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Riley, Aidan and Alice arrived at Caroline's house and as they rang the bell Edward appeared behind the glass door as if on Sundays the child was on door duties.

The boy's face fell into a small frown as he saw Alice then lifted when his eyes fell on Riley to eventually bright up in a grin as he greeted Aidan and led his guests into the living room.

"Mum says you're staying for dinner today!" Edward said excitedly.

"Yeah, buddy, I am," confirmed Aidan, tousling the boy's hair.

"Oh, hello everyone," Caroline said as she appeared from the kitchen in a pair of jeans and a tan jumper, a white apron tied around her waist.

"Hello, Caroline, thank you for inviting me over," Alice offered behind a demure smile.

"Yeah, same," Riley chirped in. "Whatever it is you're cooking, it smells delicious."

"I helped with pudding!" Edward declared with an accomplished grin.

Caroline gave the boy a loving smile as she stroked his black hair."And I'm sure it's delicious."

She then looked back at the guests. "It's another thirty minutes before dinner, why don't you take a seat and I'll pour some wine?"

They all sat on the sofa, appreciatively as Caroline busied herself with a bottle of wine.

"Edward go finish your homework, I'll call you when dinner is ready," she ordered, and the boy disappeared in the corridor with a heavy sigh.

"So, Alice," Caroline started. "Have you looked at any wedding dresses?"

Alice glanced at Aidan before replying. "Actually no, not yet. Thanks," she took the glass of wine from Caroline's hands. "I will start looking with my mother when I go back to New York."

"Alice and I are going together after Christmas," Aidan explained.

And Caroline looked at him a moment too long before saying, "How nice. What about you, Riley? Any nice plans for Christmas and New Year?" she asked then.

Riley cleared his throat. "I think I'll go see my parents for Christmas day and then maybe do something with a couple of old friends from the base for New Year's. Nothing settled yet, though," he sipped his wine. "What about you?" he queried politely.

"I always have the family over for the holidays, a literal invasion," she chuckled.

They all chatted for a little longer and dragged their conversations over to dinner. As they all sat around the table perfectly set with a white cotton table cloth and matching napkins, white and blue porcelain and silver cutlery, Riley felt like he was living in a parallel universe.

They all passed around bowls of roasted potatoes and gravy, poured more wine and conversed cordially as if they had been friends for years and not a motley crew of terrorists, secret agents and... well whatever Riley was. Nevertheless, he put on his best charming hat and continued the conversation, smiling and agreeing when necessary.

"Edward grab a plate and help me clear in," Caroline ordered as the last spoon of chocolate devil cake disappeared from their plates.

"I'll help you too," Alice ffered.

"Thank you, darling," Caroline replied.

As the two collected some plates and made for the kitchen, Alice performed one of her best eye rolls that was only for Riley to see. He choked his smirk in a glass of wine.

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