In Which He Loved Him

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Just a quick throw out, this is a songfic to the song 'When She Loved Me'.


It was a quiet morning in the Yamada home. Neither the loud blonde that lived there or the medium sized dog laying at the end if the bed bothered to get up.

When somebody love me, everything was beautiful. Every hour spent together, when he loved me...

Yamada stayed awake thinking of the times when he was younger. The time he spent together with his bestfriend, Shota Aizawa.

"Come on Sho! We are going to be late!" The young Hizashi yellef as he pulled the young Shota along after him.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" The tired teen yelled as he was drug.

And when he was sad, I was there to dry her tears...

"How is it supposed to get better Hizashi! We promised to be heroes together! A trio isn't a duo!" The young Shota yelled as tears streamed down his face.

The two were sitting beside a bed in suits looking nice.

"We still have to push on, for Oboro... Okay Shota?" The blonde rose his hands to Shota's face and wiped the tears from his eyes. He pulled the other into a hug, a few tears falling himself.

And when he was happy, so was I. When he loved me...

"Okay! That movie was insane!" Hizashi yelled as he turned to Shota with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"Yes, you kept screaming and I had a leach." Shota sent a playful glare with a smile as he nudged the blonde.

"Hey! The jump scares were good yo!"

Yamada smiled as a small tear fell from his eyes as he remembered current events that were going on.

Through the summer and the fall, we had eachother and that was all. Just he and I together, like as if it was ment to be...

"I'm a little nervous Hizashi." Shota rubbed his arm as the two walked towards a rollercoaster.

"Come on Sho! It won't be that bad! Please!? You know I'm going to be gone for the next month!" Hizashi tried coaxing him towards the ride.

"Oh alright."

And when he was lonely, I was their to comfort him, and I knew he loved me...

"Hizashi, can I stay the night? I don't want to be alone tonight..." It was years later and Shota arrived at Hizashi's front door, the rain poured, soaking him.

"Of course! Come on, get in here! I'll go get you a towel and some clothes! Go ahead head up to my bedroom!" Hizashi tucked his hair behind his ear as he ushered Shota into his house. "You should have called me and I would have answered! You know I don't sleep!"

"I know, and thank you 'Zashi..." Shota trailed off as he hugged the blonde tight burying his facing into his chest.

Hizashi simply wrapped his arms tight around Shota holding him close.

As the years went by, I stayed the same, but he started to drift away...

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