Distraction (Katsumi x reader)

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You flopped down on the chair in your kitchen, Mentally groaning and eyeing your boyfriend with a dirty look.

You'd been together for quite some time now.

You knew about his past, though were okay with it and now the two of you were living together.

He'd been busy what with taking over the dojo for his dad. So what was the first thing he wanted to do when he got home?

Not you.

Your Ps4. (Or xbox I don't have a favorite lol.)

And it was the first thing he'd do when he got home -_-

You'd been trying to think of ways to pull him away from the screen.

"Ā, baishunpu o kuso!!!!"

(Oh you fucking whore!!!!)

This made you jump and look over at the man.

Glancing at the screen, you walked up behind him.

Un-noticed of course.

Rainbow six siege.

Of course.

You glanced over at your bedroom door, a small light bulb going off i your mind making you smirk.


Katsumi had been pretty focused on his game though somewhere in the back of his mind he could register the sound of heels clicking against the floor.

It was then you came into view, the keys jingling as you plucked them up from the small table beside him.

He glanced at you, however his eyes shot back, doing a double take.

He glanced at you, however his eyes shot back, doing a double take

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"Uh, where you goin' babe?"

You smiled innocently.

"Just out with friends."

You lied.

Katsumi spoke into his head set.

"Hey guys hold up a minute I gotta go."

Your smile grew wider.


He tossed his headset down on the coffee table.

"Dressed like that? I think the fuck not."

You batted your eyes innocently.

"Hm? What's the matter with it?"

"What's the matter with it- hold up- hold the fuck up- are you not wearing underwear?????"

You smiled sheepishly, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Well no, you could see the lining through it."

"Nope...Nope, nope, nope- Fuck no- go change."

You smiled and stuck your tongue out at him.



"Make me."

Grinning you started walking towards the door.

Before you had time to react he'd picked you up, tossing you unceremoniously over his shoulder.

He landed a harsh smack to your butt making you squeal.

"You wanna act like a damn brat? Fine then."

You couldn't help but giggle, as he hoisted you off towards the bedroom.

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