* Chapter Six *

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I admit Aleema has been the nicest of all my relatives and for that I'll always love and care for her.

But Ghaffar is mine.
It's that simple. He is the very first person that I crushed on and now I'm in love with. He's super cute/handsome, sweet, caring, patient, nice, loving and alot more. My sweet, naive cousin is taking that for granted.

I'll make him mine, I don't care how but I will. By hook or by crook. I'm his rib and it was destined for us to be together.

I still can't forget the first day I laid my eyes on him. I still remember the smile he flashed when he saw me, that was when I knew he loved me too, just unaware about it.


Aleema decided to take me to work with her. She would sign in, give her report and then we'll head to the market.

Uncle Isa is coming and her mother said we have to make him something out of this world. I know he's taking me back with him and I can't wait to leave this hell I call a country.

I sit in the reception and waited until she was done before we came out walking towards the taxi we came in.

"Aleema Muhammed!" someone calls her.

She smiles and I just roll my eyes, my cousin has a habit of loving too many men.

We turn around and my breath hitched in my throat. The man walking towards us is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, my whole life.

He stands in front of us "You didn't tell me you're leaving" he says with a straight face.

"I already signed out".
"You still didn't tell me. Are you coming back later in the day or you're done for today?"

I couldn't keep my eyes off him, I couldn't, I was so mesmerised.
"No I'm done for the day".
"Okay then, I'll see you Monday" he starts walking.

"Mr Ibrahim?" She calls him.
She was just trying to make conversation and I was willing to take advantage of the opportunity.

He turns around.
I pick up my phone faking a phone call, the moment I do both their attention was on me.


No I have renewed it yet.


I don't think that's possible.

An hour?

I'll try to.

Thank you so much.

I end the call.
"Your sister?" he asks.

"No cousin" she says. "What is it?" she asks me.

"They say if I don't renew my VISA then I might not be able to get it before the deadline".

She huffs. "What do we do?"

"I can take her, the immigration office is not far from were I'm headed anyway and if she has less than an hour she needs someone inside to help her. These things usually take time".

"You know someone there?"
He nods "If it's okay with her".

I smile "Yes. Yes it is".
"Okay then, let's go". He starts walking towards his car.

"Sorry, can I?"
She nods "Sure, do what you have to".


I smile when I walk out of the office and see him leaning on his car, using his phone.

I walk over "I'm done".
"Alright, let's go. I'll drop you off".

I nod and walk in.

Not a word was exchanged when he started driving and it's driving me crazy, I have to make use of this opportunity or I'll lose my chance at finding love.

"How do you make connections like that?"

"What connections are you talking about?"
"If not for the fact that you know that man I'd have lost my VISA".

"Sometimes you meet people in different places and you collect their contacts and stay connected. When you need that person someday all you have to do is make a simple call and that's it".

I smile "That's smart".
He laughs "Everyone does it".

His phone starts ringing, my doom. He was on that phone throughout our ride home so we didn't converse and I lost the greatest opportunity.


"Really?!!" I hear Aleema shout at the top of her voice. She can really be lousy when she wants to.

"What now!" Ghaffar says.
I was in the living room downstairs and they're in the passage upstairs but you can hear them clearly.

Ghaffar wasn't shouting but you could hear him clearly because of his hoarse voice.

"Who is she?!"
"God!" he groans.

"Who is the girl Ghaffar? Don't lie to me when I caught you".

"Have you? Can you prove it?"
"Give me your phone and I will".

He starts laughing hysterically. "You must be joking" he huffs "I told you that I'm not cheating, what else do you need to hear?"

"Just give me your phone to check"
"Don't tell me trash Aleema. I'm in no mood for your nagging let me breathe, can't I do that in my home?"

"Just tell me" she says Calmly.
"I'm not!"

"Is it Ramla? Don't make me go to her house right now! Are you cheating on me with Ramla??!!" she shouts at him.

I slowly go up the stairs so I can see them but not enough for them to notice me.

He huffs in frustration "She's divorced" he says trying to calm down.

"I don't want to leave so don't make me".
"Leave? You want to leave?" he asks "Are you even sure? You're willing to leave because of a speculation".

"Don't make me" she walks inside the room.

What gets me angry is the fact that the thought of her living calmed him down. I hate it.


I stand by the dinning room door.
He is sitting on one of the chairs, the light coming from the partially opened kitchen door.

After a few minutes of staring at him I switch on the lights.

"You're not asleep?" he asks faking a smile.
"Not yet. What are you doing here?"

He huffs "I couldn't sleep today too" he turns his attention to their picture in a frame on the console beside him.

"Well since we both can't sleep and there's nothing to do, can you help me with Economics?"

"Not now, I'm not in the mood".
I walk over and sit on the chair next to his, dropping the books in front of him.

"It'll keep your mind off....Things".
"You heard?"

"With the way she screamed I think everyone in Kaduna heard you two fight".

"Okay, let's study".

I smile.


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