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Riley and Aidan arrived at Caroline's house shortly after, and this time a young woman in casual clothes opened the door.

"Good morning, Mr Cooper," she greeted. "Come on in, Mrs Perry is waiting for you."

She let the two men through the mudroom and the living room, disappearing in the corridor.

A moment later Caroline appeared in her place; she was wearing leggings and an oversized grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up, her hair was in a neat ponytail and her light makeup impeccable.

"Sorry gentlemen, Edward and I lost track of time on our ride," she gestured to her outfit as if being caught in casual clothing was an affront. "Come through, I'll have Maria bring coffee to my study."

The three walked through the now more familiar corridor to Caroline's office. Through the glass door the voices of children playing cheered the atmosphere. Riley looked outside the window where Edward and another young boy were throwing a rugby ball.

"We'll have coffee and biscuits in here, Maria," Caroline called to wherever the maid had disappeared to before closing the door behind her and sitting at her desk.

Riley and Aidan settled themselves on the two comfortable chairs in front of the woman.

Riley took the USB stick from the pocket of his leather jacket and slid it through the wooden desk. "It'll make for an interesting reading," he said with a satisfied smile.

Caroline took the stick and secured it in the top drawer of her desk as Maria entered carrying a tray of coffee with some biscuits on a plate.

"Leave it on the table there please," Caroline instructed. "Thank you, Maria. Can you please make sure Edward showers for dinner before you leave?" she smiled.

The girl nodded and muttered an of course before leaving the room.

"Did you have any problems finding the information?" the woman asked, walking to the little coffee table to the other end of the studio.

Riley followed her with his eyes as he spoke. "No, I don't think so."

Caroline filled the last cup of coffee and nodded, appreciatively.

"Milk, sugar?" she asked Riley.

The man shook his head.

Caroline took two mugs and handed them to the men, then went back for hers and carried it to the desk. "I heard Mr Cormack died this week. A domestic accident apparently," she said. "Quite a stroke of bad luck, isn't it?"

Her eyes didn't leave Riley's.

"Do you believe it might not have been an accident?" Aidan asked the woman and Riley rolled his eyes internally. Obviously, they had discussed this before and had both agreed Cormack had been murdered, so this poorly acted show was only for his own benefit.

Thanks for the ambush, cous.

"Do you believe in coincidences, Riley?" she asked casually, but the blood chilled in his veins.

Caroline didn't trust him. She could read right through his bullshit.

"No, I don't," he said, his tone serious.

The woman nodded as if he had just confirmed her suspicions.

Riley looked at Aidan and found him staring back. He wondered what was going through his cousin's mind. Had he brought him there to corner him? Did he believe him or agreed with Caroline's mistrust?

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