced. Jason grimaced at Raguel's words. "Good job, although personally, I would prefer that Joker was axed," Raguel said. "I know right, but the old man won't let me...You know." Jason excused. "Excuse Raguel, he knows better than to kill mortals," Uriel said. "Yet you killed our brother," Remiel mumbled. Uriel slammed his fist on the table and stood up. "Micheal lied to us all and then blamed Lucifer for his evil doings over the years!" Uriel shouted. Remiel stood up quickly. "That still doesn't mean you kill our brother," Remiel yelled back. I felt a migraine piercing through my head as I sat at the table in silence. "He has killed billions of people. HE CAUSED THE WORLD WARS AND FATHER JUST SAT BY." Uriel shouted. "STILL IS NOT A REASON TO KILL HIM!" Remiel yelled. "I am going to send you both the Hell if you don't shut your mouths," I growled venomously as I pinched my nose. My brother and sister sat down at their seats and glared at each other. I rolled my eyes and went back to my food. We ate in silence and quickly finished the food. "Well if father asks where we are, which I highly doubt. You can tell him that we are at Heavens Cliff." I announced. "Alright enjoy your day sister," Raguel said.

Time Skip

"Have your siblings always fought that bad?" Dick asked. "Yes if it isn't Uriel and Remiel fighting then it is Gabriel and Raguel. I swear to Dad that they don't stop fighting." I sighed as we hiked up Heavens Mountains. "Why do they fight so much?" Jason asked baffled. "Well if you get stuck with a group of people for trillions of years. It is easy to fight with those people over simple things." I reasoned. "Especially if you have pent up anger and you are fighting for the attention of your neglective father," I added. "Yeah, that makes sense," Tim said. Bruce grabbed my hand and rubbed it. "Are you alright?" Bruce asked. "Yes, I am quite alright," I said smiling. Soon we arrived at Heavens Cliffs. "Alright, boys we are going to do this one at a time. Who wants to go first?" I asked. "Um what are we doing?" Jason questioned.  "I am going to teach you how to fly," I stated as I placed my hands on my hips. "Why would you take us to the highest point in all of heaven to learn how to fly?" Tim shrieked. I chuckled lightly. "This is the way I learned how to fly," I explained. "Very well, I shall go," Damian said bravely. "Alright, I will catch you if anything goes wrong, okay Dami," I said tenderly. Damian nodded his head and leaped off the cliff. I jumped after him as he dived for the ground. "Alright, Damian let your instincts take over and do what they tell you," I shouted. Damian closed his eyes and suddenly his wings flew open and he stopped his fall. Instead, he was sent launching upward. A great smile pressed across his face as he flew. "Haha, I did it." Damian laughed. "Yes, you did," I replied smiling. He began to fly up and learned how to steer himself. I grabbed his hand and made us spin. As we reached the cliffs I let go of Damian's hand. "Alrighty, who is next?" I asked. To answer my question Jason jumped off and followed in successfully flying. Soon the only person left was Dick. "Come on Dick join us," Tim shouted. "Um, I don't know," Dick mumbled. "Dick I promise I will catch you if it happens to go wrong," I promised. Dick looked at me with fearful eyes and I immediately understood why he was so fearful. "Dick I promise you. Nothing is going to happen to you." I promised. Dick nodded his head and quickly jumped off the cliff. I followed him down in a hurry. "Dick you need to follow your instincts," I shouted. "I CAN'T." He shouted back as he neared the impending ground. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Suddenly his wings flew out and he was flying. "Ha see you did it," I said happily to Dick. Dick smiled and looked at our held hands. I smiled tenderly at him. "You can hold it as you learn." I cooed. Dick nodded his head and soon he had learned enough to let go.

Time skip

We landed in the Golden city. The Golden City made for humans after they died. "Why are we here?" Tim asked. "Father asked me to check to see if the humans are doing alright," I said which was true, but wasn't the main reason why we came to the Golden city. I walked through the city with my family at my side as I neared the street where our destination was. I knocked on the door and waited for the door to open. When it did a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman opened the door. "Oh Azrael, we weren't excepting you here." Said none other than Mary Greyson. I could hear Dick gasped behind me. "Yes well, I brought someone who you might want to see," I said as I stepped aside for her to see her son. Mary gasped and walked up to Dick slowly. Dick stood stiff as he looked at his long-dead mother. Suddenly John Greyson appeared and saw Dick. I walked over to my husband and other sons as Dick's mother placed her hands on his face. Dick began to cry as he looked at her. "Oh, my little Robin," Mary said as she pulled him into a soft hug. I felt Damian grab onto my hand as the family reunited. I smiled as I watched them cry. "Thank you so so much for caring for our boy," John said. "Well Mr. Greyson, I loved being Dick's mom," I replied. "And you always will be his mom," Mary stated. "I will just be Mama." She added smiling widely. "Well, Dickie we will be back tonight to pick you up okay," I said. Dick nodded his head and we flew off. "You really didn't have to show Dick his birth parents," Bruce said in a kind tone. "Dick deserves to be happy and knowing his parents are well cared for will make him happy," I said as we flew off into the distance.

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