* Chapter Five *

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"Why didn't we just bring Ikram along?" I ask Ghaffar as he knocked the door.

"She needs to study Aleema, we need to give her some space".

I huff "Can you at least help her with economics? You're great at it".


The door opens revealing Zayyad's wife, Zainab.
"Ghaffar, what a surprise" she says sarcastically.

One of the reasons Zainab and I don't get along is because she's Ghaffar's cousin and since most of his family members don't like me, she doesn't too.

"Where is he?" he asks walking in.
She follows behind him without saying a word to me.

Zayyad is Ghaffar's age mate, he's 35years and Zainab is a year older than both men.

"He's taking a bath, I'll call him" she walks upstairs.

We sit side by side.
"Why are you always pushing this girl on me neh?" he asks a bit frustrated.

"I want her to feel welcomed and loved".
"And we're doing that but I'm starting to feel suffocated. You always want me helping her with things, I'm not an errand boy Aleema".

"Im sorry, I didn't know you took it that way"

"It's just that she has no one else, I want to be there for her. Just please bear with me for a few more weeks".

"Okay but that's it".
"Agreed. Thanks" I hug him.

Zainab and I were in her room watching and eating without saying a word to each other. Ghaffar told me to try making conversation but he doesn't know how difficult she can really be.

"So have you taken the driving lessons already?" I ask.

"Aleema you're the only one depending on your husband to drive you".

"Why do you have to be rude? It was just a question".

She yawns "Can I just watch in peace".
"I thought you changed".

"What? How? I haven't seen or talked to you since your wedding, how would you know if I changed or not".

"We spoke last week, on the phone. When he wanted to---" she cuts me off.

"Now you're even dreaming about receiving phone calls from me? I didn't talk to you".

I look at her confused. "Didn't you call last week because Zayyad asked you to relay a message Ghaffar?"

She shakes her head "Nope, unfortunately for you it wasn't me".

She continues watching.
So if it wasn't Zainab then who could it be? Now that I think about it, it didn't sound like her voice. But I know that voice, I just don't know who it belongs to.

She looks at me and smirks.


I know it might be nothing but I keep having this iffy feeling and making me doubt my husband even though I'm trying not to.

So immediately he enters the bathroom I go to Ikram's room to ask for advice. I know with the time Ghaffar takes bathing I have at least 30minutes to do what I have to.

I enter and find her in a very short, kind of transparent, silky night gown.

"I need to talk to you"
She jumps surprised to see me in her room.

"What are you doing in here?" She asks picking up her robe to cover up.

"It's fine I don't mind what you're wearing" I say back.
She looks at me even more surprised than she did when she saw me come in. "You're fine with me dressing like this? In your house?"

"Yes it's not a problem".
"Thanks" she smiles.

"Anyway I have a bigger problem".
"What is it?" She grabs my hands and sits me down next to her on the bed.

"I think Ghaffar is cheating on me and I think it's someone that I know"

"Oh god!" she says looking heartbroken " I can't believe this".

"I know right".
"Have you confronted him?" she asks.

"No. I know a confrontation might not be the best right now".
"No. You have to confront him, now. If you don't he'll keep taking advantage of you".

I nod.
"You have to stand your ground, okay?"

I nod and walk out hurriedly.


He walks out bare like he usually does "Towel" he asks but I didn't even look at him.

"Fine then" he picks it up.

He knows I'm angry but he doesn't say a word or even ask how I feel.
"You're not going to ask?"

"You'll tell me when you're done" he says rummaging through the wardrobe.

"Really? When I'm done? Is that something you tell someone you love? Your wife?"

He pulls out his sweatpants and a vest. "Since you're going to keep behaving this way, I'll just sleep in another room".

I stand "What? You're leaving when—". He cuts me off.

"—I'm really not in the mood for all this now. I have a migraine and I need to take my pills and sleep, I don't have time for your NAGGING" he walks out and slams the door.



I come out of the laundry room with a clean duvet and walk downstairs. With Ikram in the other room I have no other choice but to sleep in the living room and I prefer sleeping in the main living room than mine, so that's where I went.

I fluff the pillow and lie down.
I know I'm no Saint but I have no patience to listen to Aleema right now.

After finding out Zainab and Zayyad are headed for a divorce I don't think I can sleep today.

The two have them have been dating for 8years and they are about to throw it all down the drain.

In this century what's marriage?
When you feel lonely, empty you get married? What about what comes with it?
Patience, Love, Tolerance, Care and alot more. But divorce has become so normal now.
Our people have this sudden mentality about being westernized so much so that they go against their religions for things like gender equality, gayness/lesbianism and other stupid, insensible trash just so they can matter.
Its disheartening.

"Can't sleep?"

I open my eyes and see Ikram standing over me. I abruptly sit up.

"What are you doing here?"
She crosses her arms "I can't sleep and I thought maybe I'd just watch, I decided to come to this living room because I don't want to go to the one upstairs and wake you up and then i see you here".

I smile "I needed to breathe, sit" I say and she sits next to me even though there were 3 other chairs to sit on.

"I know you're stressed, it's obvious and understandable. So if you don't mind can I use the car meant for Aleema?"

"Wait, you can drive?"
"Of course, it's important to learn how to drive so as not to burden people with driving you. It's selfish".

I nod "That's great. You can use the car since it's obvious that Aleema will never drive it. She's so clingy she wants to be everywhere with me" I sigh "Sorry, I shouldn't be telling you such things".

"Don't worry I understand. Like I said, she's lucky"

I yawn "I should let you sleep". She says standing.


She stands.
And that was when I really noticed what she was wearing. A silk night gown, something I'd like to see Aleema in. The robe barely covered her night gown.

Seeing Ikram this way has made me see Ikram in a different light, totally different. She's not a child and she's an amazing human being, inside and outside.

"Goodnight" she smiles and walks away.
I just sat down watching her rare view as she walked away.

It might not be the best idea for her to stay here.


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