* Chapter Three *

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"No! Aleema don't give me excuses!" he shouts at the top of his voice.

I stay quiet.
"You embarrassed her, why would you do that?"

I stay quiet.
"You're not even going to answer me?!"

"I just got a little jealous, why are you overreacting?"

"Overreacting? You embarrassed both she and I and you're saying I'm overreacting? Are you okay?".

"I'm sorry, I'll control myself next time".
"I really hope so, if not then I'll be the one teaching you self control" he walks out angrily.

I continue stirring my soup.


I enter his room and see him lying down, staring at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry" I say standing by the door.

I walk over to him and sit.
"Why did you have to behave that way?"

" I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. It's just that you didn't come home last night and you came to work together today, when I saw you two I flipped. I was so jealous".

He sits and holds both my hands "I will never ever cheat on you, I love you so much and all those other girls don't matter, not Ramla just you. You're my everthing".

I blush "Are you sure?"
"I am".

I stand "Okay, come and eat because the food is getting cold".

I walk out, I've never been more assured my whole life.


I walk inside our bedroom after washing the dishes and clearing the kitchen. I can hear Ghaffar bathing which means more work for me.

He splashes water everywhere whenever he's bathing and the odd thing is the shower curtain is always dry, he also never baths without shower curtains so I really don't understand him.

I hear vibration and check my phone on the nightstand but it wasn't my phone.

I see Ghaffar's phone blinking, it was on the TV stand charging so I picked it up.

When I see Zayyad's name I groan. He's always calling. So I answered.



Zainab? Koh?
I ask when I hear a woman's voice.

Uhh...Yes. Zayyad wanted me to ask Ghaffar something as he's busy at the moment but I'll just tell him to call back later. Bye.

She ends the call before I could say a word.
Ghaffar walks out of the bathroom.

"Catch" I throw it at him, he stumbles and almost falls on the floor but he thankfully grabs the bathroom door knob.

I replace the worry on my face with a smile, a very wide one.
"I told you not to come out with the bathroom slippers whenever they are wet".

"I forgot my towel, what could I have done?" he wraps the towel and walks over.

He gives me a suspicious look when he sees his phone in my hands "Have you resort to checking my phone?".

I smile "No. Zayyad's wife called, apparently he has a message for you and was too busy to deliver it himself but she said she'll just ask him to call you back".

"Why didn't you two chat? Get along".
"Someday" I say walking inside the Closet.


I love Ghaffar and that's why my siblings and parents love him too but it's not the same for me. Ghaffar's mother and sister don't seem to like me no matter what I do.
I think his father wouldn't have wanted me for him but he just doesn't give a crap about me.

If Ghaffar was to divorce me today I think he'll apologize and walk away unlike the other family members. What makes it more difficult is that he loves them so much.

His mother keeps glaring at me as I sat across her.
"Where is my son?"

"He's out but I called and he said he'd be here in no time".

"Hmmn" was all she said back as she delved into her bag and got out her phone.
"When was the last time you called me? Do you remember? It was before you married my son and now you don't because you think you have him in your grasp".

"No ma, I'm sorry I don't have any excuses but you always ignore my calls".

"At least it proves your responsibility and manners which I'm deeply troubled you might not be able to teach my grandchildren".

I feel like smothering this old witch, she always has to make life extremely difficult for me.

"He could have married the girl I had chosen for him" she murmurs.

"He'll be here soon" I say and walk out, I don't want to end up committing murder.


I sit impatiently waiting.
When I got a call yesterday to tell me I got the job, I almost died in my seat.

A chubby fair man walks over to me with a smile on his face.

"Aleema Muhammed?" I quickly stand with a smile plastered on my face.

"Yes, afternoon".
"It's morning, Miss Aleema".

I mentally slap myself.
"I'm Alhaji Malami and I'm the director, your father specially called me to tell me about you. I'll give someone your information and they can show you around".

"Thank you".
"Ah! You! Call me Ghaffar! Tell him it's urgent!" he shouts.

"Oh here he is" he smiles.
I turn around to look at him and my breath hitched, I couldn't breathe but it was more difficult to hide the fact that I couldn't.

"Malami, you called me?" he asks with the most serious face I have ever seen a good looking guy with.

"This is Aleema Muhammed, daughter of a great friend of mine. I know you as the most strict and intelligent man here so please show her around and keep an eye on her" he turns to look at me "I'll see you later"

"Okay, thank you very much"
He smiles and walks away.

I turn to Ghaffar and smile but the look on his face made me change my mind.

"Follow directly behind me, especially the 3rd floor, it can be really crowded and get it can get uncomfortable". He says walking ahead.

"Okay" I take a deep breath for my question "How long have you been working here?" I ask trying to make conversation.

He looks at me with a serious, no nonsense face "You're not here to get to know me or anyone else, Aleema. You're here to work and if you're not ready for that it's not too late to walk out now. Because I can't stand unserious and incompetent people. If you're going to work under me until you get the hang of it you'll have to be quick-witted and hard working, do we have an understanding? "

I nod.
"Yes or No answers please".

"Yes I understand".
"Good. You're on the 3rd floor"


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