Forever Family

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Bruce's pov

My wife breathed calmly as she began to go into labor. "I have never seen this. Usually, childbirth is painful." A nurse whispered. Azrael breathed out and began to push. I held her hand as the doctors scrambled to help. Suddenly crying began to fill the room. I looked down and saw a beautiful baby girl. One of the doctors rushed and check one of my daughters. Soon another cry joined in and I saw my two beautiful daughters for the first time. Azrael released her breath and sighed. "Would you like to hold your beautiful baby girl Mrs.Wayne?" A nurse asked as she held our daughter. "Azrael nodded her head and opened her arms for the little one. I looked closely at the little baby and saw a smile light up her face as she felt her mother's arms. "Mrs. Wayne here is your other baby." Another nurse stated. Azrael nodded her head and soon she held both of our legacies in her arms. They leaned into her and snuggle into her chest. "Go ahead and breastfeed them." The nurse encouraged. Azrael nodded her head and complied with the nurse's instructions. I looked down at the two girls and smiled. I had never seen so much innocence in a little body. I smiled down at my family. Soon the nurse came over. "What would you like to name the twins?" She asked. Azrael looked up at me. She nuzzled his nose on one of the twins. Who smiled brightly. "I think her name should be Anastasia Mazikeen Wayne." Azrael proclaimed. I smiled at her brightly. She nodded her head at me. "And the other one Alexandra Martha Wayne," I stated. The nurse nodded her head and typed the names down. "I will go get your children." The nurse added and walked out of the room. "Would you like to hold your daughters?" Azrael asked softly. I bit my lip and nodded my head. She sat upright and lifted the twins up to me. I sat down on her hospital bed and held the twins. "Hello, Anastasia and Alexandra. I am your daddy." I cooed at them. I looked into her little faces and saw Anastasia open her little green eyes. I gasped as I saw her. "Well hello, Anastasia." I cooed as I leaned in closer to her. She giggled loudly and lifted her hand to my face. I heard the door open and a little gasp. Azrael turned her head towards the boys. "Meet your baby sister Anastasia and Alexandra," Azrael announced. Damian gasped loudly. "You used my name idea," Damian whispered. Azrael nodded her head and smiled brightly. Damian leaned over and looked at Anastasia. She laughed once she saw her brother. "Can I hold her?" Damian asked quietly. I nodded my head and let him pick her up. Anastasia giggle as he held her up to his face. "Hello, baby sister." Damian cooed. Anastasia replied with a series of gurgles. "They are so tiny." Dick squealed happily. Then Alexandra opened her eyes and looked at Dick. The boys gasped as they saw her baby blue eyes. "She is the cutest baby ever," Jason stated. "I have to agree with you," Tim added. Damian sat next to Azrael with Anastasia and they stared at her tenderly. Then Alfred walked into the hospital room. "I never thought I would be happy to be in a hospital room," Alfred said. I chuckled lightly at him. "Would you like to hold Alexandra?" Azrael asked. Alfred was about to protest when I spoke up. "Alfred you are family." I insisted. Alfred nodded his head and opened his arms for her. "Hello, Alexandra." Alfred cooed. Alexandra gurgled at Alfred. Alfred smiled at her as she wrapped her hand around his finger. The. The hospital doors opened and in walked in Azrael's dad. "Hey, dad." Azrael hummed. "Hello honey, how are you feeling?" He asked. "I am actually really happy," Azrael replied with a gentle smile. He walked up to Damian. "Hello, Grandfather," Damon said flatly. "Hello, Damian," God replied as he looked down at the babe in Damian's arms. Anastasia giggled at him. God smiled brightly at her. "Well hello, little one. Aren't you precious?" He stated. Anastasia giggled loudly. "These children have so much joy and innocence in them," God explained. "Yes, they do." Dick cooed as he played with Alexandra in Alfred's hand. "They will be legendary in both worlds," God stated.

25 years later

"That is my family's story," I started to Terry as he sat in front of me. "Wow, I never knew you had that side of you. What happened to them?" Terry asked. "Well Dick became an agent for Spyral in England, Tim became an inventor, Damian is CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and Jason is with Azrael and the twins," I stated. "Where is Azrael?" Terry asked. "I collect the souls of the dead at night with my archangels of course," Azrael said as she walked down the caves stepped. " are Azrael," Terry said with widened eyes. Azrael smiled with her eyes still shining with her youthfulness. Her hair was now silver and winkles scattered her face. However, her young figure remained fit. I smiled at her lightly. "That I am," Azrael replied. "I thought you were an Angel and you couldn't get old," Terry questioned. "Well, Terry it wouldn't make much sense if Bruce Wayne's wife never aged. So I made it so that I will age until Bruce and I die at a normal human age." Azrael answered. "Oh, that makes sense," Terry stated. "Hey mom, hey Dad," Anastasia said. "Anya welcome home," I replied lightly. "Hey Dad, how are you doing?" Anastasia asked. "I am well," I replied. Anastasia looked at Terry and smiled. "Hello, my name is Anastasia," Anya said. "And I am Alexandra," Alex said as she appeared out of the shadows scaring him in the process. "Jesus," Terry muttered as he held his chest. "Speaking of which we need to go see our cousin again," Alexandra stated. "Hey, we figured it was time for a family reunion," Dick shouted as the rest of the family appeared at the top of the stairs. I smiled at them remember all the years of happiness we shared. "Honey are you okay?" Azrael said. I looked up at her. "I am better than okay beloved. I am happy."

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